Mock Town...

"Ok! We have arrived here!! Let's settle down at this place for a few days after which we can search for another target!!" said Captain Brute, the pirate of 8 Million bounty, while the goons followed his command.

"Yes! Captain!" said the Vice captain Schwanz of Brute Pirates. While he started to command the other goons to station their ship at the dock. By the way, It's not that they were the only Pirate groups who stationed their ship on this place.

It is the famous Island-Town, in Pirates Community, where every Pirate would once or twice visit this place in their life. And if you are a pirate and don't know about this place, then you are called a fake pirate, because visiting this place gives you the identity of a Verified Pirate.

"Hahahaha, come here Dona, let me feel your body!!" said Captain Brute with a lascivious smile, to which Dona came beside him and let him hug her, as much as he wanted.

"Iyaaa, Captain, You are touching my breast!!! You naughty guy!!" said Dona, while smiling seductively and making moaning noises to please Brute.

"Hahahah! This feeling on my hands is surely amazing!!" said Brute, while kissing Dona on her cheeks, marking her as his, in front of his underling. While all of his underlings were cursing and looking enviously at their Captain.

'Someday I will also hold lots of beauties, just like the Captain!'

'Hehehe! I want to create a crew full of hot girls!!'

'Che* Just because he is stronger than us, he gets to enjoy the girls…'

As his crew members were commenting this in their mind, the Vice Captain Schwanz, glanced at Dona's big breast, and looked at her average face.

It reminded him of yesterday, when he passed by the Captain's cabin, to tell him that they will reach the Island of Pirates.


"Yes! Yes!! Aaa! AAAA!! Knead my breast more!!!" Dona moaned with a loud voice, while being pumped by Brute.

"Hahhaah! That's right! You like me kneading your breast right?! Then become my Personal Cow and let me drink your Milk!!!" said Brute, while pinching her nipples, and sucking on them.

"Yess~~, I'm Captain's Personal Cow! Aaa Aaa Aaa! Milk me to your Heart's content!!!" shouted Dona, while pleasuring Brute with her beautiful music of moaning.

Thinking about their conversation from last night, Schwanz felt his Lil Schwanz, waving for excitement. So he hurriedly covered his lil bro and turned to the direction of Sea, to calm his mind and breathe fresh air.


As he calmed his mind while looking at the waves and sound of birds, he saw something coming towards the Island with great speed.

"Eh? Is that a boat?...But boat's don't ride this fast? Or is it a Sea Monster?..." thought Schwanz curiously ,but his face turned white as a ghost, until he heard the sound of Monsters from hell.


"Wh-What kind of thing is that?...I'm scared!!" Schwanz shouted in fear, while hurriedly running towards his Captain to warn him.

"C-Captain! There's something coming towards this Island, I think it's some kind of Devil or sea monster!!!"

"Quit Kidding! There's no way that a Sea Monster, would attack this place!" Captain Brute shouted loudly towards Schwanz, to maintain his strong image of Captain, though he was also sweating bullets, when he heard that sound.

Same was with other Pirates too. All of them either gathered near the Coast or would run like Schwanz, to inform about this incident to their respective Captain.


"Kei, When will we reach that place! I'm hungry!" said Doraemon, while sitting behind Kei, who was riding his bike on the sea.

"Are you really a Robot Doraemon? I mean how come you can eat so much and shit?..." Even though Kei knew Doraemon was a robot, he was still surprised by him.

"What's with that Question? Huh? Of Course I'm a ROBOT! And that to an ADVANCED ROBOT from 22nd Century!" Doraemon commented proudly, though he was dissatisfied, when he was compared to ordinary Robots, which hit his pride hard.

Hearing Doraemon's grumpy comment Kei apologized to him, while distracting his thought "Ok Sorry! My bad Doraemon! By the way What do you want to eat? Because we have reached Mock Town!" said Kei, while looking at the Island, docked by Ships of various sizes, and each of them have Skull flags.

"Really?! Then I want to eat some Fish and meat!!" said Doraemon, while salivating like a dog. Though he was more curious as to why the dock of the Island-Town was so much populated? "Kei, why are there so many people on the Dock? Are they waiting for someone?..."

