02- The Interview

Fahmi is running!

Almost running with his life!

: "Heaven heaven heaven!!! Oh dear Lord, please let me make it in time!"

He is literally crying out loud while running under the summer sun! Due to the heavy traffic, he became anxious just waiting inside the tin-can fuggy bus. He has no regard for turning into the interview looking all ragged and panting like a dog!

: Almost there! oh lord, please let me make it! This is my dream job! After such a long time I found something I am longing for so long...please, please!

Mr. Azam is organizing the documents while Rafsan said to her mother-

: Ammu! Don't you think the board was unnecessarily grim for a personal-driver's interview?

She laughed! And Azam replied from her side-

: Your mother thinks she not just choosing a driver, she is recruiting a live life-jacket for you!

They laughed together once again together.

: "Seriously, Ammu. Stop exaggerating everything. I am just a random company man, not a ministry of Parliament or something! And I don't have any asserted enemy as well."

She smiled fondly.

: "I know hon! I am grateful to God and thanks to you that you grew up to be such a fine gentleman!"

: "And you do accept that everything right now is because it is you Ammu." Rafsan said kissing over the top of her mother's head.

: Well then Mr. Azam, I putting then the rest to your care. Let's go for lunch for now! (Said Mrs. Razia while leaving the hall with her son)

Nobody noticed Assistant Azam's eyes darkened while witnessing such child-parent affection. He cursed inside his head! "Damnation to that bi*ch! After so many years of devotion, still I am just an assistant to her!"

Though Azam thought nobody noticed, no chance of missing Razia's eagle eyes.

She noticed.

Of course, Razia Raihan is no conventional texture-less woman. She is in this industry for over a decade now and had to encounter all kinds of nasty sides there it is.

Needless to say, she is well aware of Azam's intention. Though she is not quite certain what he desires, she did perceive that Azam desires a shred of sovereignty at least of what they possess.

She has yet to infer in which way he is attempting to intrude.

: "He has been a lot of help since the beginning. When Rafsan was still a kid, he assisted me the most amidst those dreadful, parched days of my life! It will feel awful if he betrays!" She thought in her head while walking down the hallway.


At that heavy sound, Razia looked only to find out her fallen son on the floor and another man who bumped also sitting on the opposite Rafsan! Before she reacts, that person responds promptly.

: Oh dear lord! I am so very sorry. Are you alright? I was in a rush for the interview. ( While he tried to check if Rafsan was hurt anywhere)

: Hey pal, calm down, will ya!

: Oh... um... I am sorry. Di...did I hurt you somewhere?

: I am fine. It is alright. ( He stood up!) Ammu, Shall we?

The mother and son felt like they were caught in a whirlwind!

: Are you by any chance "Fahmi"? (Mrs. Razia asked)

The person who was still sitting on the floor as if all of a sudden his all haste disappeared! He looked at her with big wide eyes-

: Uhm...yes I am! (He seemed puzzled for a moment) Ohh... perhaps are you Razia Madam!? (He sprung from the floor, trying to fix his disheveled appearance.)

She sort of felt like laughing out loud at his stances but refrained from putting herself under a professional mask.

: Yes I am! This is my son, Rafsan. The interview has ended!

: Oh...um. I see. I guess I am super late! hahaha! (Fahmi scratched his head trying to laugh it off)

: But I would still like to have a session with you if that's okay. (Mrs. Razia said with a gentle smile)

: Ahh...you would! (He smiled brightly. Mrs. Razia loved that bright, honest smile. She believes a smile foretells a lot about an individual's personality )

: Well then! Would you like to have lunch with us!?

Both males gave her a very confused look with the same reaction!

: Ha!?? (Rafsan)

: Pardon!? (Fahmi)