Restaurant Arabia...

"So where do you want to go next?..." asked Kei, while storing Vivi's bag inside his inventory space.

He has to say that if he had the same skill of storage space in his previous world, maybe he would have caught the attention of a Rich Sugar Mommy's, and had a good carefree life to live, which every lazy person would have dreamt of. But now since he is living in this world, so it would be impossible to achieve that dream.

"Hmm…Ah? How about the New Restaurant that you opened up recently?, I want to see how it looks and what kind of food I can get to eat!!" answered Vivi, after thinking for a moment. Since she heard in the palace, that the delicacies at that place are super tasty and affordable for every common person.

"Sure~, Let's go!" said Kei, as Vivi followed along her.


"Vivi-sama, is really enjoying herself very much huh? She is laughing more now-a-days, from the time Kei-san appeared." murmured Igaram, to himself, while smiling in contentment.

In the morning he brought the idea of a Guard, being escorted to them. Since the Kingdom is still in a little turmoil due to recent activity. But Vivi rejected that idea without a second thought, which is why he himself is following them.

"Yes! Indeed she is enjoying herself! Time flies so fast and my Vivi becomes so mature and beautiful…" said King Cobra while wiping his tears of and joy accomplishment.


"K-Kin-!" As Igaram was about to shout in surprise, King Cobra hurriedly closed Igaram's mouth with his hand, while signaling him. "Shh…Don't shout out loud~" continued King Cobra, while Igaram nodded his head in understanding.

"Why are you here!!, Don't you have to deal with the important matters of the Kingdom?!!!" shouted Igaram angrily in a hushed manner.

"It's ok, It's ok!, I have handed that work to Chaka for the time being, For now, let's forget about that and follow them…Oh?!! Where did they go?!!" said King as he hurriedly went to search for the duo.

"Ok!" said Igaram, while following behind the King.


[Restaurant Arabia]

"Welcome Sir/Madam! Please come in!" said the Door man, while greeting them.

"Hm!" Nodding their head, they walked in as the door was opened by the Doorman.

"Hey!! This is very delicious!!" said a woman to her husband.

"Right?!,... Didn't I say that this is a very good restaurant, look, this Dish is called Pasta!" said the Husband to the wife, while flaunting.

"Hmph! Do you think I will let you go, for what you did, just like that?..." said the Wife.

"Er…Ok! Ok! I'm really sorry , Please, how about I order the Cold Ice?...What was it called Sundae or something…" said the Husband, while crying tears of regret.

"Hmph…Just this time I will forgive you, Next time if you did the same, I will leave you!" commented the Wife, while the husband hurriedly ordered for the Sundae.

"Ok! Then let's sit here!" said Vivi. So Kei made her sit on the chair first like a gentleman, after which he took the seat across from her.

"Vivi, order whatever you like. I will pay for it!" said Kei, while handing her the Menu Card.

"Hmm…Ok, then…How about …"

So they ordered Pilaf as a rice dish, Steak dish, and Chicken noodles along with other accompaniments such as Bread and such.

Soon their order was placed on the table, for both of them.


Vivi gulped at the aroma of these dishes, while Kei smiled at her reaction in satisfaction. The Chef's which he hired were chosen by him with meticulous selection, while he provided all the recipes and ingredients for the restaurant, which he had stocked up from his journey.

King Cobra and Igaram, were also sitting in the restaurant, while they also ordered the same food, which Vivi and Kei ordered, as they also wanted to taste these delicacies.

Previously Kei did tell them he was going to open a restaurant, to which King Cobra readily gave him a place for the same. But after that they were tangled in the war and stuff matter,so due to which they weren't able to give a visit to this place.

"King! The food…Nom Nom here is really Nom Nom tasty!!!" said Igaram to King Cobra.

"Yes..Nom Nom…I agree with that…Nom Nom!" replied King Cobra, while gobbling this New food before him, which he never heard or tasted before.


After Kei and Vivi finished their meal, they ordered their Strawberry Sundae.

"Hmm…Kei-san, it looks really beautiful and tasty!" said Vivi commenting to Kei, while in the process her gaze fell towards the Couple's table behind them.

"Yes" replied Kei, and saw that Vivi stopped talking, while looking at a certain location. So he also turned his head in curiosity towards her line of sight.


"Here! Say Aaahm…" said Beta-Husband, while feeding the Alpha-Wife.

