Cuddling at night

Jeff drove to their beach mansion in a minute to ten. Amy sat next to him carrying a sleeping, Jay who was snoring so softly. "Help me carry him," she said once the car came to a stop. 

Jeff nodded and walked over to her side, opening her door and taking Jay from her, placing him over his shoulder. She alighted too and they both stopped in their tracks when they saw his dad. He had been standing not far from the car and when he saw them out, he walked towards them with a smile. Scratching his neck, he spoke, "I thought I should pick him up… didn't know you were going to be late." His eyes flickered to his son for a second.

Amy gave him a polite smile. "He wanted to spend the night at our place, so, don't worry, it's fine really."

Jeff didn't say anything, just stood beside her, she was sure he was rolling his eyes mentally. Guess, he will never really like the guy. "You don't need to trouble yourself…" he was saying when she interrupted him with a smile.