The Old Monsters

The blowing wind was fast and cold.

'I last stepped into these badlands centuries ago'. Shanks thought.

'Then, I was still hotblooded, willing to go every length to prove my strength'.

'Hehe…' He chuckled in his mind.

As he stepped deeper into the deepest and most unchartered regions of the North, the President of Planet Darvis had flashbacks to his youth. He remembered his youth when everything was so simple and he didn't have to care so much.

He remembered then when he didn't have any responsibilities.

Then, he could do anything and get away with it.

With the royal family ruling the Planet the way that they wanted, as a hotblooded Superhuman, he went out seeking adventures to prove his power.

Of course, the hot-blooded Jon Stones started it. Back then when the Ancestors were still around, aiding the royal family, Jon Stones had no considerations about creating an organization then as he solely sought adventure.