Chapter 35: Ryan Kennedy Ravert (2):

The carriage came to an abrupt stop, and I almost fell on Ryan again however this time Damian seemed a bit too keen to hold onto me. "What's happening?" Uncle Robert called out. "My lord we've reached Marquis Ravert's house," the knight replied. I looked at Ryan as he signed and started to check his clothes. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black trousers. He didn't quite look like a son of a noble, more like a commoner. "Would you like us to accompany you?" I asked. Ryan shook his head in reply. He opened the door and stepped outside. Uncle Robert followed him outside. He looked at us before closing the door and mouthed "stay inside,". Well, I wasn't going to do that. I want to see the second male lead.

According to all the fans out there, the male lead was for the female lead and the poor second male lead was for the fans. To be honest, if I was Eveline, I would've chosen Aiden in the end. I mean he was her first friend. The first person to care for her no matter her status. As for Damian and Eveline, they were enemies and then lovers. In short, Damian thought that Eveline was like Princess Camilla who bullied the weak. Many misunderstandings until they finally got together. Well, many of them were created by Princess Camilla and Lexi Ellis. But this time it will be different. I'll make sure of it.

I looked at Damian who was sitting alongside me and asked, "Wanna go in?". He nodded without hesitation, a bit weird. Why are you so keen to go inside? Whatever it doesn't bring me any harm. Instead, it'll be easier this way. No question needed to be asked. I placed the hood from my cloak onto my head, so it was covering it. I opened the carriage door and the knight standing at the door looked at me in confusion and asked, "Miss is there a problem?". I shook my head and got out of the carriage with Damian following behind me. "There's no problem, it is just too stuffy in the carriage, and we wanted to come outside and walk," I announced whilst Damian nodded his head in reply. "Well then, you miss let me accompany you," the knight uttered. I glanced behind me and mouthed to Damian 'run'. He seemed to have got my message because he nodded. Damian walked up towards me, and I held my hand out and started counting with three fingers. When I reached the third finger I started running with Damian. The wind was blowing on my face and my hood had already flown off. My golden hair was flying past. Good lord, I feel like I should at least trim my hair a bit. My hair was far too long, it was already past my waist. Perhaps I should just trim it to be above my backbone. I prefer long hair though.

By the time the knight clocked that we had run away, we were already at the mansion entrance. I hurriedly hid behind Damian and fixed my hood, so it was hiding my hair. Damian introduced himself to the man standing at the door and stated his purpose. Well, he said that he had something to report to Uncle Robert. And the guard just let us in. He had called for the butler who led us inside. I clutched onto Damian's hand because my head was looking down to avoid anyone recognising me and I did not want to trip over. "And who is this?" the butler asked whilst looking at me. I couldn't see him watching me, but I guess it was directed at me because I was looking quite suspicious. My whole body was covered by a long black cloak with one hand holding onto Damian's hand and the other lifting the hem of my cloak. Even I admit that this was looking a bit suspicious. Damian spoke up saying "This is the lady who has something to say to the duke. She can't see so she is holding onto my hand so that she doesn't fall,". How the heck did he manage to think of that? Whatever. Not at all concerned that this is the first excuse he thinks of. Well, I did gain some sympathy from the butler because he immediately asked in concern if I was alright, to which I nodded in reply.

As we walked closer and closer to the room where Uncle Robert was, we could hear raised voices. I could hear what they were saying, but I gathered Ryan's parents shouting at him. I couldn't hear his reply though. When we reached the room, I could hear what they were saying. His parents were saying that his disappearance this month has caused so much trouble for them. They had even sent out a whole search team. I could hear the grand duke trying to calm down Madam Ravert. The marquis however was not saying anything. The butler smiled sheepishly and apologised for the scene. The butler then gestured for us to open the door. Damian reached out his hand too, but I quickly held him back. I wish to know what Ryan would say. And I wasn't disappointed because soon I heard his voice shouting back, "To this day you still don't understand,". "What do you mean? How dare you speak to your mother like that. She has been worried sick this whole week," a deep male voice shouted back. I'm guessing the male voice was the Marquis. How could his parents not understand? But I sadly do. I let go of Damian's hand and walked in front of him opening the door. The door pushed open, and I noticed bright lights everywhere. Standing in front of us were the grand duke, the Marquis, Madam Ravert, Ryan and his siblings. "Marquis aren't you at all curious about what Ryan meant?" I asked as soon as I entered.



To be honest, I was thinking about how to bring the topic to go inside.

However, who would know that you will mention it yourself?

Since you mention it yourself then obviously, I'm going to say yes.

Why are you sticking up for him?

He deserves it for making his family worried.

Wow, we finally meet again Aiden Ravert...

He looks worse than when we met in my past life.

This time I'll make sure you will never see Eveline EVER.

Eveline is mine and only mine.