
Brm Brm Brmm…

As both were riding on the sea, with Kei's bike, Doraemon asked his question, "Kei? Where is our next destination?..."

"Hmm…It's up in the sky…" Kei pointed his index finger towards the sky, without looking backward.

"Huh?...What do you mean up?" Doraemon asked in confusion. But he didn't recieve any answer from Kei, so he asked another question.

"Then where are we going right now?"

"Oh, We are going to meet some person, who is the so-called descendant of Noland. You have read the story of Mont Blanc Noland in the Alabasta library right?..."

"Hmm…I know that Tale, It said that Noland discovered a place, which was full of Gold right?..."

"Yes, that's the story, but later, he got executed by the order of the King, for making up lies and embarrassing him in front of his masses, which he didn't. So now his only descendant , who is currently being shunned by the masses of the people, is staying at Jaya Island.

"Oh!..." Doraemon nodded in understanding, while he felt bad for his descendant, who had to go through all the troubles and mockery. Which reminds him of being bought by Sewashi Nobi, to help his great-great grandfather. But before he could do that, he was transferred before Kei.

And now that he thinks of it, He was curious as to how his Great-Great-Grandfather was, that he had to get help from him?

As he was thinking about it, he got a shout from the Island.

"Halt! Whoever you are! this is the Saruyama Alliance Territory!"

Doraemon and Kei, who were about to land on the Island, saw two humanoid Chimps, wearing clothes. While they were backed up by their followers, who had weird skin tight black diving suits.

And leading them was a man, who had a haircut, as if a huge chestnut was growing from his head.

He was the leader and father figure of the humanoid chimps, Masira and Shoujo. Mont Blanc Cricket.

Kei, who wanted to avoid unnecessary fights, said out straightly, "Oh! I am a friend of Straw hat Luffy. I heard he visited this place before going to Knock up stream, so I decided to visit here."

When Kei explained his reason, Cricket relaxed his frown, while commanding others to make a way for Kei to land. Though he was curious as to what that thing he was riding on.

"Ok, you guys, make way for Straw hat's friend, don't try to do anything funny with him Kikiki!" Masira commanded everyone, when he got required instruction from Cricket, while Shoujo followed his lead.

"You guys, relax now, he is not an enemy of the Saruyama alliance, but a friend, So disperse for the time being!" Shoujou commanded his goons, who were wearing weird skin tight black suits.



After landing on the Island, Kei stood up from his bike, while carefully informing Masira and Shoujo about his bike, "Be careful, don't touch it carelessly, or else you might turn into ashes…"

"Eh?! Really? Kikiki" Masira, who was about to touch his bike, reverted his hand back like a swift wind. While he took glances at it repeatedly out of fear.

When Shoujo heard this he also got cautious, while he hurriedly informed his subordinate not to touch his bike.

"You must be joking right? So that they won't be able to touch your bike right?..." Cricket, talked to Kei, while smoking his cigarette. He knew that both Masira and Shoujo were idiots, so they must have believed it. But he is smarter than them. So he asked Kei for an answer.

"No, I'm telling the truth, Recently a pirate, who touched this baby , got burned to ashes…"

Cricket, who saw that Kei wasn't lying nodded his head in understanding, but still he had his doubts, so he asked anyways, "Then why does that Blue thing not burn to Ashes?..."

"Oh! He is my Pet, And connected to me, So that's why he isn't harmed or like that…" Kei explained to Cricket.

"..." Doraemon.

"Well, fine with it, Even though I don't know whether it's true or false, I believe in you, since you are that boy's friend…" Cricket replied while puffing his smoke. "So anyways why do you come here? There must be another reason right?..." He gazed at Kei, meaningfully.

"Yes, that's right, Want to see that Sky Island for yourself, It's free of cost, You want to prove that your Ancestor was telling the truth right?..." Kei looked at Cricket whose countenance was changing between frown and doubt.

"Boy, don't spout nonsense If you want to make fun of us, then do so but, This is a serious matter for me, So you better not make fun out of it…" Cricket looked at Kei, with serious gaze, while observing his facial expression, to check whether he was talking the truth or not.

While Masira and Shoujo, also got tensed seeing the situation. They felt a little conflicted to fight with Strawhat's friends, but they were ready to fight him without hesitation, if their Leader Cricket asked for it.

Seeing that Kei wasn't wavering after telling the deal, he sighed in defeat, before he took another puff of smoke and asked cooly, "So? What do you want in return?..." Cricket asked Kei

Feeling the deal was about to be closed, he smiled happily, "Well it's undecided for the moment, but I will tell you when the time comes, of course, you don't have to fear, I won't ask you anything unnecessary that you don't like."

Cricket, who felt Kei's sincerity nodded his head, while shaking their hands, to close the deal, "Deal! But how are you going to take us there?..." Cricket looked at Kei in doubt.


Kei, who was riding his bike, heard the noise from back. "Boy, I don't know whether this is fate or coincidence, but the time you choose is right, Today is the day , when the other Knock up stream would appear…" Cricket, talked to Kei, while coming out of Doraemon's pocket.

"Joh!!! Joh! Joh! Jo–JoJohh!!!" While the South Bird was sitting on Doraemons head.

Meanwhile Doraemon was sighing in defeat, while thinking that , why does he has to carry this people and south bird on his head. Specifically he was getting annoyed by the south bird, who was making noise on his head, "Urrghhh!! SHUT UP, you stupid Bird!!!"

To which the South Bird got angry at him and pecked his head with anger. "Aaah Aah!!! Stop! I'm sorry!! Please don't peck on my head!! Arrrghh! Kei help me, tell this bird to stop, or else, I might have few screw loose in my head…"

Kei just simply glanced at the South bird, to which it became quiet like a good child, while it turned his head backwards, while enjoying the view of the vast sea.

As he was enjoying the moment, suddenly it got anxious, as he felt that something was about to come at them.

Seeing his reaction, Mont Blanc Cricket, commented to Kei, "The South Bird is acting weird, that means we are close to the knock up stream…" As he was telling Kei, he also felt anxious and nervous as this was his first time riding the knock up stream.

And even though he explained the straw hat's with a blank face, as if this stream was nothing, he was still afraid to try it for real. To be clear, saying and doing the things themselves, is way more different.

"B-Boy, ar-are you sure that we can ride on the knock up stream?..." Cricket asked Kei once again for confirmation, while stuttering in fear. "You know, what will happen if we fall from it right?..."

As Cricket was bickering from back, Doraemon tightly held on to Kei, in fear that he may fall.

Kei just simply replied, "Just believe in me and get inside his pocket, if you are afraid to see the real knock up stream, anyways you will be fine in it right?..."

Kei taunted Cricket, to which Cricket also got angry, "Hmph! It's not like I'm afraid, anyways I will keep my head outside and see how you will ride that knock-up stream…"