
Creee Cluck* (Sound of Door opening)

"Kei, why does this place look so damaged?..." Doraemon walked into the bar, while following Kei from behind.

"Hmm?...Some fight or something?..." Kei boringly answered, while walking towards the table, where the owner of the bar was serving another guest.

As he entered the bar, everyone's attention went towards him. While a group, which contained two womens with flashy appearance, were also attracted by him.

"Hm?...Who's that handsome guy?" The blonde girl wearing black goggles and red bandana, commented unconsciously .

"I don't know, maybe a traveler? Because he doesn't look like a pirate…" said another girl with pink hair and revealing yellow one piece dress with chain, exposing her deep cleavage.

Hearing their comments, the guys sitting along them felt dissatisfied. "So what if he is better looking than us? Does he have any bounty on him? Naah! Impossible!"

"Look at that white beautiful face, he doesn't even have a scar, an immature chick! Kakakakaka!"


Sarquiss, who was also sitting along them, was annoyed by their comments. It's been 1 Day, and things have not been going well for his crew.

First their Captain was beaten badly by an unknown rookie. And to add to that, he had a higher bounty than his Captain and him. And making their situation worse, he was also beaten by another Pirate, called Black beard , completely deflating his ego.

He was dissatisfied with this Outcome.So , to soothe his sorrow, he drank lots of rum and beer, but it still wasn't helping him. Instead it backfired, as he was feeling sick, from continuous consumption of alcohol.


Kei sat on the round stool, without support, while ordering his meal. Doraemon also sat beside him, though he had to climb on the stool first before sitting on it.

"Eh! Finally I got on the seat!! Kei order some meat and fish!! I can't wait anymore, we have been traveling like this continuously.

"Ok, then a large plate of Meat and Fish!" Kei ordered his meal, when he was served with a glass of water by the owner.

"Here, have some Water Sir!" saying this the owner asked someone to make those dishes, while he glanced back at Kei, while inquiring for a drink , "Oh! Sir, is there any preference for drink, you would like to order?..."

Hearing this, Kei thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, then two Glasses of Milk please!"

The owner of the bar, twitched his lips in surprise, while looking at Kei weirdly,

"Ok, then 2 glasses of milk…"

As soon as the owner called his order of Milk, everyone in the bar laughed loudly.

"Hhahahah, What the fuck, Milk?!!"

"Ya Ya, Ha Haaa Haa Owner give him some milk!"

"Oye Oye! Kid, are you really in the right place? I mean this place is for adults!"

"Pfft Hahaha!! Ya that must be the case!!!"


Doraemon, who saw the change in situation, was really angry now. From the time they entered this island, everyone was taking them as a joke or for granted. But seeing that Kei didn't say anything , he decided to shut his mouth, as he knew, he would only create trouble for Kei just like before.

"Hmph!" snorting in dissatisfaction Doraemon, started to eat his food, which was served hot. "Wow!! Fish!!! Nom Nom!!!"

While the owner of the Bar only nodded lightly, feeling that things won't be good for this Customer here.


Sarquiss, who was drunk, woke from his seat and started to walk towards Kei's position.

Meanwhile, Bellamy, who was silently sitting two seats away from Kei, glanced at him for a moment and continued to get drunk. As he wasn't in the mood to fight anyone, right now.


"Bang! Oye! Hic* K-kid! Give me all the money-hic, you have and go to hic* your Mommy and drink some milk from her tits hic*"

Kei, who heard Sarquiss blabbering , stopped for a moment to think, before he continued to eat his meal. Meanwhile, Doraemon, who was surprised by the sudden banging on the table,almost choked to death.

So he hurriedly gulped his glass of milk in one chug, forcing the food stuck in his throat to go down his stomach. "Haaaa!! Fuck! I almost died on the spot!"

Kei, who heard Doraemon cursing, slipped from his chair.

"Oye! Oye! Who taught you cursing? huh? We are cultured people! So don't curse ok?" Kei, slapped the back of Doraemon's head, while reprimanding.

"Aah?!...Sorry Kei, I-I, just said it out of anger! My bad, I won't repeat that mistake again…" Doraemon downed his head in a meek manner, understanding his mistake.

Feeling Doraemon's sad mood, Kei decided to cheer him up, "Ok, You are a very disciplined robot! Good!" Kei, patted his head, while smiling.

Sarquiss felt ashamed and deep anger was bubbling inside his mind, as he was continuously being ignored by this duo.

So he took his Big knife and pierced it on the table, right beside Kei's glass of Milk, making it fall on the floor making a mess out of it.


Kei's, whose glass of milk fell on the table, finally snapped. "Fuck! Give me my Milk you bastard! And don't disturb when someone is eating!."

Doraemon was looking dumbly at Kei, when he cursed, while he thought in his mind, "Didn't he say seconds before, that we were cultured people? Where's your Manner? Where's your discipline? Was all of that just a dream?..." various thoughts were emerging in his mind, but he decided to keep it to himself.

As the problem before them, was more important than the 'Cursing' part.


"What did you say? Huh? Fucker!! Die!!!" Sarquiss, who finally lost his reasoning due to alcohol, swiftly pulled out his Big knife from the table and hacked it towards Kei.

Meanwhile , Kei also took out his Normal Katana from his System storage and attacked Sarquiss.

Cling* (clash of swords.)

Sarquiss' Big knife was cut in half, while his long blue hair was trimmed by Kei, making him bald from the front side.

While the half blade of the big knife shot towards Bellamy, breaking his big glass filled with Rum, and got inserted into the table.

Crack* donk*

"Oye!! What did that kid just do!!!"

"He-he, attacked Bellamy, My God that Kid is done for!!"

"Fuck, Let's get out of here!! I don't want to get involved in this matter. Who knows maybe, Bellamy will kill us, along with that kid!!"

"Yeah, lately these past day's haven't been good for him…"