
In the year two thousand and thirty-one, VR games have appeared a lot. Various game genres are presented for game enthusiasts and maniacs. The developers always consider all aspects so players can comfortably play their games. And the VR game genre that is currently growing in popularity is VRMMORPG.

Many VRMMORPG-themed games have been launched. Many players already enjoy the games they play. But about two weeks ago, a VRMMORPG game called "EVO" made the trading world explode. The players became even more violent when the EVO game came. The more players who want to play the game, the more players who can't play the game. After all, they are not ready to provide a lot of stock, so they are still launching in a limited and gradual manner.

You must think that VR games that are sold can be bought through the platform. That's wrong thinking. VR games are sold via flash drives, which has forced developers to limit the number of their sales. If the flash drive they sell to the buyer runs out, then they won't make another until tomorrow comes, and so on. That's why many players haven't had the chance to play the games they want.

The stock they provide to the players is minimal, according to their abilities. They can not just sell their wares to buyers. If they do that without considering the risks, they will lose their company.

This is not an age where you have to work constantly. They can't force you to work all the time. You have the right to go home, vacation, and return to your office. Even if there were robots to help them, they still couldn't do that; they keep their game always ready. Robots are limited, they need fuel, and workers provide that fuel: humans.

This year, EVO games can't always be there to buy; there is a time when the game runs out, and there is a time when it is available for sale to the players. But once you get that, you can play the game however you want.

It's been two weeks since EVO games are always sold out. Too many players bought the game, so it was always unavailable in the game store or online shop. Maybe if the game was sold through a gaming platform, which didn't use a flash drive, it could be purchased whenever you wanted.

The reason why the game always runs out is the world of the game presents something different. Try to imagine now! The game's world is only one, but the world is divided into two worlds that separate two different things.

On the East side, it becomes the Fantasy world, the world where civilizations still use magic, the royal system is still in effect... and the most exciting thing is that you are like in the middle ages.

On the West side, it became the Modern world. The world is almost the same as life today, but the world is more advanced, and there are many different things. For example, you can use cars by walking on land or flying, artificial trees and plants, robots that decorate the city... and even houses made of plastic.

The EVO game tells about the two worlds that are hostile to each other. The Fantasy World was not ready for such a civilization and feared the Modern World would take over the entire world. Meanwhile, the Modern World is very afraid of the magic possessed by the people of the Fantasy World, and the world is afraid of the Fantasy world taking over.

If you are a player in that game and choose a character from the Modern World, you will be presented with an exciting story. The Main Quest you run will lead you to victory for your Modern World. You will choose your storyline so that you can win your battle. If you are wrong, and it turns out that your Modern World loses, you will be forced to start over. The level that you have reached will be erased and become level 0. And vice versa if you choose a character from the Fantasy World.

Therefore, until now, after the game was launched two weeks ago, not a single player has dared to run the Main Quest of the game. They are afraid of being wrong and choosing the wrong path, resulting in the world they have chosen to lose.

Until now, the players who played the game had only carried out the usual quests and ongoing events and fought intensely against them or their neighbors in a different world. In other words, they just played the game as they pleased.


"It's so troublesome. Should I play the game? Even if I already got the game, I'm too lazy to play game. I'm not a little boy still excited to play a video game; moreover, it's an MMORPG game. I'm a 25-year-old man, so why am I playing the game? Huh, I'm just like a little boy."

After I said, I threw the flash drive I was holding onto my bed. Then, I noticed a chair that I had never used.

"Father... Damn it. You bought me this. Why did you buy me this? I don't need this, you know."

This is the chair left by my father and became my birthday present from him for the last time. Before he and my mother died in an accident, he gave me a gaming chair as a birthday present. He said he bought the gaming chair because he wanted to buy it. He had wasted his money to buy the thing I never used. He's just wasting his money.


Every time I see the chair, I always remember the smile he gave me when he gave it. Somehow, I always remember him when looking at the pink gaming chair.

I lay down on my bed after that. When I looked at the ceiling above my house, my left hand accidentally grabbed the flash drive given by the woman named Vivi.

"Shall I just try it?"

I raised the flash drive so that it was level with my eyes. I noticed the flash drive that said EVO with the cover image. I've been paying attention to it for a long time. After that, I put my right arm to my face to cover my forehead and eyes and remember why I wanted this game.

I want this game because some people say the game is compatible with the gaming chair I have. It is a unique gaming chair for playing VR games, so that's why I searched for the game so that the gaming chair my father gave me could use. This is all so the damn gaming chair can be used.

"If it weren't for the damn chair, I would never play games again."

I got up, entered the flash drive into my computer, and turned on my computer and monitor. After that, I signed up to become an EVO game player. I decided to try.

"Shit… What the hell is this? Are they asking for my data? Seriously."

I was surprised by what I got to see. There, on the monitor screen connected to the KNTL, Inc site—the developer of the EVO game—I saw it asked for my complete data. It forced me to say dirty.

I don't understand why they asked for that. It's just a game; not even esports games have made it far. I don't understand at all.

When I looked back at the fu*king gaming chair, I couldn't help but write down all my details to create an account for the game.

Anton Pasaribu, that's the first I wrote. I filled in my address, phone number, e-mail address... and residence number. I had to fill them up because of the damn gaming chair behind me.

After that, the site sends a notification saying it will scan the flash drive connected to my computer. I agree with that, and it takes 10 minutes. After waiting for the scan to finish, I downloaded the game.

After the download process finished, I unplugged the flash drive from my computer. I plugged the flash drive into the damn gaming chair; it's located behind the damn gaming chair.

The connection process between the flash drive, damn gaming chair, and my computer is complete. My computer is already reading the flash drive connected to the damn gaming chair mine. I need to run the game application, which is already on my desktop. After that, I have to get started. That's very fast because VR-type games use flash drives as storage.

I sat for a while and fiddled with my mouse a few times. I thought about whether I should start or not for a while. But when the mouse was between the "start" buttons on the EVO game app, I accidentally pressed it and pulled myself by the damn gaming chair. I forgot that my mouse's right-click button is so sensitive; just holding it is... Fu*ck ya.

As a result, the damn gaming chair pulled me back and forth. And as a result of that, I lost consciousness and entered the game.