Trial Ground...

"So you are saying that you got separated from them, since the Super speedy shrimp took them as a sacrifice right?..." Kei, nodded in understanding, while getting the overall summary of the incident.

As he was thinking about things in his mind, he felt the stare of Conis, who was standing there like a wooden doll, while looking at her feet, while in turn taking a glance at him.

Kei turned his face towards Conis, while introducing himself, "Oh you must be Conis right? I'm Kei, a crew member of Luffy…" He looked at her with a smile.

While Conis, who saw his smile, felt that she did something very wrong. While thoughts were popping in her mind, "What have I done! Even though they were nice people, I decided to sacrifice them, just because I was afraid of getting implicated by God's judgment."

Conis after thinking for a while, gave a deep bow to Kei, while apologizing him, "It's because of me Nami-san and your crew members got taken, I am really sorry for that, and even though you won't forgive me for this, atleast, please let me help you find them…"

"Conis-chan, you don't have to be so harsh on yourself! I know you were wrong, but I don't blame you for this!" Sanji tried to support Conis, while trying to sympathize with her.

"Yes, Conis, Please don't mind that! It's not because you wanted to do it right?..."

Conis, who heard Sanji and Usopp comment, thanked them for it, but she still decided to reflect on her mistake, as she felt, it must be done, no matter what happens. "No, Sanji-san, Ussop-san, thank you for saying those kind words even though I did such things to you, I don't deserve such kindness…" saying this she turned her head towards Kei, who was looking at her with a serious face.

"So are you ready to repent for your mistake?"

"Yes!" Conis answered Kei, with firm determination.

While Sanji and Ussop, who felt conflicted by Conis's decision, looked at Luffy for help, only for him to look at Conis silently. "Well since she wanted to do this, then let her do it right?!"

"Lu-Luffy?!..." Sanji.

While Ganfall, who saw that they were gaining unnecessary attention, coughed to make them know of his presence, " Cough* Cough*Since things have turned for good, it's time for my patrol" saying that he took off swiftly, while getting on his weird bird-horse.

"Why was that bird-horse, has those weird clothes?..." Doraemon looked at the departing figures of Ganfall and bird-horse animal.

Kei, who was also having the same thought, decided to answer from his own understanding, "Maybe it's a Cosplay hobby…"

"..." Doraemon.

"By the way Conis, can I get that awesome looking boat!! I still want to ride it!!" Luffy looked at the luxurious looking boat, which had some dragon patterned design to it.

"Looks like the previous beating was not enough to make you understand huh?!" saying this Sanji lifted his right leg, while preparing another serving of his hot piping kicks.


"Yaahh!! Conis-san, your Boat Karasumaru, is really very comfy and has such a unique design…~~!!!"

"No, no it's nothing much compared to the boat Luffy-san wanted to ride on…"

Sanji looked at the black and blue face of Luffy who was silently sitting behind him, after which he glanced back at her, while trying to cheer her up, "No No, Conis-san, please ignore that idiot's selfishness,..."

"Hey Kei! Why did you make me sit on this weird thing huh? And why is she sitting behind you?" Doraemon, who was silently going through indifferent treatment, finally blurted it out, making Sanji aware of Kei's desire.

"Bastard!! So you intentionally made Conis-san, sit behind you huh?! You wanted to take advantage of Conis-san, even though you have Nami-san with you!!!"

"Wh-What? Nami-san? Are Kei-san and Nami-san in a relationship?..." Conis looked at Kei's back with surprise, while looking at Sanji, who let her know the truth about Kei, exposing him completely.

"Yes, that's right!" Sanji affirmed her, by talking in a confident manner.

Hearing that, Conis decided to make some distance between her and Kei's wide back.


Meanwhile somewhere at GOD's place.

Where God Enel was lying with a serious frown on his face, making all of his devotees and subordinates feel tense and scared at the same moment.

While the four trials Priest were standing in front of him with sweat running back their head.

One of the advisors, who decided to break the ice, asked Enel if anything was wrong with the things in the palace or something was wrong with their service.

"E-Enel-sama, did some mistake happen from our end?...Or the food is not to your liking?..."

Hearing someone calling to him, Enel looked at the advisor for a moment, before turning his head towards the four Higher Priests of Trial.

"You all! Someone dangerous has appeared in my Country along with those 7 blue sea people. For the moment he isn't a threat, but for precaution, finish him off, before he destroys the peace in this country!...Don't disappoint me, because I hate failure…" saying this Enel went inside the palace, making everyone shocked.

Many thoughts were going through everyone's mind. But they decided to keep their curiosity to themselves, lest they get dealt with by God's anger, for speaking behind his back.

While the four priests who heard his order, looked at each other for a moment and decided to deal with that person, as soon as possible.

Enel, who was walking towards his grand bedroom, murmured to himself, "Was it my imagination?... or I felt that he saw me looking at him with my Mantra?..."