"Hmm…Don't know, Well who cares…" said Kei, as he reached the dock.


"What is that thing?...It looks like Motorbike…but how come it ride on sea waves? Interesting…though it's looks are scary…"

"Is someone riding that thing?...Oh some pretty faced bastard and a Blue Ball?..."

"I also want this bike!! Let that pretty faced bastard land on the dock, then I can kill him and take that bike!! Hahahaaa, oh that blue creature also looks interesting…Maybe I can make him my Pet?..."

Similar thoughts were also churning inside others minds. But they still decided to wait for a while, as they don't know whether these people are dangerous or not.

Even though they are pirates, they still fear getting killed. Of Course who doesn't fear death.


Meanwhile Dona, who saw the handsome man on the bike, was enchanted by him. But she hurriedly removed her gaze from him, in fear that Brute would get angry at her, for looking at another man.

Similar to Dona, Brute was also enchanted. Not because of Kei's handsomeness , but because of his bike. It looks Dangerous with Skull. Yet mysterious and cool. Every Pirate would like cool things and he was the same too. Passionate and hot blooded.

He wanted that Bike for himself! So he decided to attack this guy first before anyone does, fearing that he may lose this chance, when all the Pirates are looking at it warily.

Letting his hands from Dona's body, Brute ordered his goons to attack Kei. "All of you! Whoever brings me that Bike will become my closest subordinate! Hahahahahaha!" Brute laughed out loud, while ordering them.

Meanwhile other pirates, either also followed his lead or would just stay at their place and wait for a chance.


"Huh?..." Kei, who heard the commotion, looked at the incoming Pirates, whose eyes were filled with undisguised greed.

"Kei, they are coming to Kill us!! I'm scared!!" said Doraemon, while timidly taking shelter behind him.

"Oh! Don't worry , just stay behind me ok?.." Kei looked at Doraemon, who just nodded his head in understanding, "Hmm…"


"Heehaaa!! Boy, hand me that Bike or get Killed!!"

"Fuck you! That Bike belongs to my Captain! Captain Brute!!!"

"Captain Brute?...Is it from Brute Pirates?..."

"Hahahah! So you also know about our Captain?...Stay away from his bike and you will be spared…"

Hearing the comment from Captain Brute's goons, everyone felt dissatisfied. Though they decided to take one step back.

"Now boy hand over my Captain's Bike!!!"

Doraemon, who heard this, felt really angry. These people were really lawless. Claiming Kei's bike as theirs, without shame and hesitation. "Oye! It's Kei's bike!" shouted Doraemon, only to be scared by the pirates.

"Heh? What's that creature?...What did you say you shitty blue ball?!! You want to die?" said the pirate, while swinging his sword towards Doraemon..

"Aaaaa!!" Doraemon shouted in fear, While Kei was looking speechlessly at this Idiot. Well still he felt good, when Doraemon talked for him.

The pirate who was about to attack Doraemon passed by Kei, only to be cut down in half.

"..." Every Pirate.

They didn't even see how that pirate was cut down in half nor the blade. But one thing made them understand. That he is strong and dangerous, a person not to be fooled with.

Meanwhile Brute, who saw that Kei, was looking at him, after killing his goon, fell on his butt, as his legs lost it's strength due to fear.

"Fuck! What kind of monster have I encountered! Fuck me! Why did I even attack him!!" Brute thought to himself in his mind, while regretting his decision.

But hearing Kei's next word made him almost dumbfounded.

"If you want this Bike just take it. I will place it here!" saying this Kei started to walk towards the Restaurant to feed Doraemon and himself. As they were very hungry.

All the people who were gathered made a way for Kei, in fear they might get in his way and get killed like that unfortunate guy.

After Kei left the place, everyone looked greedily at the bike and started to make their way towards it, only to be stopped by Brute, as he wanted to own that bike.

Even though he was scared to die. But his greed didn't allow him to think calmly.

"All of you! Get ready to sail! After I get that bike on my ship!" said Brute, while walking towards the bike.