Need for speed and urgency

"Army Commander, another invasion force has entered our planet".

Legolas' eyes widened in shock as one of the high-ranking Grade D warriors in his army reported this to him. "Inform Vice Commander Christensen to take charge of the army while I'm gone, I'll be back".

'Another invasion force, what is their plan?'

Different thoughts and speculations filled his mind about the reason for this 2nd invasion force but Legolas did not let this make him stay idle.

Legolas dared not hesitate, he called for all his beasts.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning

You have activated active ability: Summoner Energy Manipulation


For the first time since getting Warp Prime, Legolas got prepared to go to a possibly real battle taking every single one of his beasts along.

All 4 of his contracted beasts and their Spirit Beasts were summoned.