[Bonus chapter]The true power of the Wan Dragon Bloodline; Din the Dragon Rider!

The whole Tower shook as it seemed like an earthquake was imminent.

Outside the tower, all the fighting stopped, even the battle between King Nagakin and Master Leon as the both of them turned to look at the statue in shock.

Despite their different secrets about the true significance of the Dragon Tower, none of them were aware of the reason for the sudden shake.


The next moment, a mighty power erupted from within the Dragon Tower.

Apart from a certain young warrior, every other warrior that remained inside the tower was flattened into a bloody mess by the powerful red energy that spread across the tower. The next moment, the tower was set ablaze.

The flames burned so hot that even a Grade C superhuman would be scalded but despite the heat, the Dragon Tower was unscathed in the fire.

The outward reaction was already shocking, what went on inside was even more shocking. Inside, Din was the center of attention.