Chapter 35 | The mysterious figure who spoke

Marquis Jiorne who was in the middle of fighting Ina's army was silent for a moment as something suddenly suppressed him.

"What pressure is that...?!" (Marquis Jiorne)

On the other hand, Ina and the troops behind her were talking about something.

"Master I have a request" ( Kronny )

"What's the wrong Kronny?" ( Ina )

"No big deal, I hope you can hand over Cornella's Palace troops to us" ( Kronny )

"Corella's Palace Troops?" ( Ina )

"Did you see the troop with flashy black Armor emitting magical energy? That's them" ( Kronny )

"Oh there they are" ( Ina )

Kronny pointed at the troops to the right of Marquis Jiorne equipped with Magic Armor.

"...Your voice is shaking with excitement, you're usually calm but it seems your knight's blood is boiling on the battlefield" ( Ina )

Kronny sat his head down.

"There's a reason why we have to take care of it" ( Kronny )

"You know that choosing enemies for some reason is stupid, right?" ( Ina )

"Pardon me, Master" ( Kronny )

"I will allow your request" ( Ina )

"Thank you, Master! I promise to bring victory " ( Kronny )

"What about us Masters?" ( Soraka )

"You guys go to the left flank, Kronny and Dhea will face Cornella's Palace troops" ( Ina )

"Sorry?!" ( Soraka )

"Marquis Fandaise Dorin's army morale seems low, go and help them" ( Ina )

"But, Master will face them all alone? Are you sure you can defeat that many troops? Isn't that difficult?" ( Soraka )

"No, it's very difficult to find an excuse otherwise" ( Ina )

Ina drew her Cosmos Sword.

"[ Mana Blast! ]" ( Ina )

"DEFEND FORM!" ( Marquis Jiorne )



The war has started, this is Kronny's point of view facing the Black Knights and Cornella's Castle Troops

"Black Knights, the Order of the Knights who stepped on our homeland, Beasterian.

Do you guys remember that!!?" ( Kronny )

"WE REMEMBER!" ( Kronny troops )

"Corella's Palace troops who viciously murdered innocent Beasterians!

Do you remember that!!?" ( Kronny )

"WE REMEMBER!!" ( Kronny Troops )

"WHO ARE WE?!" ( Kronny )

"WE ARE GHOST BEASTS!!" ( Kronny Troops )

Ghost Beast is the name of the long destroyed Demi-Human Beasterian Nation's army.

All the troops led by Kronny started moving towards the Black Knights and Cornella's Palace Troops.



While on the right wing of Cornella's and Inarcia's left wing. This is Soraka, Senna, and Saunna's point of view.

Their opponent was Marquis Jigmus.

Senna and Saunna jumped at Marquis Jigmus quickly, using their Swords.

"?!!" ( Marquis Jigmus )

"We kill them all!!" ( Senna & Saunna )

A strong blow occurred between Senna, Saunna, and Marquis Jigmus.

"STOP THEM!" ( Marquis Jigmus Troops )

"MARQUIS IN DANGER!" ( Marquis Jigmus Troops )

"What is that!!.... (That... For Human?! especially a rare race of tigers?! Is he from a long-extinct Beasterian country??)" ( Marquis Jigmus )

"We should thank Master for this" ( Soraka )

Soraka took out his Spear, and shouted.


"HAAAAAAAAH!!" ( Soraka Troops )

"Crazy Bastards! They attacked us with only a small number?!" ( Marquis Jigmus Troops )

Meanwhile, the commanders occupied the right flank of the Inarcia alliance troops, namely, Marquis Fandaise Dorin, Count Midor, and Count Darel Englaus, they were confused because some of Ina's troops were on the right flank.

"Aren't they Duke Ina's army?! Why are they all here?!" ( Count Midor )

"WHAT SHOULD WE DO? WE CAN'T IGNORE THEM!" ( Marquis Fandaise Dorin )

"This is a chance! We must attack them while they are confused " ( Count Darel Englaus )




Meanwhile, Ina's section is in the middle, with Asahi and Charlotte.

Marquis Jiorne broke out in cold sweat at the sight of Ina's attack.

"...Hard to believe..." ( Marquis Jiorne )

"[ Cosmos Sword : Shooting Stars ]" ( Ina )

Dozens of light shot out from Ina's sword, hitting the enemy's magic armor hard.

Marquis Jiorne called the messenger on standby.

"S-Ask for help from our country!! The enemy master is stronger than we thought! All forms of defense formation!! Buy time by throwing spears!!" ( Marquis Jiorne )

Ina's point of view

{ How Exciting, you always enjoy this alone? I mean, you enjoy killing... right? }

"Mind transmission?! Who are you?!" ( Ina )

{ You don't seem happy }

"What are you saying?" ( Ina )

{ What I'm saying is, you seem to enjoy killing enemies, don't you think? don't dodge~ }

"Crazy bastard, I'm Matrial-Arts! I don't enjoy taking other people's lives!" ( Ina )

{ Still, dodging huh? I can feel it, we are connected and we are on the same frequency, I believe you were born to kill }

"...Are we connected?... Are we on the same frequency??" ( Ina )

Ina holds her stomach.

"(Could it be Dragon heart...?)" ( Ina )

{ You may insist on denying it, but. Aren't you excited too, a spirit in warm red blood, if the more excited }

"I-I...." ( Ina )

Ina was silent for a while, and all the memories of the past emerged, when Ina brutally murdered her uncle, Ina smiled for a moment doing that, the other murders she committed, she always smiled, as if she enjoyed watching someone die in her hands.