Not so bad (Edited)

His office seemed to be bigger than she remembered or maybe she had been too occupied to notice it the last time she was there. There were soft black leather sofas at one end with a black coffee table while the near the wall-to-floor window was Jeff's desk opposite the sofas was a huge brown plop cushion, something next to a bed and the sight of it made adrenaline rush in her body, no the good way. Sleep was her soulmate if that even existed.

Maybe her day wouldn't be as bad as she imagined. She walked to the plop cushion and jumped on it. "If there is nothing you wanted me to do lovely husband I would be taking a nap."

Jeff looked up from his work, a creepy smile took over his face. "There is something you can do dear wife."

Amy groaned not lifting up her head. "What?" her voice came out muffled.

"Sing me something…" Amy erupted into a fit of coughs. Thank God she had no drink in her mouth because she was sure she would have choked and died.

"Husband, I didn't hear you properly."

"I asked you to sing me something."

Scream at him in the name of singing, insult him, or sit down and write him a song of what you think of him, wait, just wait, what if she could do all, write insults in the name of a song and scream it at him. back to the present. She gave him a cute smile. "A moment please?" she took her phone and went to the notepad app.

Since she had words ready, she scribbled down three paragraphs and stood up. "Done?" he asked as he flipped the laptop to give her all the attention. Seeing his actions, her inner demon smiled more.

"Yes, if you don't mind may I begin now?"

He nodded. "Begin."

Amy cleared her throat noisily. Then at the highest pitch she could muster, she started singing. "I hate you, I hate you so very much, you, a man so ugly, very ugly for my poor eyes, an ugly duckling, even ugly ducklings are cuter, I can't call you a warthog, that would be an insult to a warthog. Just the sight of you, just your sight, my eyes bleed, my blood clots and my brain freezes, you must have been created towards lunchtime, a man, how could a man be so ugly?" she kept her high pitch knowing well that his office was soundproof. "Your voice, I tell you when you speak, I temporarily turn deaf. Ah, deaf in an instant."

Jeff remained mute for a while. "Ah, what did you just do?" he shook his head and pinched his ears to confirm if they were still functional. "Are you sure it was wise to choose this field?"

Amy bowed over and over. "Thank you, thank you. Yes, it runs in my family." She gave him a brief smile and excused herself. "I have sung for you; may I get to now sleep?" she asked. He nodded dismissively and she jumped on the plop cushion falling asleep instantly.

Several hours later, she was woken up by screams., she lifted her heavy head with sleep slowly to find Stephanie going bonkers while Jeff tried to calm her down. This was crazy, she thought silently. "Woman, have you gone mad, before letting out a bloodcurdling scream please consider our eardrums!"

She closed her ears with her hands and sat upright. "Jeff, what is she doing in your office?" she asked shaking him.

"What am I doing in his office, I am his legal wife and everything that belongs to him is mine. That being said what are you even doing here, don't you have shifts or something?"

Stephanie snorted softly and raised her nose. "I came to take my boyfriend out for lunch," she proclaimed loudly.

"That's awesome which hotel are we going to?" she asked shamelessly, the thought of irking Stephanie more just pleased her.

Stephanie's face turned ashen. "What, no, you aren't coming with us!" she turned to Jeff for help but he only shrugged. She fanned herself with her hand. "She is coming, honey?"

Jeff nodded and Amy felt on cloud nine. Today, Jeff was surely cooperative, she congratulated him in her head.

The lunch as expected was from a fancy restaurant. Jeff sat on the same side with Stephanie as Amy sat opposite them, checking the door for her lunch mate. Finally, an olive dress came into view and she jumped running in the direction to engulf Lucy in a hug.

"Baby," Lucy called as she hugged her back.

"Damn you," Amy pouted. "Any more minute with those and I would have lost my mind," she complained as she led Lucy to the table.

Lucy nodded at Jeff and gave Stephanie a disgusted look as if she was repelled by the sight of her. They ordered pizza and cappuccino and slurped, laughed, and joked around as they ate in their normal careless manner, thank goodness the room was private.

"So tell me, how is going to the office?" Lucy asked rather loudly.

"Great, I had one secretary switched and I slept the whole time." By that time Stephanie's and Jeff's attention were on the two who seemed to be having the fun of their lifetime.

When Lucy's drink got finished she pouted at Amy who beckoned the waiter rudely. "Yes, how may I help you?"

She frowned. "Are you being rude to me?" Amy started narrowing her eyes at the waitress.

"Why would I be?" she asked.

"One, I ordered a cappuccino and you gave the tiniest one? I called you and you just spoke to me as if I wasn't going to pay my bill here?" she turned to Jeff angrily. "This was your offer and this is how I am treated?"

Jeff rubbed his temples. "Serve my wife well, everything. Are you tired of working?"

The waitress quickly shook her head and hurried off to get their drinks but Stephanie was going crazy. "Jeff, you called her your wife in my face?"

Jeff couldn't believe his day. "What is it Stephanie, that's the fact and the whole city knows that I am married and not to you."

Amy and Lucy remained silent to watch them. "I want you to divorce her and marry me!"

Jeff took a bit of his hamburger. "You know that is impossible Stephanie."

"Then you should buy me a house and come live with me and then declare that you were married forcefully to her."

Amy was liking this conversation. "What is even wrong with you? You can afford a house, you have my debit card, and you get money monthly from me."

Stephanie started using a coquettish tone. "But honey, a house is supposed to be chosen by two people, a husband and wife, it doesn't matter that we aren't married the bond between people is emotional," she gave Amy a glance. "What do you say Jeff honey?"

"I'll think about it…"

Lucy and Amy high-fived each other. "O.M.G, when are you moving out? Can Lucy come live with me? No, Jason too, please?" she blinked adorably at Jeff whose face was unreadable. What she didn't know was at the mention of Jason, he had already changed his mind about moving.