

Chapter 3

Lila smiled proudly as she looked into her reflection in the mirror. She was proud of herself for picking out the best outfit for her date today. All of her outfits were perfect and she loved wearing them. She was planning to pick out the perfect shirt for him to wear tonight as well.

She stood there admiring her outfit for a little bit more before deciding to leave. The sun would be starting to set soon and she didn't want to miss it. She rushed off to get ready since it wouldn't take long to get ready.

As soon as she got home she threw on her favorite pink dress and added a few touches of glitter to her hair.

Lila sat down in front of her vanity and took out her eyeliner. As she put her eyeshadow on, she decided to put a little sparkle in her lipstick. When she applied the final touch of glitter she smiled. Her makeup artist always complimented her.

Once that was taken care of, she went downstairs to grab her purse and phone and headed outside.

A couple hours later Lila walked into the cafe looking extremely hot. The brunette noticed several guys and girls turning their heads to look at her.

Her eyes landed on a boy sitting near the corner who was smiling brightly at her. His brown locks fell down to his shoulders and covered one eye. His eyes looked almost amber in color with small specs of green mixed in between them. His lips formed a pretty pink pout which caused her heart to flutter at the sight. They were painted a pale peach color and framed his face perfectly.

She slowly made her way over to him, stopping a few feet away from him to greet him, "Hello stranger!"

The boy chuckled and responded, "Hi, beautiful. Do you have a name?"

Lila smiled shyly and replied with a slight blush, "Oh um sorry I forgot I haven't told anyone yet. My name is Lydia, and you must be Victor, right?"

The boy nodded, "That's correct. It's nice to meet you, Miss Lila."

They talked for a little while, catching up a bit. He even asked her to sing along to some of the songs playing in the cafe.

After they finished talking, Victor told her that she shouldn't wait tables anymore because the only people who ever came here were either old women who wanted their coffee strong, or teenage boys who were just looking to get laid. She also wasn't allowed to drink alcohol either. Apparently it messed with your brain and turned you into an alcoholic.

Lydia laughed at that last part before telling Victor he could come to her house sometime and introduce her to the gang after he graduated. He agreed and told her he'd be waiting for that.

When she left she waved goodbye to him and began walking to the cafe. Just before she opened the door she noticed Victor waving at her. 'Wow, he's so cute. I wonder why he hasn't dated anyone yet.' She thought. She walked inside the restaurant and spotted Chris.

Chris immediately smiled when he spotted her approaching, "Hey sweetheart, what's up?" He leaned down to give her a quick peck on the cheek.

Lydia smiled back and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down slightly, "Nothing much, I just ran into your brother and I told him I'd help him practice today."

Chris looked at her confused, "Wait your brother knows Victor? I thought you only lived with your mom and dad. How did you two end up living together?"

Lydia shrugged, "I met him at a party when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. We started hanging out everyday and eventually he asked me out."

The blonde smirked and playfully nudged his shoulder against hers, "And what did you say yes to?" He teased.

She lightly slapped his arm and frowned. Chris chuckled as he said, "I'm joking, sweetie. Besides I don't think your boyfriend would appreciate me teasing his girlfriend."

She shook her head, "Don't be silly. Anyway I have to go make sure the table he wants is free. See you later!" And with that she left Chris standing there laughing.

'He thinks I'm dating Victor!? This guy has got to be kidding!'

Lydia raced to the kitchen where Victor was standing looking around at the various dishes spread out on various tables.

"So is everyone ready?"

Victor turned around startled by her voice. "Huh? Oh, I'm done. You are?" He gestured at the table full of dishes, clearly not believing that someone could finish all of these plates.

Lila laughed, "Of course! Everyone will eat a lot. Plus, they pay us really well so we have lots of money to spend on food."

Victor smiled, "Thanks for helping me Lila, but I still can't believe you actually picked my family's favorite restaurant in town." He grabbed one of the plates out of her hands and handed it to her.

Lila rolled her eyes and smiled fondly at him as she said, "It really doesn't matter which one I choose. Your parents and siblings are always happy to see me when we're in town. And besides it's your parents' place and your sister likes eating in here. They deserve a break from cooking."

He smiled, "Fair enough. Well, I guess that means I'll have to stop by whenever I'm feeling homesick."

Lila grinned excitedly, "Great! I can't wait to finally meet your sister and your brother. What is their name anyway?"

"Phichit and Chulanont," he answered and then started talking enthusiastically about his family.

Lila listened attentively as he spoke and she couldn't help but feel happy. He sounded like he truly cared about his siblings and that he missed them. He obviously hadn't seen each of his siblings very often since they were all living in different countries so she figured he'd never had any real chances to talk to them.

"So what should we do now?" She asked interrupting his story about Phichit trying to ride on a motorcycle without helmet when he was ten.

He shrugged, "I suppose we could watch TV together and if you have anything you want to watch we could change the channel."

She nodded excitedly, "Yeah I do! Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure thing! Where do you wanna watch it?" he asked her.

She thought for a moment before replying, "Maybe if it's a good movie that our brothers can enjoy we could order pizza for dinner so that everyone can eat together again."

Victor smiled, "That sounds great! I'll order some pizza then and we can watch movies for awhile until we finish eating."

They waited for their pizza to arrive while watching TV. Once it arrived, both of the young lovers dug in immediately. Once they were finished they cleaned everything up and then watched some more tv before retiring to bed for the night.

Lydia felt herself falling asleep against Victor's chest. Victor had been holding her throughout the whole dinner and although they hadn't touched since then, he seemed comfortable laying on top of her and his soft breathing filled her ears.