I Believe in you!...

"Kei-san are you ok?...How is the wound on your hands?..." asked Vivi with worry in her eyes. Even though she was annoyed at Kei at first. But looking at his bleeding hands, she felt a pang of pain in her heart.

And when she thought that he took all these injuries for her Father, all the dissatisfaction in her heart was dissolved, while a look of gratitude appeared on her face.

"Oh?...You are not angry at me anymore?..." asked Kei, while smiling mischievously at Vivi.

Hearing this Vivi blushed , while stuttering, "Ye-Yes, I'm not angry anymore. No-Forget about that, and just let me handle your wounds!..." said Vivi, while hurriedly holding Kei's hand.

"It's really bad Kei-san, Your wounds are very deep,... Let me call someone to bring First-Aid for your treatment…" said Vivi, and as she was about to call out for the same , she was stopped by Kei.

"Don't call anyone, Just treat my wounds, I have a First-Aid Box with me~" said Kei, while smiling at Vivi.

After which Kei handed her the box, to which she started to tend his wounds.

Kei really felt great satisfaction in his heart. Who would have thought that a 30+ yrs, Virgin, Who didn't have any chance with Woman in past life, would personally be treated by the Princess of the Country.

And to add that, she is very beautiful. Her body is slender and her attitude and behavior reminds Kei of a virtuous wife, who would listen to her husband. A Girl as meek as a Deer.

Vivi who felt Kei's gaze, stopped in her tracks and looked into his eyes coincidentally. Seeing his dark abyss black eyes , looking at her made her blush. Making her realize how close she was with a Wolf in a Human Skin.

And to add that up, he had a very enchanting smile on his face.

Thump Thump* Vivi's heart

Thump Thump* Kei's heart.

Both of them just kept staring in each other's eyes, and their heart beats resonated, like they were intertwining with each other.

While all the Guards/Servants were looking at this scene with great interest.

Soon their faces started to get closer, closer and closer. And as they were about to kiss each other, suddenly they were taken out of their zone by a sound.

"Cough* Cough*, Vivi, Kei-san, what are you doing?..." King Cobra, Who was watching all this happening behind the scenes, decided to stop them in their tracks. As he felt that he would lose his Pure Daughter. If she was tainted by this Guy.

While Pell, who just arrived at the Palace, also was fortunate enough to see this Live Show. Currently he was standing behind King Cobra while giving intense stares at Kei.

Vivi who heard her father's voice, blushed heavily While making a stupid lie, "F-Father, I was j-just, Yes-Yes, I was just looking at Kei-san's eyes, it seems, some dust had gotten into it!" While she hurriedly distanced herself from Kei.

While Kei also decided to follow the act, "Yes, She is right, Earlier my eyes were twitching in pain, it was due to sand particles getting into them, So I had Vivi look into them!" said Kei, while making an innocent face and keeping his eyes close.

'Damn Brat!! Who are you fooling with?!!' was what King Cobra and Pell were shouting in their mind.

"Oh! Is it so?...It must be very painful, when you can't open your eyes right?..." King Cobra commented while radiating a kind smile.

"Yes, Indeed, Sir," said Kei.

"Hmm…that is no good~, Pell will blow into Kei's eyes and help him to open them up!" said King Cobra, while smiling mischievously.

"Sure! I will do as you say, My King!" saying this Pell started to move towards Kei.

Kei, who heard this, almost paled in color. While he fell on his butt and hurriedly distanced himself from Pell, with the help of his Hands and legs. "No-No! No Need, I'm all fine, due to Vivi's care!! See…My eyes are wide open!!" said Kei, while opening his eyes in a hurry.

"Hahahahaha...K-ei, Kei-san, you are really funny!" Vivi, who saw this scene , laughed out loudly, while holding her stomach. And tears were falling from her eyes.

While the guards and servant also laughed along , seeing the pitiful face of Kei.


"Oh, King Cobra, I have a request to make!" said Kei, facing King Cobra.

"Sure, go ahead, Kei-san!" said King Cobra, while his gaze was locked on Nico Robin, who previously was introduced by Kei. Right now she was sitting beside Kei.

"Can you let us see the Poneglyph, which was protected by your Generations, until now?" asked Kei, while looking at King Cobra's reaction.

"Sure, If that is what Kei-san, needs to see, But are you sure, that you don't want anything else?..." King Cobra asked with weird face, while looking at Robin, whose expression didn't change much from starting to the end.

"Yes!" affirmed Kei.

"Ok, then Please follow me~" said King Cobra, while taking them towards the Mortuary Tomb in the West.


Entering the Tomb through the secret door. They started to walk down the dark stairs.

Tak Tak Tak*

"So, Miss Robin, why do you need to see those Writings?..." asked King Cobra, as he didn't understand what was so important, written on it.

"Well, I can read them,... They are called Poneglyph, which have messages related to Ancient Weapons…" Explained Robin.

"What's Ancient Weapon? What Kind of weapon is that?..." asked King Cobra, while waiting for her to talk.

"I don't know much about it either, So that's why I'm searching for the information related to them…" said Robin, while staying silent.

"Interesting…I didn't know that all the time we protected this thing, had the Location or Information written on it…" murmured King Cobra, as he felt the water's were quite deep.


Soon they reached the Poneglyph, while Robin started to decipher it with great interest. Her face was lit with passion as soon as her eyes laid on them.

"Hmm…So it was really here! Huh?!!" said Robin, with the same blank tone, though, it carried an air of liveliness.

After deciphering it she explained that it tells the location of Pluton Weapon.


"So, What will you be doing from now on?..." asked Kei with a smile, while looking at Robin.

"Hmm…How about…I kill you!!" said Robin, while using her Devil fruit powers and bringing a blade on his neck.

"Oye!! What are you–" as King Cobra was about to interfere in the matter between Kei and Robin, Suddenly he was restricted by her Devil fruit powers.

Making his mouth covered, while his hands and legs were clutched by a pair of hands, making him unable to move.

"U..U..U" King Cobra.

Still Kei was smiling without changing his expression.

Seeing his expression, and that smile, even though he was about to be killed by her, made Robin conflicted with emotions, while her head was in chaos.

"WHY-WHY?!! Do you keep on smiling, even though I'm about to Kill you!!" asked Robin, while raising her voice.

"Because I believe in my instinct, and I believe in you, Robin!" said Kei, while smiling kindly, making Robin shed tears.

She let go of Kei, while freeing the King and slumping on the ground, while holding her face.

"Waaaa…Waaa…" cried Robin. When suddenly she was hugged by Kei.

"Hmm…?" Lifting her tear stained face, she looked at Kei in confusion.

"What...sob* Are you doing?.." asked Robin, while holding her tears.

"Hug! It's the best way to relieve the pain and sadness. Don't you know?..." Kei said, while smiling.

"Sob* What kind Sob* of lame logic is that?..." said Robin, while hugging him back and crying her heart out.

While the King's head was pulsating with veins, he saw Kei, taking advantage of Robin. He was smooth as butter, when flirting with Girls. 'This brat! How did he do it?...Maybe I should also learn one or two tric–, No-No, most important, I must keep my Innocent Vivi away from this brat!!!'