Sky Island and Departure...

Meanwhile somewhere in Sky Island, Strawhats met with Father and Daughter duo, Pagaya and Conis.

After talking for a while, both of the party got familiar with each other , due to which Pagaya decided to lead them towards his house, to get them more familiar with this Island and its people.

As the strawhats were following him, Pagaya decided to give a short summary of the Island.

"Didn't you pass through the Milky Road, to come here from the white sea?..." Pagaya asked them, while climbing the stairs.

"Milky…What?..." Zoro, asked confusingly as this was the first time he heard of such a term.

While Robin, who was also following them, stayed silent, and carefully listened to each and every word of Pagaya.

"Oh…I mean the road that looks like a river of twists and turns…" Pagaya explained to them, the description of the Milky road, to which Zoro, pictured the same road and answered back, "Oh! You mean, the route that looked like a flat noodle?..."

"Yes, I'm sorry…That's what I was talking about…I'm sorry…"

"Oh…" Zoro nodded his head in understanding, but he was a little confused as to why Pagaya was apologizing to him, at each and every moment.

"That's an Artificial cloud cannel, Basically there are two Natural Cloud types in this place, First the 'Sea Cloud', where your Ships or other floating medium, travels on it, While the Second one is 'Island Cloud', where you can walk on it, without getting submerged into it, like sea cloud.

"Oh…You must be talking about the place near the beach right or somewhere near close, Where Ussop almost drowned to death…" Sanji commented nonchalantly ignoring Ussop, who shivered in fear, after remembering that experience.

"Oye! Sanji! Don't talk about such scary things! You know I almost lost my life there! And you still are digging out that trauma like it's nothing!!!..." Ussop shouted at Sanji.

"Wohooo!! So white!! Oye Ussop look, the Trees are growing on the Big White Clouds!!!"

"Eh?! Really! Let me look!!" Ussop hurriedly forgot about his trauma and looked at where Luffy was pointing at.

"Oh!!! That's so awesome!!!" Ussop gabbed at Luffy.

Sanji, who was a little interested in this cloud, asked Pagaya, "But these Clouds aren't normal right? I mean People can sail their ships on it or swim!?"

"That's right!" Pagaya nodded in approval while further explaining, "It's like, this cloud has different Molecular makeup, like what I heard , that your place has something called Sea Stones, which contains a certain substance called 'Pairopurorine'..."

While Pagaya was explaining, and climbing the stairs, they finally reached his house.


Back to Mock Town.

"Oye!! You finally have done it!! Hahahaha! Now kneel before me and apologize or else I will kill your Partner!!!" Sarquiss, who woke up just a moment before, grabbed Doraemon, while dragging him out towards the bar's entrance.

"Kei!! Waaaa!! Save me Please!!! He smells so bad, that I almost puked the food that I just had…" Doraemon shouted his distress, while deeply pressing on the word 'smelly'.

"..." Kei looked silently at doraemon for a while before talking.

"Doraemon it's not that I don't want to help you, but can you atleast try to make use of your body? It's not like I can save you everytime, You have to take that first step and become free! So believe in yourself and use that attack!!" Kei, commented to Doraemon, while igniting flames of becoming strong in him.

"...' Doraemon also pondered on Kei's word, while thinking , up till when will Kei help him? Wasn't it his duty to help Kei? Then why was he becoming a burden for him? Thinking up till here, he decided to do something about this situation himself.

"Ok!" Doraemon shouted towards Kei, while making a decision.

While Kei was sighing in relief. As he was tired of fighting Sarquiss, who was a weakling to him. But would he tell this truth to Doraemon? No!


Sarquiss, who was pointing his broken Big knife at Doraemon, snapped at Doraemon. "What the fuck are you even talking about? Just…" as he was about to talk more, Doraemon, who had the height till Sarquiss groin used the said attack.

"Skull Bash!!" Doraemon jumped upward with force, while swinging the back of his head on Sarquiss' groin.


Sarquiss whose Balls were hit by Doraemon, felt as if his Soul left his body.

"Aa…aaarh! Arr…ghhhh…Aaa…." Sarquiss' facial features were sad to see. His mouth was so big, that it almost felt like his jaw would drop from his skull. While his eyes were almost leaving his skull's sockets.

Finally he lost his consciousness for good and fell down, as his brain wasn't able to handle such pain.


