Liam the councillor...

After talking about hear and there for a while before she asked the maids to arrange the accommodation for Joseph...

As he will be assisting her for the next 3 years ,so he will be staying here in the mansion..

"Arrange a guest room at the second floor for sir Joseph.." Liam instructed ...Mia stared at her face for a few seconds, when she got a glance of her mischievous smile she shook her heads helplessly she looked at joseph with pity before she bowed her head and went away to do as she was told..

Joseph saw their interaction and had an ominous feeling...

In the conference hall when Liam entered what she saw was a lively atmosphere... the members of Solaris and moon Chester along with some important branch family members and of course... her cute disciple Margaret...

Speaking of her .... her personality had undergone a drastic change since she first met....

Gone was the look of arrogance which is now replaced by a happy and cheerful look...

If Liam's thoughts were led out others will definitely cry out" young miss only you have the luxury to see that cheerful look of Margaret.." they can only see her small fist producing explosive sounds....

Margaret was the first one to notice her presence ....her eyes instantly lit up at her site..

"Master!!!" she sprang up from her seat she rushed towards Liam with her hands wide open it looked like she was going to embrace her ,but what they saw was.. her throwing her fist towards her face..

Liam was little surprised by this sudden attack but she reacted otherwise.... she caught her fist with her bare hands and spun around her back giving a nice kick on her knee joints making her kneel on the floor ...

Margaret was defeated but shame was the last thing she could feel right now... in fact she had a crazed look on her face..." master ,you are still very strong I need to learn a lot from you..." she grinned widely..

From her interaction with Margaret, she knew that she is a little fighting machine... she can go to any extent only to get a good spare thus.. she was not that surprised when she was attacked..

Margaret was only 4' 10" and now when she was kneeling on the floor she looked even small.... Liam couldn't fight the urge to pat her head... when her hand touched margarets head the conference room instantly quieten down everyone looked at her as if she had done a grave sin.. some even look that her with a little terror.. Margaret can tolerate anything apart from someone touching her head and as expected margaret's body stiffened the smile on her face also froze..

Liam also felt that something was wrong .."what happened..??"

"Master you should not have done that.. my head is my sensitive spot whoever has touched it is already dead..." Margaret said in a freezing tone ..

Liam stared at her expressionlessly for a few moment before saying "Then you should quit fighting.. you can never be a warrior ..."

Everyone were utterly shocked by her statement the stared at Liam as if looking at a alien.

"what did you say ...?? "Margaret asked in a deadpan voice... she could tolerate insulting her but if someone said that she was not eligible to be a warrior then....

"I said that you are not eligible to be a warrior ...if you have an weakness and the enemy knows about it then it would be there main point of target... how can you be a Warrior in that case..." liam explained

Margaret's eyes which were about to spit fire instantly quietened ...she was a very simple minded person and would never disdain anyone's advice ...

she gave it a thought and the more see thought about it the more it made sense she hesitated for a second before asking..." master but it's a very serious one, I really cannot tolerate anyone touching my head ..."

"okay...if that's the case then make it your strength rather than a weakness..."


"I mean that you should never pause even for a second... when someone touch your head ...directly cut their hands off... if you get delayed for a second ,then your heads will be cut off..." Margaret suddenly felt enlightened...

"Master you are right I will try do as you said..."

"But always learn to distinguish between good and bad touch don't cut the hands of your Comrades.."

"okay..." Margaret nodded repeatedly...

Liam turned her attention towards the rest to the people who were watching them with their mouth a gap there ice we are shining with awe.. it look like they would worship her the next second...

"Aham.. Aham.." she coughed lightly to hide her embarrassment... they were looking at her with deep admiration... they didn't know that their young miss was such a great Councillor...

The people who were perfunctory at first were now paying great attention..... if she could change the mind of Margaret then she surely had some capabilities...

Liam naturally sat on her head seat.." I hope you all know the objective of today's meeting..."

"yes" they replied with great enthusiasm... Liam was satisfied by the reaction

"I have checked the structure of work distribution and I want to make some changes..."

They had expected it and thus nodded.. after 2 hours of intense discussion they look that Liam with profound worship... especially the Solaris and Manchester group they felt that they were looking at there Godfather....

Liam was silently enjoying their flattery expression... she was not called as the Queen of business for nothing..

The business plans of Baldwin family was full of loopholes.... when she first saw it, she wondered how did they get this much profit with such a business plan...

Actually , it was not there fault... the the people in this world put their entire mind in cultivating magic and strengthening their powers... so small factor like business plan are usually thrown out of the window ...but the small loophole can cause drastic changes...

In terms of strength Baldwin family was already in top 5 but the economic condition was a bit tragic Liam had been expressing her pity the entire time she was preparing the business plan...

The pharmaceutical company had a great potential but they have very high prices that's why the yearly turnover was very low... Liam opened a slot for recruiting more Alchemists and converted the prices to a reasonable rate...

The medicines were divided into three categories- first the common, the medicines that are commonly available in any pharmaceuticals shop ....second category was the relatively rare medicines that can be sold in moderately high prices.... next was the Baldwin families secret medicines, they were the signature products made by their family so it can be sold with sky high prices... she also introduced a coupon system in which the regular customers can recommend other customers- their coupon code and get Commission this plan was lot better than the previous plan in which all the medicines where sold at the same price...

Next was the clothing company... when she first saw the business plan of the clothing company she almost tore it out of frustration.... the branded and the best styles were sold in Footpath prices... although, it was sold in a high quantity but there was no profit... first of all she tore the original price chart and set a new price to all clothes.... she recommended to recruit some celebrities for endorsement of the brand, she also got the technical team to customize the app for online delivery ....the rest of the legal businesses were in better condition she made some minor changes and let it be....

When it come to illegal business... everyone was nervous, almost everyone knew that their young miss had righteous syndrome.... they held their breath waiting for her instruction...

"Remove this kidnapping business doesn't have any good profit and the risk is high and also remove these forced prostitution it would be troublesome to deal with police cases..

Run a background check before taking assassination contract don't let yourself be a sacrificial lamb..

don't do this drugs dealing business so openly use codes while passing the goods create an account in swiss bank if you don't want to pay additional tax "... after finishing her instructions she asked "did you get that...??"

"Yes Boss!!" everyone said in union

Liam paused ... she raised her head only to see everyone Eyes steering at her with an awestruck look... when they were listening to her instructions they truly felt that they were her subordinates and the "yes boss "came out instinctively ...

Now was when they truly felt that their family has gotten a true leader..
