Chapter 69: I'm here to collect you:

"Wow, we look so much alike," exclaimed Prince Brandon as he was the first person to break the ice. "What am I saying of course we would look alike. We're blood-related, siblings. Though I do suppose your eyes are a darker shade than mine. They look like William's eyes. Though you have mother's wavy hair. Just like all of ours. Our father's hair is pin-straight, so all of us got our wavy hair from our mother," he blabbed, I could tell that he was a little nervous about meeting his long-lost sister. I mean who wouldn't be? But he was doing a very good job of hiding it. This must be due to the training he undertook as the crown prince.

"Really?" I asked trying to show interest. I didn't want him to feel awkward so I could only try to converse with him. But it was already really awkward. "Anyways," muttered the crown prince as he tried to change the topic, "I'm here to bring you back to the palace city. So I hope you're ready. If so, I'll wait for you outside. I'm sure you would like to say goodbye,". I nodded in reply. He clapped his hands and turned back to the grand duke muttering "Uncle Robert, thank you for everything. I will take my leave then," he quickly walked out of the room with his personal attendant following him. Uncle Robert and the rest of the people immediately bowed/curtsied as they watched Prince Brandon walk out.

As soon as my elder brother was out of earshot I turned towards Uncle Robert and did a very low curtsy which he immediately tried to make me stop. "Thank you for everything," I whispered as Uncle Robert shook his head. "I'm very happy to see that you can finally unite with your family,". We smiled at each other as I turned towards Damian. "I believe we will definitely see each other soon. Hey Damian if anyone bullies you tell me and I'll deal with them," I whispered whilst hugging him. His body went rigid however he soon relaxed and hugged me back. It was just a childish hug that meant nothing. Turning towards Lexi I also gave her a quick hug and reassured her that we would be meeting soon. I addressed all the servants saying, "Thank you all for the care you guys have given me for these few days,". And with that, I left the room with Uncle Robert, Damian and Lexi accompanying me outside.

When I got downstairs, I saw that my eldest brother was standing right outside the carriage having a word with his attendant. The carriage looked so fancy. It was painted in gold with the royal family crest imprinted on it. The royal family crest was just a phoenix and a dragon. It represents the fire and water powers the family has.

We all stood right outside the carriage. I gestured for them to go back inside, the grand duke was also leaving with us hence his carriage was right behind the royal family's one. He was going in the opposite direction though. Lexi whispered to me that if I wasn't happy in the palace city the manor would always welcome me. I felt quite touched by that and immediately thanked her for the effort.

Prince Brandon looked at me and gestured that it was time to go. He held out his hand and opened the carriage door with the other hand. He looked quite like a gentleman waiting on their lover. I smiled sweetly at him and took his hand. Before I got on the steps, I turned my head and looked at Damian saying "Thanks for the shoes," smiled and got inside the carriage. I didn't see Damian's reaction as Brandon had gotten into the carriage sitting opposite me.

"Are you ready?" he asked as I nodded. He nodded at his attendant who was going to drive the carriage and we soon set off with the Grand Duke's carriage following behind us. As we drove further away, the manor looked tinnier and tinnier. It seems I'm soon going to enter the lion's pit.

I looked at Brandon and he looked at me. It was really awkward. However, to warm the ice I began talking about how lively the capital was. "Yeah, it really is quite lively. Thedo's capital city is called Jidu. Inside Jidu there is the palace city which is where the monarchs live along with his family. Most of the royal family live inside the palace city in their own little palace. Or they choose to move out and buy their own manor. Inside the palace city, there are a lot of important palaces for example the monarch room where the monarch meets degradation from other empires/ kingdoms. There's the power room where all the laws are made. There's the common room where all the officers get together to talk about anything they're worried about or if there is a problem in the kingdom. Generally, that's where all the meeting takes part," explained Prince Brandon as I listened carefully. This stuff was already mentioned in the book so it wasn't new stuff to me.

And just like that, we hit off really well. We began to talk more about ourselves and get to know each other more.