Poor Momoo.

While Sanji and Kei were preparing food.

Somewhere in Cocoyashi Village, Arlong Park.

"Oh! So you are back, that was quite a long trip…!" said Arlong.

"This mansion is as Lax as always…" said Nami.

"How much did you rake in this time?" asked Arlong.

"Quite a lot!,... But if it was strangely quite heartbreaking this time." said Nami, acting heartbroke.

"SHAHAHAH! Since when did you get so sentimental!? Betraying people is your speciality isn't it?!!

"Oh is that so?"

"MY fishman brothers, our comrade has returned! Let us prepare a feast!!" said Arlong.

"Woohooo!!" shouted everyone.

Back in the ship.

"Nom Nom Nom, Hmm~~, it's good!!" said Luffy and Yosaku.

Kei was also eating his food silently, while remembering all the instruction given by Sanji.

As they were talking about how good Sanji's food was, Kei sensed some one approaching their ship from underwater.

"Oye! Someone's approaching our ship." said Kei, while looking at everyone.

"Hmm, what are you talking about??" said Luffy

"Where??" asked Yosaku while eating his bean sprouts.

"Hmm?, Yes, there is something approaching here." said Sanji, while looking at Kei who was able to sense, it before him.

"Bleb Blob Bleb Blob" (Sound of Bubbles on sea surface, right before their ship.

"Booom!!!" A figure came from inside of the sea. It has a seal body structure and cow's appearance. While a golden ring was inserted in his nostrils.

"WOoo, It's a sea Mosterrrr!!!" said Yosaku.

"A cow? It's Soooo big!!!" said Luffy.

"It's looks like a Hippo." said Sanji.

"But, what's a creature like this is doing in East Blue!!, It's a Grandline Monster!!!" Yosaku commented.

Momoo came out of water and searched for his food. Only to find himself at wrong location.

Seeing the food laid on table, Momoo, thought that it was his meal.

While Yosaku misunderstood it, and said, "Hurry, Give him the food!! Before he overturns the ship!!!"

"Damn you take this, Gomu Gomu no Pistol!!!" saying this Luffy punched Momoo, knocking him back in the sea.

"Don't you dare touch my food!!" Luffy warned Momoo, but Momoo got angry as he felt wronged, when he didn't do anything wrong at all. He roared angrily.

While Luffy was thinking of giving a good beating to Momoo. Both Yosaku and Luffy were knocked down by Sanji's kick.

Knocking both of them, Sanji said, "I'm sure, he must have hurt himself in Sea and couldn't find food for his own, isn't that right?" asked Sanji while showing the plate of food to Momoo.

While momoo thought that, Sanji was his food.

"Oye, Sanji, He is thinking that you are serving yourself as his food." said Kei, while eating his meal.

"Bamm!!" Sanji kicked Momoo's jaw in anger. "Die!!!" said Sanji.

Once again Momoo felt wronged as he was innocent, and he really though Sanji was serving himself as his food.

"Roar!!!" roared Momoo, while trying to shink their ship.

"Oye Sanji, making him our Engine!!, So we can reach the Island quickly!!" said Kei.

"OH!! Good Idea, Kei!" said Sanji smilingly, while knocking Momoo for good time.

"Collier Shoot!!!" saying this Sanji kicked the Neck part of Momoo making it unconscious.

After which they tied Momoo to their ship and made him drag it. Meanwhile Momoo was crying.

Meanwhile Ussop was 'Killed' by Nami and throwned in the sea. Which was clearly seen by Johnny.