Chapter 38: The gates, that now stood open wide, belching outrageous flame far into chaos, since the fiend pass’d through[.] – X, 231-234

“The key,” Laube bellows across the gym, “is to remember that blessed steel and fire can’t hurt you – only them!”

“Sorry, sir, but they can hurt us,” one of the young jackals near the front pipes up. “They can’t kill us immediately. We’ll heal. But they can absolutely hurt us.”

Laube gives the kid a long look, to which they respond by going back to their knife fight with Holland.

For a while, it’s quiet as each pair of supernaturals tries to land a hit on each other, Laube supervising.

“Sawyer gone?” Hayley asks, slipping out of Rhys’ headlock and turning to jab a knife to his abdomen.

“Left this morning,” Rhys replies as he throws himself backwards and out of the way.

Hayley lunges, aiming to get him flat on his back, but Rhys rolls out of the way at the last second and her knife embeds itself into the varnished wood of the basketball court.