
Bellamy was sitting on the table, while taking support of his forearms. His head was leaning downwards, facing the wooden table.

"I Lost!! Damn it! Now how will I face him!! He would lose all his trust in me! What should I do?..." As he was in deep thought, he heard the sound of the door opening. But he didn't turn his head.

He decided to ignore everyone, as he wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone, of course including his own crew. They can just enjoy themselves.

Feeling his throat dry , he extended his hand to grab on his glass mug and took a sip of it. But there wasn't any Liquor in it. So he placed his mug in front of the owner, indicating to him to refill the mug.

The Owner nodded his head in understanding, while refilling it according to the mug size. Filing it up, he passed on it back to Bellamy, without saying anything. He was a little scared by Bellamy, so he decided to distract his attention, while entertaining his other guest.

Bellamy silently took his mug and sipped on it.


As he was sipping on the Liquor, and listening to commotion. A person sat, just 2 seats away from him. Though he scoffed in belittlement, when he heard that the person ordered for Milk. But still curiosity took over him, so he decided to take a glance at that idiot.

But when he glanced at them, he felt nothing threatening from them. So he lost interest and kept sipping his Liquor.


Now Bellamy was getting a little annoyed, because of this ruckus created by the Person, sitting beside him and his crew mate Sarquiss, Which was disturbing his train of thoughts, but he just was too lazy to stand up again, after continuous drinking.

And as he was about to sip on his Liquor again, a sharp object projected towards him, breaking his Glass mug and spilling all it on his face and clothes. "Now they have done it…" saying this he woke from his seat, and turned around.

His angry face and red eyes were so scary that everyone in the bar started to run out of there. He also saw Sarquiss half bald from front, and lying unconscious on the deep yellow puddle, leaking from his lower region. "Smells really bad…''thought Bellamy, while frowning and looking at the duo, who created this chaos.


Kei, who also felt Bellamy's gaze, looked back at him and gave a friendly smile. "Hello there…"

Bellamy, who was silently gazing at Kei, finally opened his mouth, when he saw Kei talking to him.

"Let's talk outside, I don't want to destroy my favorite place." Bellamy walked out of the bar, while Kei also followed him.

But before that, "Dora–..."Kei looked at the Blue robot speechlessly, as he was eating his meal, like a starved dog, ignoring the surroundings.

"Well, lets leave him for a while…" saying this, Kei walked out of the bar.


When he came outside the bar, it was densely surrounded by people, as if they were looking at some kind of World cup match. He even saw some people, standing over the roof of the living structure or restaurant.

Meanwhile Bellamy was calmly looking at Kei, who was scanning his surroundings. That's right after being defeated by Luffy, he felt ashamed and a little regret for provoking him, though it also gave him a lesson, that you have to know your opponent, before doing anything.

And another thing that he got to know, was that a person's worth on the bounty is not just for show. So when he saw Kei, he decided to take things carefully, as he didn't want to provoke another monster which is out of his power range.

"What do you want?" Bellamy directly came on the point, while cautiously gauging Kei again. Now that he thinks about it…why does this face seem so familiar?...

While the people in the surrounding who saw Bellamy, became surprised. Why do you ask?

"Oye, did you see Bellamy? Isn't he acting a little weird?..."

"Yes…Now that I think about it…He is not laughing like Hyena…I mean wasn't that name given to him, because, he laughs like Hyena? People say that it has a great provocation effect..."

"Yeah, I know, His smile makes me want to punch him hard, but I don't think I can come back alive after doing that…"

"..." While the people around him decided to just ignore this guy.

"Hmm, I know! He must not be Bellamy!!" Someone from the crowd made a dumb guess, due to which he was beaten on the spot by the other pirates, who admired or followed Bellamy.

"Aah! My bad!!! I'm sorry!!! Please!! Aaa! Don't beat me!!! I beg of you…"

Like this, various guesses were discussed by the people about Bellamy, while the related party was unconcerned about it.

"Donquixote Pirates…" Kei calmly said the name, while pointing his right hand index finger, towards Bellamys, chest area.

"Wh-What! How do you know about it!!!" Bellamy, who heard the name from Kei's mouth, felt flabbergasted. And how does he know that he was related to 'that' pirate group. Thinking up till here, Bellamy became more cautious and the countenance of his face also turned into a deep frown.

"I will ask you again! What do you want from me!!!" Bellamy took his fighting stance, ready to deal with Kei.

"Oye! Why are you so wary of me?" Seeing that Bellamy was about to pounce on him, he hurriedly said his intention, as he didn't want to waste his energy.

"Ok man, calm down, Let me be clear. Do you want to join my Organization?..."

"No!" Bellamy didn't even think for a moment, after hearing Kei's proposal and decided to attack him.

Bellamy's legs changed into spring, which were continuously pumping up and down, creating enough bouncing energy for him. And as he was about to attack Kei, he was greeted by a bright green light ray, after which he was thrown 2 to 3 buildings apart, crashing.

"Sigh* Even though I wanted to talk peacefully…" Kei nodded his head in disappointment.


"Oye! He defeated Bellamy so easily!!!, who is that guy?!!!"

"I don't think he is a normal guy. Look, did you see that green ray attack? Maybe he is a devil fruit user? That means he must also have a bounty on him…"

When the other's heard, they also felt that what the guy just said was reasonable and to add that, they also think that the face in front of them was a little familiar. So they hurriedly decided to check on him.

While others were making a commotion, Kei was waiting for Bellamy to come back again, but alas he was expecting too much from him, huh?... "He sure has a low endurance…" was the only thing that came inside Kei's mind.

Seeing that the fight was over, he decided to head back to the bar, only to hear Doraemon's cry, "Aaahh! Kei save me!!! This guy woke up and attacked me when I was eating my food!.."

"..." Kei. "Was he right to bring this Robot along with him?..."