[Bonus chapter] Stephanie's P. O. V

Stephanie sat on the balcony of her apartment, looking at her phone for the millionth time, it seemed that she had cultivated the habit. Seeing no message, not any that she was expecting, she cursed and threw the phone on the sofa beside her. How could he? She had thought that he was joking when he agreed to her condition, two weeks had passed and he hadn't even called to check how she was doing. How could he?

She bit her lips fighting tears, what was keeping him away from her? This wasn't Jeff, the Jeff she knew couldn't stay away from her that long, she was his drug. A drug he couldn't do without. Her eyes stared into space. What if that black witch was with him? No, she shook her head, Jeff would never choose that ugly duckling over her. She was beautiful, a queen, she smiled at the thought. Jeff's queen.