Crowning ceremony...

The next day...

The entire Baldwin Mansion had a lovely atmosphere...

Everyone was doing their respective work... one thing that was common among them was the sence of relief....

After a long 30 years there will be a new Crown princess the hope of Baldwin house..

Long time ago... the Vertian nation was ruled by an Union Kingdom ...but due to internal power struggle, they broke into five small families known as great ancients..

These families had their own specialities... one of them where family of physicians- producing great healers of all time... the other was a family of Aristocrat- famous for dealing with haughty non human species, contributing as an one of the pillars of the country's economy... third one was the family of beast tamers- taming high ranking beasts and even those who can shape shift are there family secret..... the fourth family was one with shamans- they deal with Ghost and souls becoming one of the rarest profession in the nation.... the last one was the Mafia family-dealing with the Underworld... and that family was not other than the Baldwin family..

In terms of power Baldwin family was one of the top powers, but they economically suck..

What is the use of power if you don't have money to support it...

Although they were on good terms with the other great Ancients... due to their immense Pride, they didn't take any help from them ...

Long story short... the Baldwin family was filled with all Brouns and no brains..

As a great strategist,Liam was famous for her decisive nature and its accuracy.... they had already seen a glimpse of her talent so everyone were relieved for their family's future...

However, the person whose shoulders were burdened with this large responsibility was now gobbling down her food....

Ema was staring helplessly at the little glutton in front of her "chomp... chomp.."

Liam was chomping alternatively on the donut in her hands...

"Young miss... I think it's enough. You won't be able to take it anymore..."Mia desperately tried to stop her...

"iss is th lat an" (This is the last one)

Although Liam was feasting on the delicious treat she didn't seem to enjoy it ...

Early in the morning when she was trying on her gown, she found out a devastating fact, that the dress was lose at her waist area and the most cruel thing was it can't be adjusted because of jonney's special threading method...

She wanted to cry but had no tears.."....."

So, liam has been eating since last 2 hours to make do with this little adjustment . Anyway she was very ..a little more weight won't hurt..

Everyone tried to persuade her to compromise with the dress, but our 'miss perfect' won't listen to it..

After finishing the last two Donuts she finally sighed in relief...

"knock... knock"

"come in .."

"Greeting young miss.." Liam nodded

"What's the matter..??"

"There is a package for you.. we have already scanned it and it has passed the security check.."

Liam looked at the maid who was looking more like a bodyguard in her tight fitting black Assassin clothes..

"fine.. send it in.."

The maid left before coming in with a nicely packed box..

Liam took it curiously before unpacking it..

she saw an exquisite box ... it was so pretty that she would rather return the goods inside than parting with this box...

She opened the box and forgot about her initial statement..!! Inside was lying a pinkish white diamond necklace it was like an outer worldly possessions..

she stared at the necklace in daze..

Liam was actually a little worried about the matching accessories for her today's dress....

Although the gown was very beautiful, Johnny didn't have the matching accessories...

Coincidentally the necklace in front of was exactly what she needed ..

She checked for the sender of this beautiful gift ,only to see her Masters name written at the back of the box...

After seeing the sender ,she didn't feel burdened from this gift ...she happily took the necklace before trying it ..

Unsurprisingly, she looked gorgeous...

In the Mansion hall...

Everyone were busy enough to pay attention around them... unknown to them, two sneaky figures were hiding behind the tallest beam of the Queen's Throne...

Two girls one tall and another short with inconspicuous facial features ..seem to be bekaring with each other..

"Why are you here?!!" The tall girl roared..

"If you are here why can't I be?!" the shorter girl said indifferently .. there was a trace of ridicule in her voice..

"You-..." The taller girl was speechless ... although she was furious , she didn't have the right to prevent her from coming..

"Sigh.. Ava you know why I am doing this ... I don't even know if this is a trap of our enemy ....The only thing that I know is ... I have to confirm whichever traces we found about her..." The taller girl said in a low voice ... melancholy was evident in her voice..

"Amille what do you think of yourself?! A superhero!!...A knight in shinning armor... !!Do you have to shoulder all the responsibilities yourself..?? hah?!!.. Although my soul is incomplete and I may not live for even one thousand years.. but.. but I can't watch my little sister die .. before me..." Ava's voice trembled towards the end ... countless sorrow and pain could be heard from her voice...

Amille's eyes teared up..." What nonsense are you talking about?!! nothing will happen to you ... Once we reunite with her highness the supreme , she will definitely find a way.. yeah!! she will definitely find a way.. I don't believe that the history will repeat itself.. We will find a way out ,.."

Ava looked at her sister with heart ache , she hugged her and patted her back like comforting a frightened child " Yeah we will definitely find a way.. supreme will definitely find a way .." Even she couldn't believe herself .. after searching for years , the still couldn't find a trace about the supreme..

After years of constant failure ... their original vigour changed into disappointment ... when they thought that there will be no other way, the pink charm became their ray of hope ...

But after constant failure , there hearts were filled with uncertainty .. what if it's not a hope ..but a trap..

"This is our last chance .. Our comrades are waiting either to hear a good news collect our corpse.." Ave said with determination ... Amille's eyes were still filled with tears but there was also an unwavering light...

Either DO or DIE...

"Who is there ???" Ava and Amille were startled by the sudden voice .. they quickly chanted a mantra and vanished with a white light...

Not long after , two maids came to the place they were originally standing at..

They looked around in confusion .." How strange.. I clearly heard someone whispering.. "maid 1 looked around scratching her hair ....

"They must be the infamous couples ... I have heard that they have been reprimanded by the butler countless times .. but no visible changes could be seen .." maid 2 said in a gossipy tone ..

Maid 1's eyes widened ." Really... so why they have not been fired yet ..??"

Maid 2 sighed " She is the neice of our headmaid , who has the guts to fire her and she has not done any unforgivable crime... "

Maid 1: " yeah! love is not a crime .."

Maid2: " sigh.. its so good to be young..."

Their voice faded as they walked away .. Ava and Amille reappeared and let out a sigh of relief...

The looked at each other before busting into laughter...
