Chapter 39: This act shall bruise the head of Satan, crush his strength defeating Sin and Death, his two main arms. – XII, 430-432

It wasn’t even Iblis.

That’s what Lissie can’t get over.

It wasn’t even anything he did.

They’d just rounded a corner in the house, she and Logan, when suddenly there they sat. Two people in armchairs. Staring at a flickering TV playing static.

“H-hello?” Logan had called out, scared, but polite.

“No. Logan, no. They’re not real,” Lissie had tried to pull her away, but she’d only tugged her arm free and wandered over to those people.

“Hi!” she’d greeted them, coming to a stop between their two chairs. “My name is Logan. Are you Joel’s grandparents?”

Lissie had marched over there to get her back, but nothing she’d done had made a lick of difference until first the woman, hands frozen mid-knit, and then the man had turned to them, eyes alight with the same static from the television screen and mouths agape, blaring that distorted electric buzzing only old box TVs could make.

Then, Logan had run off herself.
