I hope she would not come (Edited)

Amy looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. She still couldn't believe she had done this. "Miss, you look very wonderful, your husband is waiting for you downstairs." Amy looked at the young woman behind her who was smiling at her masterpiece and inwardly clicked. Troublesome!

Her eyes roamed back to her reflection and she sighed. Getting up, she picked up what was supposed to be her purse and made her way to the living room. As soon as she came into view, Lucy shrieked. "Baby!"

Amy wished the ground could swallow her. "Shut up Lucy," she deadpanned and finished the few steps to the living room.

Before she even knew what was happening, Lucy had engulfed in her a rib-crashing hug. "You look cute," she said pinching and pulling her cheeks. "Cute, baby, baby girl," she imitated a baby voice.

Amy slapped her hands away and stepped aside. Her mood was already worse and this Lucy was making this much worse. Then, the monster beside Lucy seemed to find his speech. "Of all the colors I chose, you had to choose that black chiffon dress?" he asked scanning her dress.

Amy huffed and took a seat on the nearest couch. It was true that she had chosen the most simple and basic black dress out of all that Jeff requested to be brought to her. For real, she hoped he wasn't envisioning her in some gowns with layers and layers of fabric because that was going to be the silliest thing he could think of, not that that was the first, she thought. The designers who had been called had left disappointed when she chose the dress and she had even protested until only one make-up artist had remained.

Jeff looked at his wife. He would be lying if he said she didn't take his breath away, the way she walked in style and confidence, dressed in a simple black and short chiffon that had a V-line neck that exposed a bit of her cleavage and black flats. A gold pendant hung on her neck matching her gold earrings and purse. Yeah, if dolling up was something that existed, she was all dolled up. He remembered when he had chosen some gowns and dresses for the occasion, he had placed a black one 'just in case' and in mind with the idea to make her feel comfortable and not forced to do wear the dresses. Well, how could he have not known that she was going to pick just that?

"You look amazing, Amy," he said in one breath. Amy gritted her teeth. Seriously? Not that she was complaining much, the artists surely did the job well, the only problem was her. She was even more aware of the light natural makeup face. Her dreadlocks were in a high ponytail making them fall back to her back barely reaching her waist. Everything just looked absurd to her, she loved the usual her.

"Thank you and may we please leave now." The earlier she got to the party the sooner it ended she had some important matters to attend to.

Lucy who stood next to Jeff watched Amy in disbelief before she excused herself to leave. Amy on the other hand just walked rigidly behind Jeff to the entrance where a black limo awaited them. Okay, a chauffeur-driven car, maybe the party wasn't that bad, then wait?

She turned to the man who sat on the other side, dressed in a black, no, dark grey tuxedo. Totally grey, it couldn't be black surely, this wasn't a funeral. The man of course had the latest Rolex watch on his hand and diamond cuff-links that went hand in hand with his grey tuxedo. A symbol of immense wealth. Her eyes moved to his biceps and the way his suit seemed to define them clearly. Men, her fingers itched to just touch them, just a little, tiny bit touch and feel them beneath her hands. Then suddenly, something caught her side vision. A slight movement.

She looked up only to see an annoying smirk on Jeff's face. "Done admiring me, wife?" She looked away immediately.



She was the world's biggest pervert. A certified one. Cursing under her breath she decided to focus on the colorful view of the city. "Wouldn't Stephanie be there?" she asked without even turning to look at Jeff. She didn't want to get more embarrassed than she already was when she saw the signature smirk on his face. His slightly hoarse and masculine voice made her almost jolt out of her seat.

Bad, bad body!

"I doubt she will. She doesn't like such parties and I am sure she isn't even around, otherwise, she would have informed me."

Phew! She wiped an imaginary sweat bead. That would have been bothersome to her. Then she remembered something that had been disturbing her for a while. "Ohm, Jeff, why did Stephanie not attend the party at your house?"

She studied his face which was impassive as usual, not even noticing the slight disappointment that reflected on his features for a millisecond when she used the word 'your' to describe the villa. "Because I didn't allow her to." Seeing the confused expression on her face, he continued talking. "My villa, dear wife, isn't somewhere where all Dick, Tom, and Harry get in, I allow those I want. Besides she would have only caused a scene that I wasn't interested in."

Hmm, that sounded like a sensible explanation. Her mind drifted to the party and her hands got sweaty. No, she wasn't nervous, that feeling was very foreign to her. She wasn't afraid of being in a party full of rich snob a**** whose only interest in the planet was to establish their name and fatten their pockets. That wasn't even in her system. What gave her a serious headache and worry was how she was going to pull off in a dress all night. That was nearly impossible if not beyond.

The past few days she had spent her energy trying to persuade Jeff that she should stick to pants because she would be able to flee swiftly in case of danger as compared to when in a dress but all her efforts had gone futile. Damn, the guy never even listened to her. All he did was sit, and let her speak for several minutes and when he noticed she was quiet he would raise his head, look at her in the eye and say NO.