Liam' s excitement

After discussing about some important matters she left the conference room shortly, under everyone's Shiny eyes of course...

On the way to her room, she met one of the great elders...

"Greeting young miss..." he said..

"Good morning, how do you do elder..??" Liam bowed head slightly..

The elder looked at her with great satisfaction... every time they see their young miss, they feel like looking at their own grandchildren...

"young miss.. I was on the way to ask for an audience..."

"oh!! but why...??"

"We have to inform you that ,tomorrow is the Crowning ceremony... all the necessary arrangements have been done ... the designer and stylist will be arriving today... so please keep yourself free..."

Liam stood still but.... her insides where screaming with excitement .. though her face was expressionless...

"Noted .... anything else..??"

"oh!! yes, your Academy entrance date has been finalized will be setting for the journey 4 days after the Crowning ceremony.."

"okay ...thank you for your hard work... I should take my leave.." liam said before rushing back to her room...

she locked the door before looking at herself in the mirror...

Her face was expressionless... slowly a huge smile spread on it and started squealing, dancing and screaming...

"finally... finally... the day has finally arrived!! I should take a lot of pictures!!... oh my God what will I wear..?!.. if the dressing is not good then I will change the designer for sure..." she mumbled to herself....

Thank god that her room was sound insulated... otherwise everyone would have thought that she was possessed...

After venting her excitement for some moment she finally quietened... then she thought about the second most important thing of the day...

" entrance exam date"

she remembered that she actually knows nothing about The Academy... she opens her laptop, type the name of the institution and was very surprised to see the network stability, it didn't take even a second to open the page...

Divine Life Academy... was one of the oldest and the most reliable institution in this world... children of Novel families, Mafia families ,celebrities ,even non human species like Angels, Merflocks, Dwarfs , Dragons ,Vampires , elfs , children from Imperial beast Clan also study....

Here the rules and regulations are very tight ... no partiality or discrimination is tolerated....

Fighting are allowed till it does not endangere someone's life...

The adventure camp and the missions are taken by the student's own risk.. the institution does not guarantee their safety ...

The entrance exams are very tough with lots of twists and turns...

There are even commoners admission section, they even provide scholarship to them...

So, according to Liam this institution gets 9 out of 10 points... the 1 point is deducted to prevent them from being arrogant.... in short this is a place to form connections...

"I have to form connections here... fine that's not a big deal for me... what I am more interested in meeting those inter species fellows... "

"knock.. knock"

Liam instantly put away her fangirling expression... regressing back to her dignified self , before opening the door...

"Greeting young miss.."

"What's the matter..??"

"The stylish and the designers have arrived .. do you want to meet them now or should I tell them to wait..."

"No!! no!! , ask them to come in.." Mia looks at her little puzzled

Liam also realised that she had responded a little took quickly...

"aham.. ahem.. ask them to come in... it will take time to choose the dresses..."

Mia also recalled , how her young miss is crazy about dresses and thought that it's normal..

she nodded before going to inform them.. not long after the knock resounded again

"Come in.."

Two people one male and a female entered the room...

The female was wearing an Elite dress with her short hair she look like a professional makeup artist...

While the man was just opposite ... he was wearing a flowery and tacky coloured shirt with neon pants... there was a red coloured star tattoo on his neck... with piercing on his Chin and a black earring on his left ear... but surprisingly all this weird clothing looked especially good on him...

"Hello darling!! I am your designer my name is Johnny..." the man said in a exaggerated tone he was known for his carefree personality..

The female smiled politely "Hello mam.. I am your hair stylist and makeup artist my name is Kate.."

Liam smiled at them "hello Kate and What's up Johnny..."

"oh my God... oh my God...!! the young miss is so beautiful when she smiles... I just can't wait to put my creations on you ..."

Johnny was the chief designer of Baldwin design label and Kate was the one of the most talented makeup artist under Baldwin's entertainment company..

johnny had a suitcase with him... like he had come all prepared .."look at this catalogue of all my princess collection..." then he whispered as if saying a top secret.. "I have not shown it to anyone... I was searching for it's soulful owner it seems like I have found it.."

Liam opened the catalogue and her jaws dropped..

so beautiful... so beautiful that one cannot take their eyes off... so serene that even fairies will praise it... even in her previous life she has never seen something as beautiful as this...

she didn't have any words to describe the princess gown was simply outstanding... she looked up at Johnny and said a little emotionally ..."thank you Johnny.. it's simply amazing ..."

"At your service young lady.." Johnny said playfully Liam smile at that..

She heard kate's sigh from the side "young miss your skin is already so smooth and tender what else can I do with it ... let's first discuss the hairstyle ..."

Liam went through the catalogue... each style was better than the last even liam was a little confused what to choose...

After searching and matching with the dress several times Liam locked a hairstyle which has silver crystal butterfly like pins and lot of fringes...

After sending those two out... she laid on the bed and stared at the golden chandelier on the ceiling... she was a little nervous and very excited for tomorrow ..she had never felt these type of emotions before not even when she sat on the same room with world's top most Businessmen and tycoons ....maybe this was the power of a girls fantasy...


At night...

After finishing all the pending legal matters and complaining about having a lot of work, Joseph finally had time to check out his room and rest...

He made his way to the second floor... he didn't know whether it was his illusion or not but he felt everyone giving him weird stares.. Joseph tried his best to ignore them and made his way to his room...

Room number 203 was the room in the middle of the floor.. so he didn't have any problem in finding it at least 'that girl has some conscience' he wore a smug smile and entered his room after having his dinner he had a refreshing bath before calling it a day...

"Ahh...Ahhh..ahh slower... ahh!!."


"Baby you are so tight..!!. I can't move!!.."

"Oh yeah..!! are deep...sob...sob..."

"Hnn!! hnn!!"

Joseph woke up from the noises... at first he was very annoyed ..but .. when he heard clearly what those noises were... his aged face turned red like a monkeys butt...

"I was wrong !!! that Brat didn't have any conscience.."

Liam was reading a business journal when her phone Rang ...

A knowing smile appeared on her face... she pick up the phone..


Before she could continue... she was forced to move the phone away from her ears..

"YOU BRAT!!!.. you did it on purpose right...."

Liam was rolling around laughing internally but she said in an innocent tone..." Uncle Joseph what are you talking about..."

"you know that... you know that... about the sounds here..."

"sounds..?? what kind of sounds??.."

Joseph stuttered.. unable to produce that kind of children restricted sounds ...

Liam stifled her laughter and said in a blank tone.. "uncle Joseph you are an adult so you should not fuss over these little sound... your room is still under renovation, so you have to stay there for a week, I am sorry for you inconvenience..."

"One week!! brat don't be so inhuman.... how can a old virgin like me can tolerate this for a week..?!?!... hello... hello.."

While he was complaining Liam her already ended the call ...

She had arranged his room on the floor where only couples lived..

This was her retaliation for not letting her have her tasty breakfast..

She closed her book and went to her bed in a good mood... tomorrow was a big day so she has to make sure to have her beauty sleep...