Chapter 37: The story (1):

"Once upon a time, a girl grew up in an aristocratic family. She was the second child in the family. She also had a sick sibling very much like Ryan. Her sister was constantly sick, so her parents always had their attention on her sick sister. She had an older brother who excelled at everything, and her parents constantly told her to copy her brother. This brought her to hate her brother. Alongside a younger sister, she also had a younger brother, this brother would always steal her toys, yet her parents told her to let it go because he was young. Again, her feelings were dismissed. Every day she wishes to get sick just to have her parent's attention.

One day she was finally sick. She had caught a fever; her parents were finally concerned about her for the first time. However, as soon as her parents heard that her sister was coughing a fit again, they rushed to her room leaving the girl in her room alone and sick. Even with all this happening she still managed to live until 18. Because of her parent's ignorance, they failed to notice the change in their daughter. In that whole mansion, there was not a single person who cared for her.

God had already been quite unfair to this girl however who would've known that she would get an uncurable illness? The doctors told her there was no cure and she only had a year to live. She began to wonder whether or not her parents would be concerned about her if she told them. And if her parents would be sad about her death. However, she chose not to tell her parents because she didn't want to be a burden.

On that very eventful night, she argued with her parents because her sister had stolen her sweet brought on the street and had gotten sick. Her parents blamed her for causing her sister to fall sick. On that night she ran away from home leaving a letter for her parents. And so, she left her house and headed to her fiancé's house. There she spent her last year under the care of her fiancé. Her fiancé was the only person who truly cared for her.

Her parents didn't realise she was gone until a week later when they realised they'd heard nothing about her and that she hadn't been joining them for dinner. They forgot about someone who was living in their house. Her parents believed that she would come back a few days after but after 2 months and with no reply from her they finally began to worry. Over at the young girl's side, she was finally feeling somebody's concern. Her fiancé had noticed on the second day she arrived at his house that she was sick. And he did everything to allow her to have a happy life. He had fallen for her, but he didn't wish to tell her because she would feel burdened leaving him alone. Her health began to deter her fiancé decided to contact her parents even when she didn't want him to. When her family knew they finally wept for her.

Her whole family rushed over to her fiancé's estate to try and make it right with her. They even brought a famous doctor with them. However, it was no help. It was already too late. Her one year was nearly up. In the last month, the girl was bedridden, and her only joy was seeing her fiancé come in and bring her a new vase of lavender flowers which represents long life.

During that whole month, her family stayed with her, and they finally got to know her better. They finally knew her likes and dislikes. But everything was too late. The girl died after her time was up. But she had lived a happy life in her last life few months. Her parents and family lived in guilt their whole lives. Her parents vowed to make it up to her if she lived or in her next life. But sadly, they couldn't.

Her fiancé ended up in depression. He wanted to kill her parents to avenge her. But he couldn't because he had promised her not to. The guy never married anyone else, and he died a few years later with his hand wrapped around her urn," I stated. I looked around and noticed that everyone was lost in their thought. Only the little girl had misty eyes.

"So, what do you guys think the point I'm making here is?" I asked whilst getting myself a cup of tea.