
Look closely at that photo and date and tell me if sorry could dissipate the pain and anguish I have felt all these years" she threw the photo at him walked to their bedroom. It was daytime but she felt like the minutes, hours were longer than any other. She locked herself in the room and cried herself out. Her eyes were red and swollen but to her it was nothing compared to what her heart was feeling.

In the living room

Feeling cornered and frustrated, the governor of the largest county was shaking in fear looking at the photos on the table. He was too careful not to leave traces of his affairs behind. But it seem his wife had more connection than he thought.

Yes. He married her for her connection and what she brought on the table but that did not mean he could not develop feelings for her. He loved her but maybe he didn't know how to express them. Looking the image son the table, his body felt electrocuted. The look on her eyes and face still lingered in his mind. He could understand her anger. She had endure it for so long for her to burst like that

He needed to make it right as soon as possible. But how was he going to do?

He took out his phone and called his friend

" I am in a mess. I don't know what to do?"

" What are you taking about?"

" Eve found out about my affairs will those women. Apparently she had the evidence for a long time but never confronted me. Today she didn't. Man I have hurt her deeply. This time I don't know if ill be able to sort this out." He sighed in defeat leaning at the back of the sofa holding a photo.

" I warned you. I don't know how to help but you have to apologize and be sincere. If possible confess all you have done. This is the time for to come clean and promise not to do it again" the voice at the end of the phone answered in a deep husky voice.

"Thanks Dave. I'll see you later at the base" he hunged up and strode upstairs. It has been an hour since she went upstairs. He looked through the photos and was somehow amazed by her source of information. But that rose an alarm. It means his privacy had been compromised.

He stood at the door for a while before knocking. "Honey, please open the door. Let's talk. I'll explain everything to you."

Nobody answered for a while. He knocked for almost half an hour but she did not budge. Having no choice, he was determined to save his marriage. He had sacrificed so much to reach where he was. No one including his wife was going to take that from him

He slide down the door and sat on the floor.

"You know. All this years, I have always loved you. I know I am not the best at showing my feelings but I admit I have failed you. For the last four years, I have tried to keep a distance from you. It's not that I don't care about you but it reminded me of what I had done to you. When you needed me the most, I wasn't there." He started tears visible in his eyes. He sniffed before wiping the falling tears

That night. I was with a woman. She was my first love before I met you. I had to see her to make things clear to her. She had been pestering me for a while and didn't have ways to get rid of her. She is from an influential family and even my father had to bow down to her.

I met her and before I knew it, one thing led to another and we slept together. But it was a one thing. I stopped seeing her. But she had a video of me sleeping with her. She used it to blackmail several times which I had no choice but to meet or else she will expose it to the media. I am human and in the peak of my political career. How could I allow her to expose the video? That's how we started." He explained sobbing

"I am sorry. I have felt guilty for a long time. Each time I saw you I felt more guilty and insecure. I am afraid of losing you. I don't want to lose you. You mean so much to me" He sobbed louder this time the door creaked open as it got opened from the inside. He stood from the floor in a hurry and walked in. Evelyn was holding the door stepping aside to allow him enter. She closed the door behind them and pressed her back against the door. Looking at his wife, the guilt was too much

"I am sorry. Please give me another chance." He walked to her facing her a step away. Looking at her swollen eyes, he felt guiltier. "I would do anything you want but please don't leave me my love"

"Why didn't you tell me about her from the start? Why wait until we reach this point to tell me?" she asked in doubt

" I was afraid you would misunderstand. I thought if I talked to her it will end but she was so insistent that I ended up sleeping with more."

" What about the other women?" he talked about his first love but he didn't talk about the other women.

" I had to show her that I married you for your connections and not love. I am sorry. I should've been honest with you from the start." She looked at his face applauding deep in her heart, he really knew how to explain himself. Did he think she would fall for it

" Now that I know, how are you going to handle it? I am not going to be involved in your mess. Clean it as soon as possible. Also I don't want you to see her again. It better be over soon or else, you will not like what will happen next. I cannot tolerate betrayal anymore." She walked to the bathroom leaving him standing in the middle of the room.