Training [2]

"The meditation session is very important for your training".

"Unlike normal humans, superhumans gain even more from meditation".

"It helps hone concentration, our control over contracted beasts, and it even improves discipline to prioritize and stop certain things like now".

"When you start meditating to a high enough level, you won't be carried away by your training again. You'll know when to train and when to stop".

"Remember, rest is also an essential part of training".

"Most importantly, meditation helps in honing and increasing our Summoner energy, it is the most efficient way to recover and draw in mana".

"Without learning how to utilize your Summoner energy smartly, you can never become a great Summoner".

"Now, imitate my actions". Legolas took the lead for Christensen.

"Yes Master".

Legolas sat down cross-legged before focusing and closing his eyes. Christensen imitated him and they just stayed like that for the next 1 minute.