Chapter 107: NPC

Jin Yuyan appeared in a courtyard, seeing her lover sitting near a stone chair she rushed into her.

Lu Xie noticed her and opened her arms where she rush "My my aha did you miss me my love" she said softly

Jin Yuyan nodded and then kissed her "I love you Axie," she said as she pulled the kiss

"I love you too" Lu Xie smiled and patted her head

Since the day, Jin Yuyan knew about her dream she had already made Lu Xie her girlfriend. And the decision was the best, her dreams were true and now she was being spoiled whenever she was with her.

"Honey, you have been playing for almost 2 days straight you should rest," Lu Xie said softly

When they got together, Jin Yuyan spend 2 whole days in the game and it was not good for her body.

Jin Yuyan shook her head "No I don't want to" she refuse to leave her alone here and she was also lonely there

"Honey, please I'm worried about your health" Lu Xie said distressed

Jin Yuyan looked at her and bit her lower lip "I don't want to leave you" she said in a low tone

"Don't worry honey, you can always come back and I'll be waiting for you here. So please honey log out now" Lu Xie coaxed

Jin Yuyan bit her lower lip and kissed her for a few minutes, "Then I'll see you tomorrow" she said softly

"Yes see you tomorrow my love" Lu Xie hugged her

Jin Yuyan reluctantly press the log-out button and then looked at her lover hugging her before disappearing.

"My my she's quite clingy" a man's voice sounded after she was gone

"Daddy, please take care of her there until I find a way to go back," Lu Xie said softly

"Of course, anything for my princess," he said pampering

"Thank you daddy" Lu Xie grinned


Outside the game,

Jin Yuyan removed the helmet of the VR and stared blankly at her surrounding, she sighed hard and got out of bed then went to eat.

Her sister had already eaten and is sleeping for class tomorrow. She cooked some simple food and then ate it. She went back to her room and lay on the bed listlessly, when she was in the game her lover would hug her to sleep.

Her eyes subconsciously look at her finger and saw no ring, she felt panicked and immediately got out of bed and search for her ring. Then she stops and remembers that she only has the ring in the game.

Which made her uncomfortable, her eyes were blank, and tried reaching out for the VR helmet but stop midway.

"I miss you" she whispered before she buried her head in her pillow before she slept lightly

The next day,

She woke up and made breakfast for her sister before she went back to bed and put on the helmet. She was excited to see her baby again after a long night.

"Welcome back player" the mechanical voice sounded

Jin Yuyan smiled when she opened her eyes, she saw the golden eyes looking at her tenderly.

"Welcome back honey" Lu Xie greeted her warmly

Jin Yuyan immediately hugged her and couldn't help but think that she missed her a lot.

"I miss you" she whispers

"I miss you too" Lu Xie patted her head

"What had you been doing while I'm gone?" Jin Yuyan asked as she look into her eyes

"Waiting for you, my dear" Lu Xie said honestly

Jin Yuyan smiled satisfied and rubbed her head against her chest "Good, you better thought of me when I'm gone" she said

"I'm always thinking of you" Lu Xie kissed her forehead

Jin Yuyan couldn't stop smiling ear to ear and just wished this time would stop forever.

"Aren't you going to join Yuyu and the others?" Lu Xie asked softly

"They're at school today, maybe they'll play after school" Jin Yuyan answered a little lazy

"Well then stay with me before they came and get you away" Lu Xie licked her earlobes sensually

Jin Yuyan felt shivers run down her spine, and her face blushed hard.

"Wha... What are you talking about" she stuttered

Lu Xie smiled ambiguously and pinch her chin then kissed her lips, her hands crawling their way onto her waist.

Jin Yuyan moaned inside her mouth her face was beet red and her hands gripped her cloak. She felt a little breathless so she pulls away.

"Haaa...haa...haa" she tried to catch her breath

Lu Xie smiled "Relax honey" she whispered

Jin Yuyan looked at her pouting angrily.

"Cute" Lu Xie pinched her cheeks softly

"Your mean" Jin Yuyan pouted

Lu Xie giggled "Sorry, baby but you look so cute," she said teasingly

Jin Yuyan smiled and then peak her lips "Axie, let's go and travel here I want to level up and get some loots" she suggest

"As you wish" Lu Xie nodded and both took off

Lu Xie took her to places she had been and even pretended to assist her so she can get more contributions. Since they are partied whoever has the highest amount of contributions will be in the first place.




Jin Yuyan swung her sword as we made our way inside the dungeon.


"Good work honey," Lu Xie said with a smile but she felt like a person who needed protection

Jin Yuyan smiled "Are you, okay baby? You are not hurt right?" she asked softly

Lu Xie shook her head, how can she be hurt if she has the power to kill any mobs she wants?

"Good, now stay behind me and follow me" Jin Yuyan held her hand as they both walked

'Why is our role reversed?' Lu Xie thought

[Pfftt, ahahahahaha this is so funny you usually do the hard work] Ali laughed

'Boo it's quite frustrating'

[Dont worry host you'll be able to get your role when you're awake]

'Hope so, I'm not used to being protected'

Ali just giggled


"And sold" Xu Syun was grinning ear to ear when he sold the artifacts he has at a high price

He earned about 50,000,000 million dollars in just a single piece of armor.

"Hahahaha I'm rich if I had known this earlier before I would have been so rich" He laughed like a madman

He was busy all week getting the armor and selling it through an auction which will pay higher. After successfully getting the armor he was so happy.

He enhances it and sold after he got the money he felt tired and went to bed for the rest of day and goes exploring again and leveling up again when he woke up.

Xu Syun didn't know that he is not taking care of himself in real life and was just busy making money.