Chapter 67: Forget it.

Chapter 67: Forget it.

In Gareth’s room at home, he had thick blackout curtains. As light poked his eyelids, he wondered why his curtains weren’t working. Right as that question floated through this brain, memories of last night intruded. Good God.


Gareth stiffened and refused to open his eyes. Maybe if he simply stayed on the little bed, he could pretend nothing happened. Maybe Tammy would come in and shoot him, and then he wouldn’t have to face the man he had come on last night. He buried his face into the mattress. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d fooled around his childhood bully. He disliked the man, didn’t he? He didn’t even know anymore. Rusty had saved his life.

“Ya want coffee?”

Gareth cracked open one eye. Rusty stood next to the potbellied stove with a black metal craft perched on the top. He stoked the fire and didn’t look at him. How the man knew Gareth was awake was beyond him.