2 Weeks...

[Next Morning]

"Where am I?...hissss… My body it's hurting!" said Paula, while trying to get up from her sleeping position.

"Oh~, you got up, let me help you!" said Mikita, while trying to support her.

"..." Paula silently took the help of Mikita, since she was ashamed of the fact that she mocked her yesterday for being weakling and here now she is helping her, without any dissatisfaction on her face.

Seeing Paula's reaction, Mikita understood what she was thinking, so she explained to her, "Don't look at me like that, It's Boss, who ordered us to look after you all, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have helped you…"

"Well…thank you anyways~" said Paula, while taking support of the wall behind her back.

"Oh~ you finally woke up yo~" said Bon Clay while waving his hands with vigor, bringing Paula's attention towards him, who was heavily bandaged all over his body.

"Mr. 2…" As Paula was about to talk to him , she was interrupted by him, "Don't joke around with me yo~, Just call me Bon clay or Bon-chan, I'm fine with it!,...Since I've discarded that name anyways!" He replied

"Well, Ok then, Bon clay, How did we get here?" asked Paula

"I don't know, maybe you can ask Daz-chan, because I just recently woke up! Yo~" said Bon Clay in an energetic voice, while trying to get out of his bed to do his ballet dance.

Hearing this Paula, faced Daz, who was silently closing his eyes in contemplation.

"Daz?" asked Paula, waiting for him to answer back.

"We are inside the King's palace, currently being treated" said Daz, keeping his mouth shut.


Right now he is contemplating his fight against Kei. Which according to him was their complete and utter defeat. He had a feeling that yesterday Kei was just playing with them, and had not used his full power.

If he had used his full power then they might not be here lying on the bed intact in one piece.

No, it's incorrect, he didn't even need to use his full power against them or him, because they are just too Damn Weak!!

Thinking up till here, Daz, clenched his fist in frustration and anger. 'Fuck!' was what he cursed inside his head.

Click Creak… (Door Opening)

"Good Morning Boss!" said Mikita while walking towards Kei.

"Yep, Good morning!" said Kei, while looking towards the trio.

Seeing Kei in front of them, their expression changed into a serious one. As they clearly knew, what he can do from yesterday's fight. They didn't want to repeat the same mistake as underestimating the person just by looking at his appearance.

Paula grabbed the hem of the bedsheet, in order to calm her nervousness. While Bon-clay's energetic voice stopped in its track, as he was sweating on his forehead, in nervousness. He still remembers yesterday's punch.

While Daz just looked at Kei in silence, albeit cold sweat was dripping from his back.


"Oye! Oye! Don't be so tense! I won't hurt you or anything, So calm down~" said Kei, while looking at the trio.

Hearing this they sighed in relief, but it didn't mean that they left their guard open against Kei.

Seeing their settled yet wary action, Kei finally decided to talk.

"Ok! Without wasting much of your time I will just come to the point. You can rest here until you recover properly,and after that you can leave this place, I don't care where you go, as you are free from now on!" said Kei, finishing what he wanted to say, while turning his body towards the exit door, and walking relaxly.

Hearing this, all the trio's eye's first widened in surprise, but after that, they got angry and dissatisfied, since it was a blatant insult to them.

Kei, just means that , 'You can enjoy this free hospitality, after which you can get out of this place. Because, I don't have any use for you all!'

"Bastard!!" Bon-clay's forehead veins pulsated, as he was trying to hold himself from attacking Kei. While Paula's grab on the bed sheet tightened , until her fingernails dugged inside her skin, making the sheet dyed with red blood.

Mikita just stood away from the trio, while looking at their reaction with a blank face, as she knew what her Boss wanted to do.

As Kei was about to grab the handle of the door and leave, He heard a shout from behind.

"Wait!" said Daz, as he struggled to stand from his bed.

"What?~" Kei turned his head towards Daz, with a light smile on the corner of his lips. Since his plan was starting to take effect.

"I Daz Bones, I want to join your Organization!" He said, while bowing his head towards Kei with determination.

Seeing this Paula and Bon clay were both taken back. Because Daz bowed his head himself , while asking to join Kei's Organization.

"It is unthinkable that such a day would come, when one of the top most members of B.W, Daz, would do that!" thought Paula. While she also started to think about the in's and out's of the decision made by Daz , right now.

"Amazing!!..." Bon Clay thought in his mind, while looking at Kei's direction once again. Maybe the decision to join this Organization isn't that bad. Because the Boss is to his liking. And he is handsome.


"No~, you already lost that chance!" replied Kei, while trying to walk out of the room because this was the offer he gave them back then but they rejected it and now it is expired for them. So he decided to leave since he didn't get the answer expected from them, which he wanted to hear.

As he was about to step out, he got to hear what he wanted from them, making him halt in his step.

"Please we beg you! Let us serve you! Boss!" said the trio, while kneeling down, and feeling the excruciating pain from moving their body. Because they didn't want to lose this indirect chance given to them by Kei.

And they also have this feeling that if they don't take action now, then they might definitely would regret it in the future.

"..." Kei turned his head and looked at them silently for a moment, after which he opened his mouth. "Ok, But let me tell you one thing before..., I hate traitors!" said Kei, while exiting the room.

Thud thud thud*

After Kei left the room, all of them fell on the ground, while breathing heavily, as the atmosphere was very heavy, but still they had a smile on their face including Daz too. Because they finally got accepted into the Organization, meanwhile they also noted the last sentence from Kei in their heart and mind .

"Ok! Let me help you guys!" said Mikita while helping the trio, with a great smile, as they are going to be allies from now on.


And like this 2 weeks went on, where Daz, Paula and Bon-clay recuperated from their injuries.

Currently all the former agent's of B.W were gathered in a room, in front of Kei, who was sitting on his chair.

The standing arrangement was from left to right in semicircle, which is Mikita, Gem, Mariane, Babe(Mr.4) , Lasso on his back, Drophy(Miss Merry Christmas), Galdino, Bon-clay, Paula and lastly Daz.

By the way, Galdino himself chose to follow Kei from the time he was saved by Doraemon. As he thought that it was worth it to work for the Boss who saved his life from Marines compared to the Boss who would discard him as a Life stock for his pets(Bananagator). Man, he almost lost his life there.


"Ok, I'm going to leave this place tomorrow, So I have called you all today, as I wanted to assign you your first task." said Kei.

Hearing this everyone got excited, as finally it was time to show their worth in front of their New Boss.

"First, Galdino and Bon-clay will go back to East Blue and bring the person mentioned on the paper that I gave you!" said Kei, while looking at them.

Both of them were at odds at first. But after some mediation by Paula and Mikita, they both agreed to forgive each other, as they were going to work for the same boss. And it was also a rule made by Kei, that same ally doesn't fight with each other, otherwise, they may be eliminated on the spot

"Ok, Boss!" said both of them.

"Next, Daz you would create an Assasination Guild and recruit members along with Paula, Clear?!"

"Yes, Boss!" said Paula, while Daz nodded his head.

"Next Mikita and Mariane, both of you would look after the restaurant business, until Doraemon returns ok?!."

"Yes Boss!" replied Mikita while smiling towards Kei. "Yes, Big brother!" said Mariane with a cute voice.

"Good!" smiled Kei, looking at Mariane.

'Well it isn't bad to have a little sister', thought Kei, while moving his gaze towards Drophy , Babe and Gem.

"Gem ,Drophy and Babe would stay and protect Vivi and King, in my absence."

"Yes Boss!" x3