In the evening, her door was opened and Jeff got in. Amy shot up on her bed alert and watched him wearily as he came cl oser to her bed. "W-what do you want?" this man had never stepped in her room ever since she moved in, why was he now?
"I want to tell you something," he said quietly.
Amy moved to the wall, away from him. "S-speak."
"Amy, I love you."
Amy choked on her saliva as her sight become blurry. "Y-you... what?" she choked out as she leaned on the wall for support. Yeah, totally this was a horrible dream.
"Amy, it's true."
NO, her mind screamed at her. "No, you can't love me… I hate you, we're enemies, see, we argue and fight…No, please leave my room." Why, this monster, this annoying creature, did he know what he was saying?
Jeff stood beside her bed still. "Amy, I mean it."
"No," she shouted, her eyes pleading. "No, please don't torture me that way, I am a sinner, I know, please, I will work as a maid but please, please leave me alone!" all she was seeing was danger signs all over.
"What are you saying? All I am saying is that I have fallen in love…" Amy dashed past him and ran to the backyard to get fresh air.
No, no, it was just a bad dream Amy, please wake up. She pinched herself a couple of times. "Ma'am." She jumped up. Seeing Helen, she sighed and breathed.
"What Helen?"
"Young master said that you will have dinner at the older master's house tonight."
Amy snorted, that man! "Is he still here?" when the maid shook her head she lifted her hands at the sky thanking God.
"Do you need any help, Amy?" Amy shook her head.
"I am fine, I will go get ready."