Training; the art of tracking [1]


With his eyes closed in meditation, Christensen viewed his white Summoner energy moving energetically in wavelengths like the flowing waves of a rowdy sea.

The more he focused, the clearer the flowing white energy became.

After a few more minutes of silence and concentration, he suddenly concentrated harder, forming a hand with his will. In this strange ethereal world, with the hand that he formed, he grabbed his white summoner energy.

Then, starting slowly, Christensen rotated his Summoner energy in a clockwise direction. It was very slow at first but the rotation soon picked speed.

After an indeterminate time of rotation, Christensen smiled then he clenched the hand that he formed, compressing his white Summoner energy into a ball shape. He soon started morphing it in different shapes.

This was the sign of his current great mastery over his Summoner energy.