Doraemon, who used his first attack, opened his eyes and looked at his opponent in confusion who was lying lifelessly on the floor.

While Kei, who saw Doraemon win his first fight, commented with pride, "You have done it Doraemon! You won the very first match of your Life!!!"

Doraemon, who was confused for a second, finally realized that he won his first match of his life, So he became very happy, when Kei looked at him with pride , and he ran directly towards Kei, to give him a hug.

"Yay!!! Kei I won!!! Kei, I won my first match!!!" Doraemon shouted with Joy, while jumping and trying to hug Kei, to which Kei avoided him.

"???..." Doraemon. (Why did Kei dodge him?)

To which he got his answer.

"You stink Doraemon! It's really smelly…" Kei pinched his nose in disgust, while avoiding coming in contact with Doraemon.

"..." Meanwhile everyone was looking at this duo's show blankly. They were having problems keeping up with these events.

Doraemon, who was an Advanced Robot from the 22nd Century finally connected all the pieces together, after which he stared at Kei with angry eyes.

"Kei! You bastard!! Now I know Why you didn't help me!! Because that guy stinks so bad, you asked me to help myself and now that I am saved myself, you are avoiding me as if I'm garbage!!!" saying this he decided to rush towards Kei and hug him back as a revenge.

"Oye! Doraemon you are misunderstanding ! Damn! Stay away from me!!! Fuck!! You stink so bad!!!!"

"Aaaaaahhhh!!!" While Doraemon, followed behind Kei like a mad bull, who was shown a red cloth.


As the duo were in their own world, suddenly some people came in the crowd in panic to warn them.

"Oye!!! Run! Guys!! That Devil is here!!!"

"Aaaa!!! Fuck he is here!!!"

Someone who saw these people asked in curiosity.

"Which Devil? Who are you talking about? Is it a Sea Devil?..."

The person who was warning everyone answered in fright, "N-No, it's worse than sea devil and Pirates!!! It's Kei the Devil's hands!! He defeated a Navy Captain called Smoker!!! And his Bounty is also above 100 Million!!!"

The people who heard him were confused. While some people who read the daily Newspaper reacted wildly.

"Damn it's bad!! Oye, let's get out of this place! If he's here, nothing good will happen here!!!"


While some who were ill informed about him scoffed at the person. "Heh? What's so great about him huh?"

To which the person slapped that guy hard, making him puke blood.


"Oye Oye calm down! Why are you reacting this much?..."

"Me? Reacting ? Did you all see what happened to Captain Brute of Brute Pirates a second ago?..."

"What happened to him?..."

"He laid his hand on The Devil's hand bike and turned to ashes!!! Leaving nothing behind!!!!" The guy who freshly remembered the scene, grabbed his hair due to fear while sweating furiously.

"Wh-What!!!!" The people who heard this guy's narration, also tried to imagine that scene. Which made their lower half cold in fear, while their face turned pale as a ghost.


Kei who saw that more commotion was happening decided to get out of this Island, as he failed to achieve his objective. So he whistled using his fingers.

"Phiiiii!!!!" (Sound of Whistle)

Everyone who heard the sound of the whistle, felt silent, while they kept looking at the person who made the sound.


The place was very quiet for seconds, before they heard a loud monstrous sound, approaching their way.


Wherever that thing came, it would burn the people and ground to ashes, while emitting intense heat.

"Brrrmmm Brmm Brmmm"

"Whoa!! What the fuck is that!! That thing is moving on its own!!!"

"That bike is moving on its own!! It's a ghost!!! Run!!!"


But as it kept on approaching Kei, its speed started to decrease and slow down, until it stood before kei like a meek Kitten.

Doraemon, who was rubbing his head with some disinfectant towel, also looked at his bike. "Are we going now Kei?..."

"Yawn….Yes, It's time we move to our next destination…" Kei commented to Doraemon, while getting ready to sit on the bike. "Come hop on it fast! Or else I will leave you here!" Kei lazily said to Doraemon while yawning.

"Ok!" Doraemon nodded in understanding while hopping on the back seat.

"Have you taken the seat?.."


"Ok, then Let's move! Yeehaaaa!!!"

"Brrrrrrmrmmmmm brrrmmmm"

Kei started his bike, while speeding it towards the sea. Everyone who saw this scene, screamed in horror, while running for their life. It was as if the Devil came from the sea, to search for souls from hell…