Set Sail.

After knowing that Kei came from the same village as his Yosaku, started to call Kei, as Kei-Aniki, Well it was weird for him, but it didn't feel bad, being called Aniki.

"Kei-Aniki, you learned under Koushirou-Sensei!!" asked Yosaku, with clear surprise in his tone.

"Yes, All Villagers are doing well, Oh, I also met Jack-san!" said Kei while talking about the village.

"Oh! You know about Jack-san, too! Hehe, So all are doing well huh?!, We have been busy in hunting so much, we brothers didn't have time to visit village at all Hahahah."

We then turned our attention towards Baratie-ship and saw all the Chef's were out while Owner Zeff was looking from top towards him and luffy.

"Brat, I didn't ask you but what's your dream?" asked Zeff in curiosity, As their crew has Future Pirate King and Future Chef who will discover All Blue.

"Me, I want to be strongest person of this world!!!" I said with fire in my eyes.

"Hahaha! Strongest? Huh~, Well anyways, take care!" saying this he looked at Sanji who was carrying his bag.

Sanji silently walked towards the small ship provided by Owner Zeff to Luffy. When Patty and Carne, tried to take Sanji down. They were beaten down to pulp by him.

As Sanji stepped on the edge of the ship, Owner Zeff said, "Hey, Sanji. Don't catch a Cold."

Hearing this Sanji was stunned in surprise after which tears started to well up in his eyes.


"Sniff*" while Owner Zeff also shed tears of farewell.

"You Bastard, We will be really lonely without you, Damn Lonely, We will miss you!!!! Waaaaa haaaa Waaa" shouted patty and Carne while crying loudly.

"We will miss you!!"

"Yeah, just go dammit, or else we will never let you go!!"

"Sniff* damn, this is really Sniff* emotional moment, Sniff*, I don't know how am I crying, but this feeling is Amazing, Sniff**" said Kei while crying along with Yosaku.

"Waaaa, Kei-Aniki, this is really emotional , I can't stop crying, Waaaaa" said Yosaku.

"Damn Idiots…, Men should say their goodbye silently, Sniff Sniff*" commented Owner Zeff while wiping the tear.

"Ok, let's set sail!!!" said Luffy , while waving his goodbye towards everyone .

"Bye, Errand Boy, Sanji , Sword Guy!!!" shouted everyone on Baratie.

As it was getting bored, Kei wore his Headphones and played music on Mp3 player.

"Ohhhh! What this thing on your ears???" asked Luffy with interest.

"It's called Bluetooth Heaphone, with this, you can listen to different music!" said Kei. "Oh!! Music!!, Can you let me hear music, Please, Music, Music!" spoke Luffy.

"Ok, wait for a moment, and I will lend it to you ok?" said Kei.

"Ok!" said Luffy like a good boy.

"Oh! Luffy-aniki, according to our guess, no it's clear, Nami-aniki, is heading towards Arlong Park!" said Yosaku, taking attention of everyone on him.

Kei, also stopped his Music, and calmly listened to what Yosaku, want to say. Even Though he know everything.

Yosaku, then talked about, Ouka Shichibukai, and a total of 7 of them. Where he said that Hawk eyed Mihawk was also one of the Shichibukai.

Hearing this , Luffy was amazed and clapped using his feet, like a monkey. Where Yosaku also told about, One of the Shichibukai, who was a fishmen, called Jimbei, who agreed on being Shichibukai, if they let Arlong in East Blue.

Which take them to this current situation. Arlong had made his base in Cocoyashi Village.

While Luffy was drawing fishment according to his imagination. With Fish having legs other than that it was fish.

"So did you understand what i am trying to say here??" asked Yosaku to Luffy and Sanji, while he didn't ask me as he thought I wasn't listening.

"Oh! There's a strong dude who is a fishmen, got it." said Sanji

"No!! You don't!!" said Yosaku.

"Anyways, we can deal with it, when we reach there, So don't sweat Yosaku" said Luffy.

"In any case Let's eat, what do you all want!!" asked Sanji while glancing at everyone.

"Sanji, can you teach me how to cook?" asked Kei, while removing his headphone .

Sanji stared at Kei for a while and said, "Ok."

"Meat on Bone" said Luffy

"Stir fried bean sprout!!" said Yosaku, forgetting about his previous discussion.

"Lobster please!" said Kei.

"Ok, Kei, follow me." said Sanji

"Ok!" saying this he made Luffy wear his Bluetooth headphone and started to play some fun song, "Wooooooo!! Music is playing in my ears!!! Amazing!! Kei your magic is awesome!!!" said Luffy while clapping his hands.

Kei followed Sanji and started to learn how to cook, as he thought , learning to cook is a must in this cruel sea. After being starved for almost 2 days.