
Conis-chan, you would be worried about us~~~!!! I'm so touched~~!!!!Yahhh~~!!!"

"Will you be alright Conis? I mean look at the people around us, they are clearly avoiding us! Yet you still led us here and to top that, you are also lending us your boat…" Ussop looked worriedly at Conis, who was struggling to keep her composure.

Luffy, who heard Ussop, also nodded in approval, while asking out of deep concern , "Oye Conis, are you really alright, you look really pale for some reason…, you could have just told us to come by ourselves if you were that scared…"

Conis, who heard their comment, was being consumed by guilt as the time passed on. But she still answered them, while avoiding their eyes, "N-No, it's…it's…it's NOT LIKE THAT…"

Luffy, who heard clear shaking and hesitation in her voice, kept quiet, while calmly listening to her seriously, while Ussop and Sanji, also felt that things weren't normal as they looked, so they also got cautious while scanning for their surroundings.

While the people of Sky Island, who saw that Conis was about to spill all the beans out, they reprimanded her in disapproval.

"Oye! Is she insane!!..."

"I don't think anything good will happen if she opens her mouth, let's get out of here, before we get implicated by her."

"Oye don't say anything! You fool!! Shut up your mouth!!!"

While the Captain of white Berets, who was watching the drama before him, was sweating bullets , while his face was turning pale and blue for some reason, "What is that girl upto! Doesn't she care about her life?...Then why is she saying unnecessary stuff!!!..."

"It's just strange right? Explaining you all the details of trial…and then taking you here…it's like I'm tricking you all to come here…!!" Conis, who felt that she wouldn't be able to forgive herself, finally gave in and blurted out her mind to Luffy, Usopp and Sanji.

"Con-Conis-chan…" Sanji, looked at Conis, who was biting her lips in frustration and guilt, while looking down at the ground.

"Conis…" Luffy, Ussop.

"So…C-Can you just r-run away!?...I'm sorry!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!"

"Oye someone stop that girl, she might get us killed along with her!!!"

"Let's run ,I don't want to suffer from the wrath of GOD!!! Hiii!!!"

Conis, who felt that, since she already blurted out the truth, she would go all out, as she was being eaten from inside by guilt. "The one who called for the super speedy shrimp! IT WAS ME…!!!

Sanji, who heard Conis speech, was so surprised that his cigarette fell from his mouth. "Th-The Giant shrimp that kidnapped Nami-san, was called by you!!!??"

"Yes!! I called it, because as a subject of Sky Island ruled by GOD, we have to follow the CIVIC responsibility or else the related party associated with them will get killed!!, So I'm really sorry!! I'm sorry that I did this all to you when I didn't want to do that!!..."

Luffy, who felt that Conis had spoken more than needed, called out to her in panic, as his instinct told him that now since she had told the truth, her life might be in danger. "Oye! You're really stupid!...You did it because you had no other choice right…! So why?!!!"

"WHY DID YOU TELL US!!!!!" Sanji, Luffy and Usopp.

"You will be attacked Conis!! Let's get you out of here!!!" Luffy bent down towards Conis, while trying to grab her hand, when suddenly the sky brightened up.

Seeing this the people, who were around that area, hurriedly ran for their life.

"That girl is done for!!!The judgment is coming!!!"

"Too late!!!!"

"Get away from here!!!"

"T-The JUDGEMENT is coming!!!"

As they were running for their life, a large amount of energy was being concentrated at a particular area, where Luffy and Conis were present.

Wiw Wiw Wiw Crack Crack…Booomm!!!!!!!

After which a large pillar beam of blue electric energy bombarded on them.


Sizzle Sizzle…

A huge amount of white smoke was being released from the area, where it was targeted, making it hard for anyone to notice through it.

"Oye Conis! Are you fine?" Luffy looked at Conis, who was in his hand, while looking at the person and a bird-horse figure beside him. "Y-you, aren't you that weird old man, who helped us before?..."

"Hmm…My name is Ganfall."

Ussop and Sanji, who were also close to Luffy, walked towards him, while asking their questions.

"Oh! It's the Sky Night Ganfall! What are you doing here?..." Ussop looked at Ganfall, as though he was the ticket to save all of them from this predicament.

"Conis-Chan!!! Are you fine? Did you get somewhere hurt?..!!!..." Sanji ran towards Conis, forgetting about Ganfall and Usopp.

"Eh…I-I'm fine…But what was that thing that protected us from that attack?..." Conis questioned her doubt, while looking at the place, which was getting cleared out by the smoke.


"What are you talking about? I didn't see anyone…" Ussop, who heard Conis comment, looked at the place with doubt.

"That's right, someone saved this girl before me…But who he is is still a mystery…But soon it will be clear…" Ganfall looked at the place with a frown and serious thought, as he imagined the state of the person who received this attack.

Soon the smoke cleared out from that spot, and what came before them was a scary looking bike.

"Eh?...What's that?... Is it some kind of monster!!!"


"So cool!!!! That thing whatever it is!! It looks awesome!!!" Luffy looked at the scary yet shiny bike, while stars were twinkling in his eyes.

"Aaaah!!! It's scary!! It's a monster from hell!! Came to take my soul!! Please don't take my soul, take Sanji's soul, I'm an innocent citizen of Skypiea!!!..."

Sanji who heard Ussop's bantering, kicked him on the butt out of annoyance, making him fly and fall in front of the bike.

"Go sell your soul yourself! I ain't giving my soul to you fool!! Ah! Though if Conis-chan wants, I can sacrifice my soul for you~~!!"

"Hiiii!!! Damn you Sanji, why did you ki-ki" Ussop rubbed his butt with his hand, while looking at the thing in front of him. "Ki-Kiilll, It's going to kill me!!!!! Aaahhh!!!" Ussop lost his consciousness out of fear. As tears and snot were leaking from his eyes and nose. While his mouth was wide opened.

As everyone was panicking due to the strange object-monster, a lazy voice sounded, as though he was tired.

"Why is Usopp so noisy? Ah? Why did he shut up all of a sudden?..." Kei looked at the now lifeless Ussop, who's eyes went blank, for some reason.

"Kei!!!" Luffy, who saw Kei, stretched his hand towards him and hugged him tightly. "You are finally back!!! You know you missed a lot of great adventures!!"

"Yes…Yes, Luffy, I understand, but can you let go of me? It's weird being grabbed by your rubbery hands.

"Oh! Ok!" saying this Luffy, let go of Kei, while he could hear a snort of dissatisfaction from Sanji. "Che* And I thought I would get my time, wooing Nami-san and Robin-san…"

Kei, who heard Sanji, decided to ignore him, and ask Luffy where his other crew mates were.