For the next five days, Keyon did the same thing. Every morning he rose, stood in the shower, and started a fight with himself. He told himself that he wouldn’t talk to Huck. While he ate breakfast, he went over all the reasons he shouldn’t call to the man or see the man or, heaven forbid… have sex with the man. Any interaction between them put Huck in danger, but the dopy country music singer was just too innocent and trusting to see it.
He told himself he didn’t even like annoying, irritating, insolent Huck River.
By ten in the morning, every goddamn day, Keyon always lost the battle. Day after day, Keyon was on his cell with the damn country singer acting like a teenage girl in love.
Sitting on his bed in the cottage, he opened the app on his phone that showed Huck’s face. He would never admit it, but he loved looking at Huck’s eyes.
“Hey, handsome,” Huck answered on the second ring. “How did it go with yer meetin’ with Cletus? Any word on yer money?”