
Clack Tak Clack Tak* (Sound of destroyed wall pieces falling)

Crocodile got up from the debris of the Garden sitting structure, and wiped his bloodied mouth with his hand.

His face was sullen, while his pupils constricted in rage. 'When was the time that he was BEATEN BY A DAMN BRAT!! IT'S A SHAME IN HIS HISTORY!!! HE MUST BE KILLED TODAY!!" thought Crocodile, while glaring at Luffy.

"Oye! Answer me!! What happened to Kei?!!" said Luffy, clearly gone insane, by this information.

While Vivi was heartbroken, and started to recall all the interactions she had with him. At first she thought he was a gentleman…but after the Storage Room Incident…She came to the conclusion that he was a Wolf in Human's clothing.

Crocodile decided to kill Luffy, by taunting him and forcing him to attack ,So… " Yes!...He was just another weakling in this cruel world…But…it was fun killing him, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!"

"Haaaaaa! CROCODILE!!! Raaaaa!!!" Luffy shouted with all vigor, while running, fiercely at him.


Gahaa* (Sound of blood spitting).

The Crocodile's face gets heavily punched, making him spit another mouthful of blood.

But he grabs this chance and clasps Luffy's Neck, making him hard to breathe.

"Aa..aa.a.a" Luffy was suffocating, while trying to get as much air. But it was useless.

"Desert… Encierro…".

After which Luffy's body started to shrivel just like a Dehydrated raisin, while transforming into Mummy Luffy.

"Ah-Ah-A–"As he was laughing in satisfaction, his head was banged by something, with heavy force. While he felt, energy left his body, making him useless for the moment.

Bam*(Crocodiles head getting smashed like Beach Water Melon)

"Aaahh….My head!!! It hurts, and Sea-stone…who is it?" asked Crocodile, only to be smashed like a Watermelon, again and again and again…

"..." Nico Robin , Vivi and Chaka.

'What kind of fight is this?...and WAIT…What and How is KING smashing Crocodiles head?...'

"Wh-Wh, Father?..."While Vivi was greatly taken back, by her Fathers bonking.

Chaka opted to stay silent.

While King Cobra or 'Kei', shouted in Luffy's mind, (Luffy, let's finish this for once and final!!)

Luffy, who was recuperating from dehydration and enjoying the 'Beach Watermelon Game', got startled when he heard Kei's voice in his head.

"Huh?!! Kei!! Where are you?..." asked Luffy, in excitement.

(Luffy it's not the time for that, just do as I say, Finish Crocodile, with final move, along with King Cobra!) commanded Kei.

"Ok! I will do it!!" saying this Luffy saw the flying Crocodile, who was hit by King Cobra like a ball. While Luffy grabbed this opportunity and defeated Crocodile, knocking him unconscious, with his Gomu Gomu no Gatling

"Phew~" King Cobra, released a sigh of relief, while glancing at Miss All Sunday.

"Yo! We meet again Beautiful-Mysterious-Woman-Sitting-On a Big - Mysterious Turtle!" King Cobra greeted Miss All Sunday in Kei's voice.

"..." While Robin was looking at King Cobra with blank eyes. 'Is this funny?...and What's with that lame and weird way of greeting me?..." thought Robin in her mind. As she clearly knew, who 'King Cobra' is.

While Vivi was confused at the current situation. 'What in the World is Happening? Can anybody tell me!!!' is what she is thinking.

"Kei! Kei! Where are you!! Oye! Answer me?!!! Are you really dead?..." Luffy questioned Kei.

"Yes! I'm indeed dead, Thank you Luffy, for defeating Crocodile and fulfilling my last regret…I will always remember you~" said Kei, using his skill 'Thought Communication', which helps him to converse with people telepathically.

This skill is only known to Vivi, Igaram and Nami.

"K-e-Kei!! Waaaaaaa! I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to save you!!" said Luffy, while crying tears and snot leaking from his nose.

Seeing how much Luffy was crying, Kei decided to end this acting.

"Oi Luffy! I am still alive…I was just joking with you!!" said Kei, while tearing King Cobra's face mask, surprising Vivi and Luffy.

"Kei!!! I'm glad you're alive, Waaaa!!" cried Luffy, while stretching his arm and wrapping Kei with his Rubber arms. Kei felt like he was constricted by a snake, looking at Luffy's hand.

"Ok! Ok…calm down Luffy…Oye! Luffy you bastard, don't stick your snot on my face!!!" shouted Kei, while somehow calming him.

"Hmm, Ok!, I'm happy that you're really alive, I thought, I almost lost you, just like Sabo…Sob*" said Luffy.

While Kei clearly knew who Luffy was talking about. His so-to-be-deceased Brother.

Kei's heart softened up, when he thought how much Luffy values him, in his heart, So he softly said to him "Just stay calm, Ok?.." said Kei to Luffy, only to be replied with silence and a snoring sound.

"Zzzzzzz" Luffy.

"Don't Sleep while talking!!" shouted Kei, while feeling dumb at getting angry at Luffy's stupidity. Maybe he was also getting his stupidity.

Well, fighting continuously with crocodiles and the harsh environment may have made him tired, So let's leave this. He asked for Chaka's help, asking him to take Luffy to sleep.

Sighing in defeat he turned his attention to Vivi, "Yo! Vivi! So…Uhm?...How was your journey?...and thank you for th–" Kei stopped in his tracks, as he saw Vivi was clearly biting her lips, while shedding tears.

She was clearly indicating with her action, as if 'Don't talk to me, you idiot!!. Do you know how worried I was?...'


Kei walked towards Crocodile and started to search for any unique thing ranging from Money to jewelry or antique things. Let's say it was compensation for disturbing his business.

"What are you doing?..." asked Nico Robin, walking towards Kei.

"Ah! It's like this, I don't want to hand these things to the World Government, So I am taking it for myself, Oh? Do you also want some Jewelry?..." said Kei, while glancing back at Robin.

"No," replied Robin.

"Robin, do you still want to see that poneglyph? ..." asked Kei looking at Robin.

"Yes!" said Robin.

"Ok, then I will help you with it, But in return, will you join my Organization?..." Kei questioned Robin.

Hearing Kei's request, she was tangled in her mind. Whether to join his organization or not. When Kei replied to her.

"Hmm…How about this? First I will let you see the polyeglpyh! So I will let you decide your choice freely! Even if you don't want to join my Organization, We can be friends right?..." asked Kei, while smiling purely at Robin.

Seeing his smile, her heart skipped a beat making her cheeks blush, but being a Mysterious lady, she was easily able to hide it. "Ok, then."

"Deal! Then how about you rest for a bit. Since King Cobra is dealing with the war matter?" asked Kei, while looking at Robin.

"Ok" said Robin, while she was helped by the servants of the Royal Palace, to the resting area.

"She ain't much of a speaker huh?..." thought Kei, while he had to say that she really is a dead gorgeous woman.