First Mission.

When Kei was about to respond to Koushiro-Sensei's challenge, a notification appeared on his Status Interface.

[Ding! First Mission: Defeat Shimotsuki Koushiro in 1 Month time Limit. | Reward: (Random Item) x1, (Random Sword) x1 | Penalty: Physical Strength lowered by Half]

Seeing the Mission, Kei was baffled, "What the fuck, are you serious???!". Seeing the penalty Kei decided to take Koushiro-sensei, seriously.

"Ok, Sensei, I will take this Challenge!" said Kei looking at Koushiro-sensei, seriously.

"Good!, Now go take a rest and come to Dojo tomorrow again, and yes, remember, 1 Attempt per Day" said Koushiro-sensei, while taking his leave.

And like this day after day passed on challenging Koushiro-Sensei, and losing. But that loss was with no shame, as Koushiro-Sensei, started to feel the changes in Kei, after each loss.

He was being surprised by his New disciple continuously. And he was quite happy with Kei's attitude to take a Loss and try to improve himself instead of complaining and not wasting his time and energy elsewhere.

And one day, on 25th day of the 2nd Month, it happened.

"So are you ready?" asked Koushiro-sensei.

"Yes!" said Kei, while taking his pose like that of Kuina.

"Whoosh…Tingling ling..(sound of wind chime"

Once again they started their fight, as Koushiro started to get serious, while increasing his speed and strength exertion with the intensity pushing Kei back bit by bit.

As Kei was serious and getting absorbed into his fight. Suddenly something marvelous happened.

He felt as though, he could sense where Koushiro-sensei's next sword attack would be. But it was still unclear and only stayed in that state for mere second. Before he moved the blade of his Katana and turn the tide of the fight to his victory and favourability.

"Ding…."(Sword being Blocked and Deflected)

As Koushiro-Sensei, was about to attack from Right Side, suddenly Kei blocked his attack and deflected, going for the opening.

"What!!!???, How did he noticed my attack??,... Is it from reflex or…" As Koushiro was thinking for a moment at the sudden surprise given by Kei, he was distracted for a second.

Meanwhile Kei, took his chance and put all of his learning and energy in one attack.

"Whoosh...Flutter Flutter…"(Sound of Air flowing from swords attack being suddenly stopped)

The sword blade was facing the neck of Koushiro-Sensei, but it was stopped in middle. So as not to hurt his Sensei.

Koushiro-sensei, was utterly surprised at his current condition. But still he calmed down and dropped his sword down, while raising both of his hands up, indication his Loss. "I lost Kei, Today's winner is Kei!" smiled Koushiro while smiling warmly while feeling proud that his New Disciple exceeded him.

"Hehe Sensei, It was just a moment of opening, that's why I won!" said Kei after sheathing his blade inside his scabbard.

"Clack…" (Sound of sword sheathed in its scabbard)

"Dont be so courteous, anyways a Win is a Win!" said Koushiro-sensei, while smiling warmly towards Kei.

"Hehehe, Ok sensei!" said Kei, while smiling foolishly.

"So, when will you leave this Village?" asked Koushiro-Sensei.

"5 days later, By the way, Sensei, is there any abandoned empty place in this village, where no one comes??" asked Kei.

"Hmm~, Yes there is a forest, where no one go much, as there are Dangerous Beast." said Koushiro-Sensei, after thinking for a second.

"Ok, Sensei, I will take my leave, thank you very much for your teaching!" said Kei.

As Kei was about to leave, Koushiro-Sensei, stopped him and called, "By the way Kei, can you meet me near the grave yard , I want you to meet someone." said Koushiro, looking seriously at Kei.

"Ok, Sensei!, I will!" said Kei, while moving towards Jack-san home.

In between he was greeted by the Villagers, where he politely greeted them back. While he once again heard sound of notification with Blue text.

[Ding! Misson Completed: Reward- (Random Sword) x1 | (Random Item) x1]

He was smiling happily, while releasing a relieved sigh, "Pheww~, Man I was really nervous! Glad that the mission is completed , and I avoided that damn Penalty, But still, that moment, before the final blow, I felt as though my senses were heightened and I somehow predicted the direction of sword."

Kei thought about that time, and came to a conclusion, "Hmm, if I may not be mistaken, It should be Observation Haki, even though it was for a mere second, the feeling was really amazing. But still it means, that my Observation Haki is not yet awakened, So I need to train and fight more stronger opponents in order to awaken it.