Chapter 16: Let's stay at this inn (2):

The grand duke came back to me and announced that he had changed my meal to macaroni and cheese and asked if that was ok. I nodded in reply. "Also you don't need to call me Grand Duke. When your title is confirmed I still have to bow to you. Just call me Uncle Robert. Also Damian you can call me father if you want because I will be formally adopting you," remarked the grand duke. We nodded in reply and at that moment our meal came soon accompanied by a glass of sparkling water straight from the bottle. The man gave us the meal and before I bit the macaroni Damian shouted "No!" and pushed the fork away from my mouth and it landed on the floor. "What happened?" the grand duke asked slamming his hand on the table. "The macaroni has mushrooms," stated Damian. The grand duke looked at him, picked his fork up and tasted some macaroni from my plate. "It has mushrooms for the seasoning," he announced glaring at the bar waiter. She seemed to know that she is to die. So she ran for her life along with the bulk man however the grand duke's knights caught them. "Who told you to add mushrooms into this young lady's food?" Uncle Robert asked. However, at that moment they bit their tongue and died. One of the knights went to check on them and shook his head. They were dead.

The knights went to check the inn and found nobody there. "Let's find a different inn," advised the butler. Everyone nodded however god had a different plan... At that moment, heavy rain began to pour and it didn't seem like it wouldn't stop anytime sooner. The grand duke heaved a sign of regret and announced that we would be saying here for today. I went upstairs and chose the room at the far end on the second floor. Damian chose the room opposite me. Inside my room, there was a single bed, a cupboard, a table and a chair. It was a standard room. I went downstairs and informed the Grand Duke of my decision. I noticed that he was busy telling the knights something so I didn't disturb him. I ran back upstairs and noticed there was a bathroom near the stairs that led to the third floor.

I knocked on the bathroom and nobody replied so I opened the door and I saw a figure in the bathtub. "Hello? I'm sorry for intruding I leave right away," I admitted whilst facing my body the other way. I began to walk outside the room but I noticed that the room was too hot and I just come here as well. And the person didn't seem to respond to him. I noticed a small window at the top of the bathtub, it's no harm to open the windows now, is it? I stepped near the bathtub and saw that it was a young man who was in the bathtub. He had very fine features, dark blue hair and black eyes. He look really cute even when he was a young boy. I wonder how old he was. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks. What was I doing? Anyways I hurriedly opened the windows and prepared to leave. However, I stopped in my tracks again. I looked at him for so long and I even opened the window. Why hasn't he gotten up yet? Unless he died or fainted.

I ran over to him and gently shook him. He didn't react... I shakily placed my hand on his nose and he was still breathing. Oh, that's good. I grabbed his hand and felt that his heartbeat was very irregular. How do we do CPR again? Right 30 pumps per 2 breaths. I quickly opened his mouth and placed my lips on it. I gave him some air and proceeded to do CPR however at that moment the young boy started coughing and I didn't do anything else. I stepped away and looked at him as he started to regain consciousness. As soon as he opened his eyes he screamed and leapt up. I also screamed because he wasn't just half naked but full. He was lying in the bathtub so I thought he had clothes under him. Gosh, how silly was I? He was having a bath so he wouldn't be clothed. I screamed again and hurriedly used my hands to close my eyes. The boy screamed again and hurriedly used his hand to cover his um area...

Uncle Robert and Damian must have heard my scream because they rushed inside and saw me closing my eyes with my hand back and turning away from the boy. And the boy was hurriedly covering his area with both of his hands. "What is going on here?" Uncle Robert asked walking up to me. "I don't know..." I screamed rushing straight out of the room leaving the boy, Damian, Uncle Roberts and a bunch of knights. I heard Uncle Roberts asking the boy to get dressed and meet us downstairs... I rushed downstairs and hurriedly gulped some water down. I choked and coughed quickly. The knights saw me coughing and patted my chest to make sure I'm alright. I gave him an ok sign and he backed off. I was still coughing though. Uncle Roberts came downstairs and asked if I was ok. I quickly nodded and noticed that behind him was the young boy.

He was dressed in a white t-shirt and black trousers. He looked very smart. I noticed that he was almost up to Uncle Roberts's height so almost 5"3. How old was he? "Hi," I muttered whilst blushing. He used his hand to brush his hair and waved a hi. Uncle Robert and Damian joined me and sat down. The boy stood in front of us and began to introduce himself "My name is Adrian. I'm 14 years of age. And as for how I ended up here, I have no clue. But where are the kidnappers?". Uncle Robert looked at him and asked "