4 vs 1; an Epic Showdown!

"Stones' Specialty: Obliteration Fist!"



Once again, the sound reverberated like exploding dominoes even as literally all the bones on the Orc's body made cracking sounds.

Orc Warlord Zeke coughed blood in large quantities as he flew through the air like a crashed airplane after being smashed by another of Jon Stones's fist.

The force accompanying this fist obliterated everything that was on its path.

Compared to the first time that Jon Stones used this ability, it's effects on the terrain were much more pronounced. Not just that, with 2 arms on each side now, each Obliteration Fist came with even more venom.

Levitating in the skies, Black Master Einstein and Clown watched the development below with grave looks on their faces as their massive brains rapidly calculated in a bid to arrive at countermeasures.

They barely arrived at any conclusion when Jon Stones attacked again.

"Special Pugilist Ability: Vacuum Push!"