Riding sea pillar....

Kei, who was riding his bike, glanced up at the sky, which was surrounded by pitch black clouds, Making It look as though something ominous was about to happen.

Various thoughts were coming in his mind, when he was distracted by the anxious voice of Mont blanc Cricket.

He was a little irritated by him, for breaking his thoughts, So he decided to taunt him, which was very effective, as he kept his mouth shut and looked at the process soundly.

Soon a whirlpool started to form naturally at the sea, which started to suck each and everything in its way towards its eye, making it hard for Kei to control his bike.

But he didn't have to wait long, as a huge pillar of water sprung from that whirlpool area, making everything around or in the whirlpool shoot upwards in the sky.


"Here it is!, the knock-up stream!" Cricket looked at the huge pillar of water, with a pale face. Though he was also amazed as to how such a beautiful yet dangerous thing can appear in nature. Even when he knows a rough theory about it.

While Doraemon, who felt that he was falling, gripped on Kei's shirt tightly.

"Hehehe…Hahaha….Here we come to Sky Island!!!!" Kei, who also felt the thrill of riding such a humongous water pillar, shouted out loudly, to make his fear turn into a form of motivation, while accelerating his bike upwards.

"BRRRMMM!!! BRRRMmmmmmmm!!!"

The skull face on the bike, also felt his Master's excitement, which in turn also made him excited. Due to which his hollow like eyes, manifested ember of fires, while the tires on his bike, started to emit orange-reddish flame.

"Wh-What?!!!" Cricket looked at the burning tires with fright, while warning Kei.

"Oye Kid!! Calm down and look at the tires they are burning!! Burning!!" Even though Cricket tried to inform Kei of this , the related individual was unnerved with it, as he was fully merged into this thrilly experience.

Doraemon, who was hanging tightly for his own life, reprimanded Cricket in a moment of the heat, "Can you shut up for a moment, You know I'm the one struggling here to keep a hang on Kei, who has gone berserk. And you are another one, who kept shouting in surprise, while making me lose my concentration!Listen this clearly, if I fall, you will also fall, and both will die! Do you understand?!!"

Cricket, who heard Doraemon's rapid fire of words, decided to keep his mouth shut, while getting inside his pocket. He felt as though his old heart may not be able to carry this much excitement. And anyway, who wants to see a knock-up stream, when his real goal was the Golden bell and the sky island itself, so why does he have to risk his delicate heart?...and body?...

Meanwhile Doraemon, who rattled his frustration on Cricket, sighed in contentment, though he felt a little bad to lie to Cricket, as the one who will die, if he lost his grip will be Doraemon itself, not Cricket.

And if anyone had looked at this scene from far away, they would have felt as though a fiery creature was riding the stream, while leaving behind white smoke, making it mysterious yet scary.



In a sky full of white clouds, a bike was riding at a constant speed.

"Ugh?..." Doraemon, who felt unconscious due to being stressed out while riding on the knock up stream opened his eyes. "Huh?..." He rubbed his eyes, to stimulate his heavy eye muscles or something like that. After which he scouted his surroundings, making him shout in surprise. "Ehhh?!!!"

Kei, who was riding the bike, heard the shout of Doraemon, to which he glanced back at him. "Oh? You woke up Doraemon?...I thought you were dead or something, when I didn't hear your chitter chatter…"

Doraemon, who heard Kei's comment, rebutted in annoyance, "Huh?!! What do you mean dead? I almost died there! Since my brain and heart wasn't able to cope up with such pressure! You know? And where is that bastard of Cricket? He kept annoying me there!! And almost lost my grip on you!!"

Cricket, who heard that Doraemon was talking about him, popped his head out of his pocket. "Hmm?...What happened? Why are you cursing these old bones?..."

Doraemon, who saw Cricket, just stared at him without saying anything.

"..." Cricket…

The scene was almost comical, if you had looked up there for yourself. It was as Mama Doraemon was looking at Cricket downwards in a reprimanding gaze, while Child Cricket was looking at him upwards in a questioning gaze, though carrying a hint of guilt to it.

Kei who saw this almost laughed it off, but he decided to hold it in and decided to concentrate on the road ahead, where he saw a glimpse of milky road.

"Look, it's the Milky road, the way to Skypiea!" Kei decided to distract these people while commenting about the surroundings.

While Cricket, who finally realized where he had arrived, opened his eyes in surprise, "It-It can't be!!...Sk-Sky Island!!"

Kei who heard this rolled his eyes in disapproval, while explaining Cricket in a taunting manner, "Sigh~, Looks like your Old age has hit you, so bad, that you forgot What I explained to you before huh?..."

Cricket who heard this got angry, while shouting, "What was that brat?!! Huh? Are you looking down on me because I'm old? Huh? What I said was that, it must be a part related to the sky island, ok?!! Did you understand?..."

As Cricket was giving excuses to cover the part, that he almost forgot that it was not sky island, due to excitement, Kei decided to cover his ears with headphones and started to listen to the music.

"Oye! Are you hearing me!!!"

"Seriously, what is wrong with you old man? Aren't you quite noisy? Do people really get this noisy when they get old?..." Doraemon, who was having a headache to keep up with the information around him, asked out of curiosity to Cricket to distract his mind.

"Of course not! And anyways you will come to know yourself, when you will grow old isn't that right?" Cricket looked at Doraemon in upward gaze with a smirk, as though he won the match, but to his disappointment, Doraemon reverted to him with the same smirk.

"What do you mean getting old? I'm a robot, so I won't get old, And anyways, even if 50 years have passed , I would still look young and handsome just like now! And if I talk about you, you would be peacefully resting in your Coffin…"

"What was that you Blue Ball!!!"

"What did you call me!!!"