Something is seriously wrong (Edited)

Amy finished setting up herself, clad in blue jeans, ripped at the thighs with a green cropped turtle neck and blue bandana with green sneakers. Yep, her free noon with Lucy.

She left her room, skipping happily. Even the sight of the annoying four monsters didn't dampen her mood. "Hey, hey, where are you going?"

Amy's steps came to a halt; she gripped her monkey bag tightly. "Since when did it concern you?"

Jeff furrowed his brows. "The butler is out so it's my concern."

Amy fixed a loose strand of her hair. "I didn't know it concerned you?" she asked looking at him seriously.

Jeff stood up and stretched himself. "Of course it concerns me, when you report to the butler who do you think the butler reports to? Huh?"

Amy pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, was she doing this seriously? "Okay, fine, I am going to the amusement park, any problem with that?"

Jeff looked taken aback or maybe he was faking it. "Oh, I just wanted you to know that there is going to be a party at the villa tomorrow, you needed to…look decent."

She yawning and closed her mouth. "Remind me again why I should care?"

Jeff's grey pupils dilated. "Because the party will be held here?"

That wasn't great news, she could only imagine a hundred people like him, wait. "Why, I thought I wasn't supposed to be 'known' hmm?"

Running his hands through his hair he sighed. "Just go where you were going." He turned his back on her and she continued walking. "Amandla, wait." She stopped and turned to glare at him.

"Is there something wrong with you?" she shouted.

Swiftly, he was standing before her, now that was scary. "Yes, there is." He took out his phone and showed her a pic of man. "I want you to be honest with me, do you know this man?"

Several veins popped in Amy's head. "No," she denied and looked up at him in the eye. "I don't, so stop bothering me!" she was about to storm away when he gripped her hand tight, hurting her in the process. Her eyes widened as she refused to let the pain be visible in her face.

"I am talking to you Amy and just because I am lenient with you doesn't mean you can treat me the way you want to."

Amy ground her teeth and stared at him right in his eyes. "You're hurting me, Jeff Williams."

A cold freaky smile crept to his face. "Amy, I want answers."

To say that she wasn't horrified was a mistake, this, this person before her emitted weird vibes, he, he wasn't the Jeff she knew. "I…I don't know him," she stuttered much to her surprise.

"Amy, don't taste my patience." From the way he was calling her name, she just saw danger, she could almost feel her knees wobbling. And who was this man that he was referring to?

She cleared her dry throat. "I have never seen him, I swear."

He released her hand and where he had touched appeared faint pinkish. "You will not leave this house today." He turned to walk back in the living room.

"Wait, what? You can't do that to me? I am not your prisoner!" what did he say?

Jeff didn't stop walking. "You can try." From the tone of his voice it sounded more of a threat than a warning. Quickly, she reached for the nearest chair and sat on it. What, what was going on? How comes he had suddenly become cold… "Give me this." he snatched her bag and took away her phone, what the…? Where was the annoyingly sweet guy?