Massacred (3)

"Fear is a useful tool isn't it?" Luther is the soldier as he stoved in hand in the dirt. Too scared to move the soldier began to look around, trying to find the quickest escape route, if he can even escape. Lightning spark around Luther's eyes as his arm finally reaches the soldier

"Please! Please! Don't! Don't! I'm sorry!" Cried out the Soldier.

"Sorry? you didn't even do anything." Said Luther as he pulled his hand out of the ground. "Pleading for your life. Sad, just sad." Said Luther he began to shake his head in disgust.

"Just let me go, I have a family…"

Cutting the soldier off, Luther stomp on the ground causing the dirt and rubble to cave in squishing the soldier.

"Wh.." said the soldier as his vision turned black. Luther had kicked the soldier's head separating it from his body.

"I told him I don't have time." Said Luther as he transformed and dashed toward the sky. Purple lightning scared the trees as Luther flapped his wing completely disregarding the other wildlife in this forest.

"Fuck when did that monster get this close?"

"Are you stupid? It can fly."

"Be quiet, we're being followed." Said the soldier in red as he glance on side of the forest farthest from them. A huge orange beast, strip like a tiger and huge like a dinosaur. The beast was perched up in a tree watching over the group of soldiers. If the soldiers in red did sense him in time, his team would walk under the beast without a care in the world.

"What is that boss?"

"A demonic tiger, his kind shouldn't be this close…" the soldier in red fell silent as he gaze at the stars. His face was pale as he came to the realization he made a huge mistake. "RUN!" Yelled the soldiers as he dashed back to their camp.

"Run why!?"

"We're TOO FAR!"


Completely ignoring the soldiers behind him the soldier in red cover himself with mana as he launches himself into the trees.

"Boss where are you going?!" Screamed out a soldier as he hop up. The soldier was snatched out of the sky in a flash, leaving only his shoes to fall.

"Where did he go?"

"Guys! He moved!" Screamed another soldier as he pointed in the distance. Nothing they heard nothing or get the slightest change in mana, how can a monster move like that, the soldiers thought at the same time.

"Regroup! We need to stay together!" Yelled out a soldier as he pull out a bow from a ring on his finger.

15 soldiers were standing in a circle praying to their gods that they didn't have to die today.

A roar echoed through the forest as a bolt of lightning struck down in the distance. Growl and small shock waves could be heard deep in the forest.

"What's happening?"

"I think it's fighting something."

"What could fight that?"

"A stronger beast."

"Not a monster.."

A cry of an injured beast flew past their head as a purple pair of eyes glance at them.

"It's time to run!" Screams out the Soldier as they ran back to camp.

The demonic tiger arm landed next to the group of soldiers' escaped route forcing them to flee farther south, and blood spurt from the arm. Blood from the demonic tiger landed on two soldiers melting their bodies in seconds.

"Don't touch the blood!" Yelled out a soldier. I'm a heart beat his vision flashed purple as a claw poke out of his chest. "Ah…" before the soldier could scream he was flung in the air, as he reach a cloud his head was knocked against a hard surface. The clouds slowly absorbed his body as he struggle to survive.

One by one, Luther picked off soldiers from the group, using his true form to strike fear in his opponents. Taking advantage of their fear Luther was able to pick and kill off enemies stronger them him.

"Stupid humans." Luther thought to himself as he rubbed one of his wings. That demonic tiger did a number on him, if he didn't use his blast breath that beast might've killed him. Luther needs to be careful, don't want to end up a dead dragon.

Two soldiers pass Luther, who was tending to his wounds, if he was spotted he could be the one hunted.

"Meat, are you sure Red is here?" Asked Wolf

"Yes, I was able to intercept his mission to HQ." Said Meat as he toss Wolf a small device, " Always carry a portal I.I.G., never know when you will need it."

Luther began to panic, he wanted to get his hunt over with quickly but now it looks like he has to quit it as a whole. Sorrow filled Luther's eyes as he put his head down, he knew what he had to do, but he didn't think he had the strength in him to quit. "Snap out of it!" Luther yelled to himself as he transformed into his human form. The thing he should be focused on is finding out what's calling him to that cave before the others find it. Letting out a sigh Luther let the darkness overtake him as he dashed back to the cave. Two hours had passed since that team went into the cave, and he needs to catch up.

"Wolf is that you?" Asked the soldier in red, wolf, and Meat just to stand there in silence as they put their hands on their weapons.

"How did you survive?" Coldly asked Meat as he stab his weapon into the ground.

"What do you mean? I ran away and hid as you did." Said the soldier in red.

"WHO ARE YOU!" Yelled Meat as he pointed his weapon at the soldier.

Letting out a sigh the soldier, brought out a smile as a feminine voice echoed past Meat and Wolf. "I hate smart people." Said the soldier as his figure began to dissipate revealing a maid in a pitch-black battle dress, with two huge daggers strapped to her waist.

"Lady Bell is going to hate this.." said the maid as she jump into the trees.