"Aaahm Nom Nom!...It's so creamy , and the fresh strawberries are really tangy and sweet, I like it very much~!!" replied Alpha-Wife, while happily being served by Beta-Husband.

"Right?!,... Here's another one, Say Aaahm!" said the Beta-Husband, repeating the same procedure.


Kei turned his head back, after seeing the Alpha-Beta play, while he saw Vivi's longing gaze. "Should he also do it?...or not? Because Vivi is not his Girlfriend or Wife, While their relationship is like Normal friends, and it may create unnecessary misunderstanding."

Thinking upto there, Kei decided to reject that idea. But someone didn't want to do so…

"Ke-Kei-san, h-here! Aaahm…" said Vivi, while placing her spoon in front of Kei's mouth. Seeing Vivi's innocent blushing face and adding to that her meek voice, Kei's brain almost bursted on the spot. 'My God! What's with this Girl!! She is damn cute! A perfect example of a Beautiful meek Wife, which I always dreamt of!!!'

Vivi, who grabbed all of her courage to feed Kei, felt sad, since Kei didn't move forward to eat her Sundae.

"King! Vivi-sama is feeding Kei!!" said Igaram in shock.

"Hmm…How does it feel to get fed by someone?!" thought King Cobra, while looking at Kei and Vivi's act. Since his Wife passed away, he didn't marry anyone. So that may be the reason, for his curiosity which was generated from his longing for his Wife.

"King! Vivi-sama, looks sad! That Bastard made her sad!! Why didn't he just accept it from her, when she was generously feeding him!!" said Igaram in anger, while looking at Vivi and Kei.

"Igaram!" King Cobra called out to him in seriousness.

Hearing King calling out to him, he turned his head.

"Here, Aaahm…" said King Cobra.


"Seriously what the hell are you doing!!!" shouted Igaram in anger, when he saw King acting like that.

"Oh?! I just wanted to see your reaction, as I was curious about it after looking at them~" said King Cobra, while still holding the spoon, in front of Igaram. As though it was normal.


Meanwhile, Vivi who saw no reaction from Kei, decided to take back her spoon in defeat, when suddenly her hand was grabbed.

"Eh?!" Vivi was taken back by Kei's advance. But later she calmed down seeing Kei's happy face.

"Hmm…it's good!" said Kei, while smiling happily. While Vivi blushed in happiness.


After finishing their meal, they decided to head back to the Palace, as the sun was setting down.

"Wow! Kei-san, the food was really delicious! And that Strawberry Sundae was super tasty!" exclaimed Vivi, like a little girl.

"It's good that you liked it, Oh? If you want that Sundae, I will make some for you tomorrow, what do you think?..." asked Kei, to which Vivi eyes sparkled with brightness.

"Eh?! Really, then please Kei-san!" said Vivi, while entering the palace.

Kei nodded his head understanding as they kept on walking towards their rooms.

As they were going to separate from each other, they stopped at the corner of the palace, where no one could look at them.

"Kei-san, thank you very much for tagging along with me! It was very fun to spend time with you!" said Vivi, while joining her hands together behind her back, and bending a little from the waist, smiling at him.

Well it can't be helped, because it was after such a long time, that she felt relaxed and happy, when compared to the past 3 to 4 years of misery.

"Yes, me too! I enjoyed the time!" said Kei.

As he was about to take his leave, he was called by Vivi. "Wait!,...Kei-san, I have to tell you something very important!"

"Eh?...What do you want to talk about?" asked Kei, while tilting his head in confusion. 'Was there some problem related to the kingdom?...' was the thought that came to his mind

"Can you lend me your ear for a moment because, It's a secret matter!" said Vivi with a serious face.

"Ok, then~ If you say so…" said Kei, as he bent down a little, while lending his right ear. While he could also smell her flowery perfume, making him aroused. But still he listened to her seriously.

"The thing is…" said Vivi, while cupping her palms in his right ear.


"Is?..." Kei followed her word until,... he felt a wet and soft sensation on his right cheek, making him paralyzed.


"Thank you Kei-san, and Goodnight!!!" said Vivi, while blushing heavily and running hastily, as her heart was beating very fast, since she did such a bold action.

"..." King Cobra, Igaram.

While Kei was rubbing his right cheek absentmindedly and processing the information.