Unknown Devil Fruit???- Reward???.

After meeting with Jack-san's home, I went towards the Forest direction, whjle moving in the deepest part. As he didn't want to be seen by any Villager or people.

While moving towards the Deepest part of Forest, he would in between kill Dangerous Beast, bigger than Lion or Elephant with his sword in one move.

As he reached the core of the Forest, he finally opened his interface and took the Unknown devil fruit from his Card. A Blue Avocado shaped Devil fruit appeared with swirls and bit of yellow and green thunder pattern.

It looked quite attractive. But when thinking of it taste, Kei hesitated and was scared, while was curious towards it taste. He have seen in animation that it taste terrible. After making up his mind he finally took a bite of it.

As soon as he ate it, he lost his consciousness as it had three different terrible taste. Vomit, Fart and utter bitterness. He don't know how he tasted fart, when you smell, it but the fact won't change that he tasted fart. Ewwww.

After waking up he started to see any changes in his body. As soon as he thought of a change, his appearance started to change, while his size and height started to change.

His face started to look like that of a dog first time, after which it changed in to wolf. He started to grow until his Height reached 6.8 m. Whole body with majestic Green fur, with Blue eyes, and Yellow pattern on his head. While his mane was of Blue color synchronizing with the Green body fur.

"AWOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!" Wolf howling aka Kei

Kei unconsciously howled loudly, while his voice carried the Majestic Intimidation making all the Dangerous beast bow down in fear, while they were shivering, with some of them crying. Damn, how come animals in One piece show such emotions…

While outside the Forest, in Village all the people were panicking, making small children cry. Well if Kei knew about it he may feel sorry for them and a bit embarrassed as Tera was also one of those crying children.

Meanwhile Koushiro-Sensei, was gazing at the forest direction with deep thought. He also saw Green fur like thing , while Villagers were also talking animatedly about the Green Colour.

The whole atmosphere changed as black clouds gathered and thunder crackled down in forest, when he Howled. While he once again glanced at his Devil fruit status.

[Type: Mythical??? | Inu Inu no Mi - Model- ???Wolf | Weakness: Sea, Sea stone]

Kei was really tongue tied when he saw the word 'Mythical', but after seeing the latter question mark, it made him understand that it's not fully revealed yet, but still it's related to Wolf Creature.

Soon, he reverted back to his original appearance. While looking for any further changes. Like he felt like his strength and sense of smell and hearing has multiplied 3x times. But other than that, there were no other changes.

He also decided to open his rewards. "Open , Random Item and Random Sword!"

Bright light flashed and a card with Black and Purple color appeared in front of him.

[Ding! Congratulation for getting Bluetooth MP3 Player & Advanced Bluetooth Headphone| Ding! Congratulation for getting Murasame Katana from Akame Ga Kill World]

"Damn! Damnnnnn! Damnnnn!! Holy Moly Rolly, M****r F***ng , Hellll Yeah!!!!!!!" shouted Kei with loud bellow.

"Wohooo!!!, Damn what a luck boi!! Way to go!!" jumped and started his Red Butt monkey dance.

"..." System once again.

Calming himself down he grabbed the MP3 player and wore his bluetooth headphone, while listening to music. After coming to this world , he didnt have to do other than Swordsmanship training, so he was bored, and confused as what to do in his free time.

But it seems he can happily pass his time, without getting bored. And to add up to that, this Mp3 player has more than 10,000+ songs and music in it.

[Sword: Murasame | Info: Cursed Blade, which kills a person with a single cut. | Ability: Poisonous Curse/ Little Warhorn]

Kei took the sword , it's overall height is 105 cm, with 29cm handle. The end of handle has red color, while its handle was Deep black color with while color , where something was written on it with black color. While it had a attractive red color guard.

Kei felt its sharpness while he held it. He also remembered tha he has to wear handglove or he may get poisoned by his own sword. Wouldn't it be laughable if i get killed by my own sword.

So he hurriedly put the sword inside the scabbard , throwing it inside the Storage space.


Name: Genji D Keisuke.

Hair color: Dark Blue

Age: 17

Height: 180 cm

Storage Space: Murasame Katana, Mp3 player, Bluetooth Headphone, Food, Clothes, WaterBottle.

Message Box: -/-