Chapter 106: NPC

Jin Yuyan and the others were all leveled up in the last few days, she had never seen Axie since then. A part of her kept looking for her and a part of her is confused.

She had been trying to figure out, what was happening to her but she couldn't conclude. Even in real life she still can't get her off her mind.

"*sigh* are you not tired of running around my mind" she mumbled as she saw her eyes in her mind

"You're driving me crazy" she whispered

"Really!?" a voice sounded behind her

Jin Yuyan got scared and looked behind her "Yah, you scared me" she said frowning

Lu Xie giggled "Sorry, you told me I was driving you crazy can I ask why?" she asked softly

Jin Yuyan was caught off guard by her question and just look away unnaturally.

"It's nothing," she said

Lu Xie then sat beside her and accompany her, she kept quiet making the atmosphere awkward. Jin Yuyan fidgetting for a while then looks at the person beside her.

"W...where have you been these past few days?" Jin Yuyan asked

"Hmm, I was just running around from place to place" Lu Xie answered

Jin Yuyan thought maybe it was because she was an NPC but why does she feel like she was a player? She was not sure but she hopes she is.

"Why did you miss me" Lu Xie looked at her smiling

Jin Yuyan blushed and didn't meet her eyes it was so embarrassing "No," she denied

"Oh really, earlier you told me I was driving you crazy" Lu Xie teased

"I...I wasn't talking about you" Jin Yuyan also denied

"Oh, I see, then maybe it was her who miss me then" Lu Xie smirked

Jin Yuyan instantly frowned when she heard someone else miss her, she looked at her angrily "If you knew then why are you here" she said with a hint of jealousy

Lu Xie was amused by her and laughed inwardly "Oh my, are you jealous" she smirked

"Why would I?" Jin Yuyan sneered

Lu Xie giggled and hugged her.

"Don't hug me" Jin Yuyan struggled to get free from her hug but to no avail

"Hahahah don't be jealous I was just teasing you" Lu Xie laughed

"Hmph" Jin Yuyan snorted and stop struggling

Lu Xie hugged her in her arms 'Hmm, seems like my future lover is the jealous type hehehe' she thought

Jin Yuyan ignores her and checks her status and other system function in the game.

They both stayed there for a long time until Jin Yuyan felt something heavy on her back, she turned her head and saw the woman leaning against her was asleep.

She gently held her head and put it on her shoulder so she can sleep more comfortably. Lu Xie subconsciously rubbed her head against her shoulder and continue to sleep

Jin Yuyan felt cute and held the hand hugging her waist, then she saw the ring in their hands, and her face turned red.

They seem like a wife and wife on vacation.

Jin Yuyan sighed, slowly the wind blew past them, and the hood covering Axie's head was blown off. She was stunned to see her beautiful black raven hair and beautiful face.

Her hands subconsciously touched her face as if memorizing, she was mesmerized her eyes made an impact on her now she saw her face, it was even more beautiful.

"What have you done to me?" Jin Yuyan whispered

Lu Xie was sleeping peacefully and didn't know what her future girlfriend is doing.

After a few minutes,

Lu Xie woke up refreshed and saw Jin Yuyan looking at her with obsession. She smiled "Yanyan good afternoon" she greeted

Jin Yuyan smiled and out of nowhere, she pinch both her cheeks and kissed her.

Lu Xie was stunned for a while and then respond.

Jin Yuyan felt her tears running down her cheeks and pulled the kiss after she felt breathless then looked at her.

"Axie your mine now, so you better not fall for anyone else," she said coldly while she gripped her cloak

Lu Xie was not sure why she suddenly got possessive but she nodded obediently which earned her another kiss.

"Good" Jin Yuyan sat on her lap and hugged her

Earlier, when Lu Xie was asleep she also unconsciously fell asleep and dreamed of something.

She saw that she was in a different worlds, she took over a body and went through what was destined for her. But then there's this person who always comes into her life.

Making her happy, giving her everything she wants, and spoiling her. She watched intently and listen to their conversations until she repeatedly heard the name Lu Xie countless times.

In all her previous life, she had always met and been with Lu Xie even they both had little cubs they were together at the end of their life.

The last dream was that it was in the last world when she is holding Axie's hand whose laying on the bed.

"Don't worry my love, I'll look and wait for you in my next life" Axie said and breath one last time

Jin Yuyan woke up at the end and was breathing fast as she looked at the woman beside her. Tears fall down her cheeks and she pinches both cheeks and kissed her lips.

"Thank you for waiting for me my Axie" she whispered


Jin Yuyan, Yuyu, and her teammates went to the Unforeseen Forest to finish the quest.



They have been trying to infiltrate in slowly since they are also raising their levels. For a whole day they played and they are halfway through.


"Wow, getting deeper and the monster also gets stronger," Fred said as he wiped his sweats

"Well she did say that it's going to be hard" Ben added

"Let's rest, for now, I'm tired let's continue tomorrow" Yuyu suggest as she sat on the ground

"Yeah, alright see you guys tomorrow" Zena waved and log out

"Nee-chan what about you?" Yuyu asked seeing her not speaking

Jin Yuyan smiled "You go back first there's something I need to do" she softly

"Okay, be careful nee-chan" Yuyu nodded and lod out

After they all log out, Jin Yuyan pressed the teleportation in her status and she disappears from her place.