Jeff covered the distances between them and stood before her, of course towering over her and smirking. Tsk, this man! "Is it wrong for me to be?" he widened his eyes making their gray color almost glimmer making her wonder if she had really gotten married to a god.
When she saw the signature smirk on his face, she knew she had gotten lost in her stupid head again. Yeah, great, now she was just feeding his already obese ego. "Know what, I am very tired and I don't need another late-night headache." She attempted to get passed him but he firmly grabbed her arm preventing her from leaving.
It seems this man was in the mood to make her miserable tonight. She wondered if Stephanie was around. Maybe she could do her thing and, maybe get her annoying man out of her way. A few seconds passed and she didn't appear, oh well it seems she would have to battle with devil himself today, oh awesome, could the heavens show more love than this?
"Not so fast, darling wife." Amy stopped and watched him, annoyance all over her face.
As usual, this made Jeff smirk again! "Please get off with it."
He cleared his throat noiselessly and his face turned deadly serious, gone was the naughty smirk and look. His eyes bore into hers and his serious face made him look a little bit intimidating, at least he wasn't all scary. "There is a party held for the launching of Microsoft Projects and you're coming with me."
Amy's eyes widened and her jaw hit the marble floor. "Say what?" wait was she turning deaf or something? Must be Jayden's craziness getting to her head, yes, that must be it. "What about Stephanie why don't you take her?"
"It is a very important party, a few days from now. The whole world knows you are my legal wife so I can't just take Stephanie and leave you." He folded his arms on his chest and leaned back not lifting his eyes from her. She caught her lower lip with her teeth painfully. Great, another miserable occasion. Maybe she could find her look-alike and switch lives. Yeah, she nodded, she should probably find one of the 'seven' they normally say.
With the thought of finding her look-alike, "Okay."
She swore that she saw Jeff's pupils dilate in surprise. Jeff on the other side couldn't believe his ears, she said yes without a fuss. Then he remembered that attending things wasn't an issue here, what she would come dressed in, was the total issue.
"You will wear a dress!" he focused on her face for a reaction.
Amy shrugged; from the look of things, it seemed as if she had no room to argue. She could mentally see him asking his scary-looking guards to carry her to some shop and make sure she wore a dress before dragging her to the party.
Literally, he could do that and no one would question him, he was Jeff Williams and the only stupid person who would dare go against him was her. That's excluding his grandpa who raised him. Since he didn't seem to have much to say she opened her mouth to speak, maybe try her luck with the dress thing.
"Ohm, Jeff, I have no dress to wear at the party…"
"That shouldn't be a problem, I will solve it." She slapped her forehead. Yeah, great move, that was going to make her not go to the party or wear what she wanted. She was talking to Jeff Williams for heaven's sake, a multi-billionaire, he almost ran the entire universe leave alone world. Now, she was surely becoming a genius by the day! "When you get enough of admiring me, you can tell me," he said with a crazy lazy smirk that she wanted to wipe off his face with a smack on the cheek.
But she restrained herself, put her temper on a leash, and stomped to her room, after making a fool of herself in front of Jeff, she just had to scold herself in her head and appear as if she was admiring that, that, monster! She gritted her teeth when the word hunk popped into her head. She didn't even have words to say on that, seems she was more of a lost course than she thought.
When she opened her bedroom door in the west wing the first thing she did after closing it was bang her head on it. She was more than sure that some nerve was missing or it had gotten disconnected. That was the only thing that could explain these stupid things she kept doing.
She had hardly even made herself comfortable on the bed for sleep when Austin Mahone's All I ever need to be filled the room. Already, she knew who called at the hour. "Yes, mon chérie."
"Girl," Lucy snorted on the other side. "So you're coming for my card tomorrow after my class huh?"
Amy made a face. "Yeah, yeah, don't give me that you know I would, tell me why did you call?"
Lucy exhaled audibly on the other side. "Yeah, I wanted to tell you about me and Scott, we argued." Her voice cracked in the end.
Amy moved to sit properly leaning on the headboard. "What did you do this time, bestie?" it was common sense that whenever those two argued, it was Lucy who initiated it. Her mouth and tongue always coordinated to land her in trouble ever, at some point Amy even thought that she was the saint between her and Lucy.
Lucy suddenly started sobbing. "I did nothing…" another sob. "He was just being distant and I told him that he was in love with another woman," another longer sob. "He... he just left me and said I am childish."
Amy tucked the loose strands of her locks behind her ear. This might be the millionth time she was solving fights between those two in the year. She should really consider studying relationship counseling, for now, she sighed, she just had to make her best friend see how wrong she was. Get Scott a new outfit as an apology and boom, they will be back together sticking around each other like gum.
"Steph, look girl, he might be distant because of reasons unknown to me and you. I am not saying that him being distant was a good thing but seriously bestie, as his fiancée aren't you supposed to hear him out?"
The reaction as expected was explosive. "What? Are you saying that I was wrong? Was I wrong to conclude that? Since when did couples keep secrets from each other? Wait, who's bestie, are you? Mine or his?"
A soft sigh escaped her lips. "Bestie, we're BFFs, for life, c'mon, do you want to remain angry with each of other forever?" She paused before striking a raw wound. "I am not going to lie that Scott is handsome, enough to attract decent ladies, you might just lose him for G."
That hit home immediately because her tone lowered. "But he's distant, he's keeping things from me, almost as if he shut me out, half evading the topic. Bestie, he should have explained when I got angry but what did he do? Walked away and called me childish? Do you believe there's someone else who's caught his eye?" Lucy sounded so pitiful making Amy's blood boil.
She didn't care if her best friend was wrong or right, no one had the right to make her angry. But then, her conscience whispered some sense into her. If she was to fully support her best friend then who was going to help Lucy save her relationship? One of them had to be rational in the case and of course by heavens, it was her!
"Lucy, look, I know how you feel, girl." She inhaled deeply filling her lungs with the night air, she badly needed to maintain her cool. "He was wrong, okay, very wrong and I am also mad at him but baby, remember that he loved you so much, so whatever he might be hiding from you must be painful for him too…" Lucy interrupted her quickly.
"Why are you using the past tense, do you think he doesn't love me anymore?"
Calm down, Amy.
Take a deep breath, you got this.