O1- No Photograph attached!

Razia Raihan personally went through the CV of the drivers. Even if a driver position sounds insignificant but to Mrs. Razia, it is rather a radical issue.

She regards a driver as one of the precious employees. Because from her standpoint, a driver will accompany her son on the dangerous roads of the busiest city of this country as in her sons' life will be at this persons' hand!

So she is scouring for certain skills aside from precise driving competency. Who can act upon the odd circumstances and make a safe exit? That's her prior expectation.

And there it was!

The CV caught her eyes.

She saw a CV first time ever which has no photograph attached! And by first it truly is as far as she remembers!

Because usually everyone applying for a job would attach a formal appropriate-sized picture of them on the front page of a CV and it is sort of a decree.

She took the CV and went through it from first to last. The more she checks out the pieces, the more amazement she feels.

The CV itself prevails such a prestigious professional career,  what on earth this person is thinking about applying for a driver position while it seems he can easily be suited in a managerial or team lead position?

Noticing her interest in that one, her assistant said-

: He is overqualified for this job.

: He sure is! (She responded while lost in thought)

: Probably he just needs a job promptly and will move as soon as he gets a better opportunity!

: Hmmm...might it be the truth!

After putting the CV aside separately they scoured through the rest. Mrs. Razia stretched herself while standing after a long sitting period.

: Mr. Azam, please invite the selected people at their earliest convenience.

: Yes, of course, Madam.

: And please check with my schedule while you adjust the interview date.

: Pardon? You will be on the interview board?

: Certainly!

A couple of days later, Razia received the final interview list. And she found no name of Fahmi Kaiser. Later she casually asked her assistant why he was left out. Azam replied he couldn't get through his phone.

Later Mrs. Razia herself personally made an effort to reach Fahmi out. No luck there either!

Just in case she wrote an email and send it to him. "Guess your fate is not entangled with us Fahmi!" she murmured. "You made me all curious and disappeared on me! That's rather rude, boy!" she added with another long sigh.

She leaned back in her chair. Wondering if she is being overly conscious of such trivial matters as Azam says.

But then again, it is her only son. Since her husband Amzad Raihan has passed away, Rafsan is all she has. Yes, she does has a daughter as well, which is why she tends to be more rigorous and scrupulous about anything regarding Rafsan.

A rich, beautiful widow with a young daughter, this society would rip them off at any given chance if Rafsan was not there for both of them.

Needless to say, she is very thorough when it comes to anything about her son. She adores and respects him.

Her son is her pride, her ornament, a gem that always shines bright.

: Ammu (Mother)

Her heart filled with tenderness the moment she heard that sound!

: Rafa! (she almost went running)

: Heyyy! Look out. What happened? Everything alright?

: Yes very much! You didn't say you were stopping by! (She said as they entered inside)

: Ahh well! I was passing by and was hungry. Thought I would drop by and check on you.

: Oh great! Then let's have dinner when Reina arrives.

: What she is still out!

: Yes, you know her friends ...

Their small talk went on.

Razia Raihan always thanks god and her husband for giving her such a son and wonders what has she done to deserve such a precious soul as her son.