Knock-up Stream...

Meanwhile somewhere else;

"I've come for your 100 Million Berries!! Give yourself up! Zehaha hahahaaha!!"

"Oye , who are they? Their friends?" asked the Humanoid ape with green cloth outfit, while looking beside the ship of his friend.

"Hmm…I don't know…" said another humanoid ape while glancing at the ship, which looked like a bigger version of a survival raft made of big logs and its flag had three skull logos painted on it.


As Black beard was getting close towards Luffy's and co's ship, he glanced at the darkened clouds in curiosity, "Huh?...Why are the clouds so dark? Is there some kind of anomaly happening?..." thought black beard for a moment, before he decided to forget it, as it was not more important than the price of the bounty on Luffy's head.

"Eh?!! Price on my head?...What does he mean? Is my head that costly?..." Luffy asked dumbly, while Ussop and Nami, were stunned at his stupidity.

"Luffy…you are really…" As Nami was speechless at him, Ussop explained to Luffy about it.

"Luffy! It means you have that much bounty on your head! But still how bouty do you have that he came to us?..."

Hearing Ussops thought, every strawhat crew also got curious.


"So you all don't know huh? Well let me do that kind of work, before you get slaughtered for the said price!" Black beard said his part while kindly showing their bounties, as he wanted to let them know how much they were worth .


Ussop who had his binoculars ready focused it on black beards right hand, which showed Luffy's bounty, "Eh!!! 100 Million Berry!!!" shouted Ussop, while Luffy, who heard this exclaimed in joy, as though he achieved something great.

"Yahoo!!! I got 100 Million on my head!! My head is worth 100 Million!!!" shouted Luffy, while jumping like a monkey on the deck.

"Woww!!! You are awesome Lufffy!!!" said Chopper while his eyes bulged from his skull.

"Dammmit where is my bounty!!!" said Sanji in frustration.

"Is this what you care about!!!" shouted Nami, while feeling helpless at their reaction. Right now they have to ride on the knock up stream and this is what they care about?...

"Zoro, you also got a bounty, It's 60 Million!" said Ussop, while shouting and still looking at the last bounty. He was curious, whose bounty it could be? Maybe it was his? Or something.

"Oh! That's a good achievement! Though it's less than luffy…" said Zoro, while folding his arms proudly.

Robin was calmly looking at their interaction, as though she wasn't part of the crew or to be precise, as if she was watching Tv.

Ussop who finally saw the last bounty, made his eyes almost pop out of his binoculars. Because he was really surprised, while he started to stutter and say, "K-K- Guys!! It's Kei's bounty!!!" shouted Ussop, which made everyone look in his direction.

"Kei!" said Nami, as she got attracted to anything related to Kei.

"Dammittt!!! That Kei!!! He also got his bounty before me!! Dammit!! Why not me!!!" said Sanji, while banging the deck's floor with his hand, though he recovered quickly and ran towards Ussop, who wasn't able to announce Kei's bounty as he was choked by his own saliva.

"Kei? Huh?..." though Robin, while thinking something in her mind, though she was also curious how much bounty did he got? Was it higher than Luffy? Or less?...

Sanji who finally saw Kei's bounty through binoculars, dropped it down due to surprise, while he said his bounty in shock, "1-12-120 Million berry!!!!"

"What!!!" Nami and everyone.

"Zehahaha!!! That's right! I mostly came for him but I decided to take your head as a bonus price!!!--" said Black beard, while he was interrupted by big booming sound.



Finally the knock up stream revealed itself by creating great shock wave in the sea, making black beard's ship or raft, who was close to the impactful area, break in to piece.

"Dammit!! We lost them!! Looks like we ain't fated to catch them today huh right Auge?!" said Black beard, looking at the flying ship on the stream.

"Hmm…" nodded Auge, the sniper of the Black beards Crew, while looking at the ship.

"Yes… exactly, Fate is such a mysterious thing…, it also used to decide a man's worth!" said Doc Q ,the sickly doctor, while being saved by his Donkey-horse, who had his eyes covered by his furry hair. Though both were being drowned in the sea, as the one was sick and other don't know how to swim, cause it's a donkey.

While Burges just laughed it off, while sitting on one of the logs of the so-called raft ship..

"Aaaaaa!!! We are flying on the stream!!!!! Aaaaaa!!!" shouted Ussop and Chopper. While Luffy adjusted his hat from falling off from his head, and looking excitedly for the upcoming new adventure.

As Nami was also confused by their sudden arrival on knock up stream, she remembered that Kei recorded some kind of video file in the Videos section, for the time when she absolutely needed his help.

"That's right! I must see what I can do in this situation!" said Nami, while hurriedly taking the phone from her skirt pocket and starting video. After which a video of Kei came on the screen.

While everyone who was also anxious and excited walked towards Nami, to see what she was looking at.

"Welcome to Kei's Video of how to survive! In today's Video we are going to learn how to survive in the worst of the worst situation, yes that's right! With this Teaching, you can also escape death itself!!" said Kei, while saying confidently.

"What!!! C-Can escape even De-Death itself?? What is that thing!!! Oye Kei tell me!!!" said Ussop, clearly forgetting that it was only recording of Kei, and not Kei himself there.

"Amazing!! I also want to escape Death!! Please teach me Kei!!" shouted Chopper, while bright stars were twinkling in his eyes.

"Sounds like those Scammers in Black Market…" thought Robin, while looking at Kei's video.

"Hmph! Like that technique even exists!" said Sanji in denial, though he still kept his ear tuned to hear it.

"What! It sounds awesome!!! Though I don't know what he is explaining!!" said Luffy.

"Heh…" Zoro, just looked curiously at the video, as he was also attracted by the term 'even escape Death'...

"Yes!! So the teaching is…Believe in yourself and let nature decide, for whether it wants to kill you or not!" said Kei, while smiling calmly.

"..." Everyone.

"Damn it!! This video is useless!!!" said Nami, while hurriedly keeping the phone in her pocket, as if she just took out her phone to check out her Wallpaper.

"Aaaahhh!!! It's useless, we are dead!!!" said Ussop, while crying tears of regret, for believing in Kei's absolute teaching. 'Kei you liar!!!' said Ussop in his mind, feeling that he finally met his match.

"Oh!! So we have to believe in Ourself!!" thought Chopper, while repeating those words in his mind as though, he clearly felt for it.

"Well it's right! Let's believe in ourselves! As for Life or death! Let Nature decide it for us!!!" said Zoro, while smirking.

"Hahahhaha!! Let's sail!!" said Luffy, while Nami also nodded her head as she decided to believe in herself and try her best for all of them and their fate.

"Che*" said Sanji, while he hurriedly write it down in his small diary. While Robin also repeated those words in her mind. 'Still it somehow works even though it's a scam…"

"Achoo!!" Kei sneezed loudly, while riding his bike on the sea, which was creating a stream from the back tire, making it look as though some jet ski was running on the water.

"Hmm?..Kei, did you get cold?" asked Doraemon, whose head was being bandaged in 'X'.

"Sniff…Yaa I'm alright! Maybe someone is thinking about me? Huh?..." though Kei while picturing the image of the girls. 'Nami?...Robin?...Vivi?...Mikita?..."